Does Kevin DeYoung & The Gospel Coalition Still Believe C.J. Mahaney Is Guiltless & Beyond Reproach?

Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, and Carl Trueman were handpicked by C.J. Mahaney to examine his written confessions of sin primarily against me. This was done in secret. I didn’t even know it was going on until after the fact. They never talked to me. They never contacted me. It was a sham.
On July 27, 2011, they concluded C.J. was fit for ministry, above reproach, and a model to be followed. DeYoung and Ortlund were Council Members for The Gospel Coalition. So were Mahaney and Joshua Harris. DeYoung wrote, “Joshua Harris is a very good friend. So is C.J. Mahaney.” He was not impartial.
I wrote about their corrupt conclusion.
Conclusive Evidence the Investigation of C.J. Mahaney’s Confessed Sins by Kevin DeYoung, Ray Ortlund, & Carl Trueman Was Thoroughly Corrupt
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:54 PM
Since then, Ortlund and Trueman have severed ties with Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches but refuse to acknowledge their past wrong doing.
Ray Ortlund Severs Ties with C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches
Saturday, October 9, 2021 at 12:02PM
Todd Pruitt Defiantly Tells Readers at The Wartburg Watch that “Carl Trueman Does Not Owe Them Answers” Regarding His Vindication of C.J. Mahaney
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 at 12:45 PM
Fifteen months after their vindication of Mahaney, a lawsuit was filed on October 17, 2012. It was amended on January 11, 2013 and May 14, 2013. The 46-page Second Amended Complaint with 11 plaintiffs, alleged a conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children in Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries.
Ten days later, D.A. (“Don”) Carson, Kevin DeYoung, and Justin Taylor from The Gospel Coalition came to Mahaney’s defense and proclaimed him innocent of all wrong doing. Keep in mind, TGC is the most powerful parachurch ministry in evangelicalism today. It was co-founded by Tim Keller and Don Carson in 2005.
These men published “A Statement from Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, and Justin Taylor” about “Why We Have Been Silent about the SGM Lawsuit” on May 24, 2013. It was one of the worst argued and poorly researched defenses I’ve ever read or heard.
I refuted their insolent and ignorant claims with documented evidence in a 27 point response. It is hard to overstate their egregious errors. These intellectual giants were totally duped by Mahaney and his surrogates. I used some sanctified sarcasm. Here’s an excerpt.
Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung and Justin Taylor Defend C.J. Mahaney Against Charges in SGM Sex Abuse Scandal
Saturday, May 25, 2013 at 11:51AM
Theologian Don Carson, pastor Kevin DeYoung and blogger Justin Taylor must have passed the bar examination. Yesterday they became defense lawyers for C.J. Mahaney on behalf of The Gospel Coalition. In their first case, they used their inscrutable legal genius to absolve him of all crimes in the SGM sex scandal and all transgressions in the SGM leadership scandal. It turns out C.J. is the victim according to these spiritual leaders turned legal jurists.
But wait, let’s examine their arguments before we accept their rulings!
In what follows, I quote from their statement, “Why We Have Been Silent about the SGM Lawsuit” and provide a response. …
Response 27
You are not in a position to adjudicate any of the charges brought against C.J. or SGM because you have not done a formal investigation or interviewed those who have brought the charges. The best I can tell, you have only interacted with the victimizer and on that basis presented him to the evangelical world as the consummate victim in this irresponsible post. In so doing, you are defending the indefensible and showing yourself to be without discernment in the matter. You should be disbarred. No one should follow your legal counsel.
Five months later, I wrote a follow up that further exposed their disinformation campaign and unwillingness to interact over the evidence. Here’s an excerpt.
Conclusive Evidence Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, & Justin Taylor Never Read Sex Abuse Lawsuit against C.J. Mahaney
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 at 4:41PM
On May 24, 2013, Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung and Justin Taylor wrote a post on The Gospel Coalition website defending C.J. Mahaney against all charges in the sex abuse lawsuit. They emphatically claimed there was no evidence of a cover up by Mahaney. Here’s the problem – they never read the lawsuit!
