Covenant Life Pastors Ask Members to Support Separation from SGM in the Best Interest of Church

Yesterday, the pastors of Covenant Life Church specifically asked the members to support their decision to end their 30 year association with Sovereign Grace Ministries and vote for separation in the best interest of the church.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Dear member,
We hope this note finds you well. As mentioned in Monday’s blog post, today we’re providing fuller details on the voting process that’s coming up.
We see voting as a simple mechanism to help us move forward in peace and unity. We thought it would be wise to specifically ask you to support your pastors in the decision to end Covenant Life’s formal association with Sovereign Grace Ministries. We have sought the Lord together over a long period of time and believe that taking this step of separation is in the best interest of our church.
- Voting opens November 21 and closes December 12.
- Members will receive an e-mail reminder on November 21 that voting has opened. Members without e-mail addresses will receive notice via U.S. mail.
The Ballot
- The question on the ballot will read: “Do you support the pastors in the decision to end Covenant Life Church’s formal association with Sovereign Grace Ministries?”
- Members will select “yes” or “no” and also certify that they are casting the ballot on their own behalf.
- The tally will include only those who vote, so we encourage every member to do so via electronic or paper ballot.*
Voting via the church website
- Look for next Monday’s Quick Read (November 19). It will link to a webpage which reiterates all of the instructions and prepares you for the start of voting on November 21.
- On November 21, you will receive the e-mail reminder that voting is open.
Try out your login:
- In advance of member voting, we want to make sure everyone can log in to the website’s member area without problems. To log in, look for the green “Members” button at the top right of the page. It will take you to If you’re already logged in, the green button will say, “Hi [your first name]”.
- Can’t remember your username/password? Go to the Forgot Password page, enter the e-mail address you use when communicating with the church, and the system will send you your username and password. Just check your e-mail inbox.
- If you should have problems logging in, please e-mail, use the Report a Technical Problem page, or call the church office.
Voting via paper ballot*
- Members who do not have an e-mail address on file with the church office will automatically receive a letter via U.S. mail with simple instructions for voting by paper ballot.
- People who have e-mail addresses but prefer not to vote electronically may vote by paper ballot as well.
- To vote by paper ballot: Come to the church office any day during the three-week voting period, including Sundays. A staffer will verify your I.D. and give you a ballot. You’ll fill out the ballot and deposit it into a ballot box. All done!
- Hours for voting are:
- Sunday: 8-9 a.m. | 10:30-11:30 a.m. | 1-1:45 p.m.
- Monday - Saturday: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
- The office will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 22-23, for Thanksgiving.
- If you know of a member who would prefer a paper ballot, please feel free to pass on the above instructions, or direct them to the Welcome Center on Sundays.
- Questions? Call the church office (301-869-2800), or e-mail
What happens after I vote?
- If you vote electronically, you’ll see a confirmation message on screen saying your vote has been recorded. Those who vote by paper ballot will receive a smile and thanks from the staffer who serves them!
- The final tally will be reported to the congregation by Sunday, Dec. 16. There will be no “tally updates” during the voting period.
If you have unresolved questions, thoughts or feedback about the path we’re on, we encourage you to sign up for the November 18 Coffee & Conversation this Sunday, and also to dialogue with us as pastors. We want to care for you and process these things with you. If you are struggling in any way, or just want to talk, we’d love to hear from you.
Grace and peace,
The Pastoral Team