They are not alone in their travesty. Al Mohler, Mark Dever and Ligon Duncan didn’t read the lawsuit either. The evidence is conclusive. These six men worked together with Mahaney in executing a sophisticated plan to vindicate him without examining the evidence. Indeed, they intentionally ignored the evidence and distorted the evidence. Never have I seen such a display of bias by national leaders in my 40 years of Christian ministry.
I’ve written these men on several occasions but they are unwilling to answer questions or be accountable for their actions. They have defended a man who is responsible for the cover up of heinous crimes. …
Carson, DeYoung and Taylor continue to stand by their statement despite the above and the fact they never read the Second Amended Complaint. Their categorical defense of Mahaney remains on The Gospel Coalition website. How can that be?
I recently wrote Tim Keller’s Double Standard for Mark Driscoll. It serves as another example of celebrity leaders failing to hold celebrity leaders accountable to the Bible from which they make a living. It must end! Leaders like Mahaney and Driscoll should have been removed from ministry for their lying, deceit and abusive leadership long ago. Instead, they were promoted these past ten years like no one else in the evangelical Body of Christ. They became venerated icons in a celebrity culture. This was especially true in The Gospel Coalition and Together for the Gospel. Powerful men promoted them and refused to hear, read, or act upon the evidence against them. …
Brothers [Carson, DeYoung, Taylor], you have grievously erred in the past. I sincerely hope you have the humility and integrity to acknowledge your errors and begin to investigate C.J. without partiality and favoritism in submission to the authority of Scripture (1 Tim 5:20). It’s time to read the Second Amended Complaint, court transcripts and my blog. It is time for us to talk. It is time for me to put you in touch with victims and witnesses. It is time for you to exercise godly leadership in the Body of Christ and stop being used by C.J. like pawns and puppets. You cannot continue to blindly support C.J. like Kevin did recently when he preached at C.J.’s church on August 3 [2014]. It must end. …
Don, Kevin, and Justin, you’ve been beguiled by a man who has protected sexual predators by transgressing mandatory reporting laws and conspired with others to cover up their heinous crimes. It is inconceivable that you believe the sole allegation against C.J. in the lawsuit was he founded Sovereign Grace Ministries and served as its President. …
Proverbs 17:15 is strong medicine but it applies. He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD. That is what you have done in relation to C.J. and in relation to those victims who have charged him with a conspiracy to cover up the sexual abuse they personally experienced.
I sincerely hope you take responsibility for your actions, rectify the past, make amends, and help C.J. do the same. As always, I am willing to meet or talk with you as individuals or a group. Feel free to email at or call me at 704-497-xxxx.
None of these men were willing to talk with me but they were pleased to defame me. For example, Justin Taylor of The Gospel Coalition.
In February 2013, I went on The Janet Mefferd Show out of Dallas. It was a nationally syndicated program on 450 stations. Janet was the only evangelical voice willing to speak out about the sex abuse scandal at the time. She was carefully studying the evidence and appalled. She paid a price but was partially vindicated.
A Must Read: “Al Mohler’s Incomplete Apology: My Story” by Talk Show Host Janet Mefferd
February 16, 2019
As a result, she was opposed by Justin Taylor and castigated for having me on her program. Taylor referred to me as a “known slanderer” on his blog. What a bum! This is the guy who steadfastly refused to talk with me. I wrote him.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2013 8:31 AM
To: Justin Taylor
Subject: Who is the “known slanderer”?
Hello Justin,
I noticed this Dec 3 comment on your blog about “a known slanderer regarding the SGM situation.” I have a simple question. Are you referring to me or to someone else?
“This is not the first time I’ve observed this behavior from her [Janet]. I think it is very problematic that she has given a platform to a known slanderer [me] regarding the SGM situation. She also tried to try the case in the court of public opinion and proceeded in an unbiblical way. In other words, this didn’t seem like a one-off situation.”
Thanks for the clarification.
I asked for a simple clarification. Taylor refused to answer. Even more, he resolved “not to interact” with me. The lack of integrity and accountability among those defending Mahaney never ceases to amaze me. They don’t answer questions. They refused to meet. They won’t study the evidence.
From: Justin Taylor
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 9:04 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: FW: Who is the “known slanderer”?
Given the way your track record of handling personal correspondence, I have no reason to believe our correspondence will be kept confidential and have resolved not to interact with you.
Justin Taylor
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, December 09, 2013 9:28 AM
To: Justin Taylor
Subject: RE: FW: Who is the “known slanderer”?
I guess that means you are not willing to be honest and answer my simple question. Since you don’t want to write please call me at 704-497-xxxx. I’d like to talk with you about your comment. You are quite mistaken about me.
I am coming to you in private per the teaching of Scripture. I’ve never gone public with anything including personal correspondence unless I first took every measure to address an issue in private. In the case of C.J., I (and many others) appealed to him in private for over ten years (2000-2011) before I was forced to go public when he continued to lie and deceive. I simply obeyed the teaching of Matthew 18:17, 1 Tim 5:20, etc. I had no choice. I believe in the authority of Scripture.
Please don’t use what you perceive to be my “track record” as an excuse for not being accountable for what you have written. I look forward to our interaction.
I never heard from Taylor.
Other leaders in The Gospel Coalition like Joe Carter were also defending Mahaney and damming me. It was insidious. Carter had no idea what he was talking about.
Here’s an excerpt from an article I wrote. Nathaniel Morales was sentenced to 40 years in August 2014 for abusing several boys in Mahaney’s church. Mahaney and Joshua Harris knew about it. Carter steadfastly defended their evil because he was not interested in knowing the truth.
Joe Carter of The Gospel Coalition Says “Detwiler Is Making Up” Admission by Joshua Harris
Monday, May 19, 2014 at 11:08AM
In general, Joe Carter of The Gospel Coalition has no clue what he is talking about as it pertains to the long term knowledge of Morales’ crimes by former and current pastors at Covenant Life Church. He doesn’t have the police reports. He hasn’t read the indictments. He hasn’t studied the “Memorandum of Law in Support of State’s Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Sever.” He was not at the four day trial. He did not hear Layman’s sworn testimony. He has not spoken to or interacted with victims and witnesses. I have all of the above and I’ve done all of the above.
Nor did Carter hear Assistant State’s Attorney Jessica Hall tell the jury three times in her opening statement that the “heinous crimes” committed by Morales were “covered up” by Covenant Life pastors.
Joe Carter should be spending all his time exposing the widespread criminal conspiracy to commit and cover up sex abuse at Covenant Life Church and in Sovereign Grace Ministries rather than discrediting those who are on the side of justice.
The day before Carter was defending them, C.J. and Joshua resigned from The Gospel Coalition.
C.J. Mahaney & Joshua Harris Removed as Council Members with The Gospel Coalition
Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 10:31PM
Tonight, C.J. Mahaney and Joshua Harris were removed as Council Members with The Gospel Coalition (TGC). No explanation has been given thus far.
D.A. Carson, Kevin DeYoung, and Justin Taylor of The Gospel Coalition have been staunch supporters of C.J. Mahaney. I wrote about it this past May. Read here. I’ve repeatedly endeavored to correspond with these men, talk to these men, and meet with these men. They have refused every offer.
For instance, here is some correspondence with Justin Taylor. He refused to be honest with me and he refused to talk to me about his assertion that I was a slanderer. Truth be told, Taylor slandered me by calling me a slanderer. He also slandered Janet Mefferd. …
The day after my post, Harris tweeted his reason for resigning.
Last week (May 19), Tim Keller, co-founder of TGC with Don Carson, went home to be with the Lord. Kevin DeYoung will be his de facto replacement from my perspective.
I continued to reach out to DeYoung with evidence. Here’s an example. I wrote him after he returned from the 2015 Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference where he was the featured main session guest speaker. It was a loud endorsement of Mahaney and SGC.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 2:21 PM
To: Kevin DeYoung
Cc: Jenny Olson
Subject: Can We Talk?
Hello Kevin,
I talked with Jenny on Wednesday about how best to reach you. She kindly agreed to bring this email to your attention.
I know you just got back from the Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference so you are digging out upon your return! I have some appreciation for how work quickly piles up when traveling!
Therefore, I don’t expect your immediate attention but I would appreciate it if you read these articles over the next week or two. They address serious issues with which you must be apprised. I just sent the second article to the SG Council of Elders during the conference.
Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused
Monday, March 30, 2015 at 1:56 PM
An Open Letter to the Sovereign Grace National Council of Elders Regarding Gene Emerson
October 27, 2015 at 2:13 PM
Once you have time to read these articles could we briefly talk about them by phone? I don’t expect it would take more than 15-20 minutes. You or Jenny can email me at to arrange a time.
I look forward to interacting with you for the good of Christ, C.J. and Sovereign Grace Churches.
Thanks for your time and attention.
From: Jenny Olson, Administrative Assistant to Kevin DeYoung
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2015 4:17 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Can We Talk?
Dear Brent,
I am sorry but I will be unable to schedule a phone appointment with Kevin.
Thank you for your understanding.
Jenny Olson
Jenny Olson
Administrative Assistant to
Kevin DeYoung
University Reformed Church
841 Timberlane Street
East Lansing, MI 48823
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, November 2, 2015 4:41 PM
To: Jenny Olson, Administrative Assistant to Kevin DeYoung
Subject: RE: Can We Talk?
Can you explain why that is not possible? These are crucial matters of real importance.
I received no explanation.
Rachael Denhollander's Tour De Force
I continued to gather evidence, talk with victims, and write about the conspiracy to commit and cover up the physical and sexual abuse of children. Rachael Denhollander was reading all of it.
In January 2018, she decided to speak out against Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches in a Christianity Today article primarily about Larry Nassar. It was the second most read article in 2018.
My Larry Nassar Testimony Went Viral. But There’s More to the Gospel Than Forgiveness.
Interview by Morgan Lee
January 31, 2018
Sovereign Grace condemned her “accusations” in the CT article as spurious. She responded. Here’s an excerpt.
Public Response to Sovereign Grace Churches
Rachael Denhollander
February 5, 2018
Three days ago, SGC responded to this article and stated I was “mistaken” in my statements and that these concerns “are not true and have never been true”. They further stated that they would not respond to my “false accusations” with evidence as to why they are false, because they would appear “unsympathetic” to victims of abuse.
I am asking SGC to support their recent claim that I am making “false accusation”, “mischaracterizing” and communicating things that “are not true and have never been true”, and instead show true care for the victims by finally dealing transparently with these concerns, through taking one specific step…do a thorough independent investigation of the organization’s historical and current handling of abuse complaints, which will be released to the public.
Sovereign Grace responded a second time on February 13, 2018. It was applauded by Ray Ortlund at 4:24 PM, Justin Taylor at 4:30 PM, Denny Burke at 5:10 PM, and Kevin DeYoung at 6:26 PM. It was a coordinated response. Burke is President of the Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood (CBMW).
Ray Ortlund @rayortlund
To be received and respected as a statement of careful integrity and forthright humility: A Response to Allegations Against Sovereign Grace Churches
4:24 PM · Feb 13, 2018
Justin Taylor
Sovereign Grace: “Here we will seek to address the major questions and concerns many have expressed, along with misperceptions some have regarding these issues.” I found this statement to be careful and helpful, and I commend it to you.…
4:30 PM · Feb 13, 2018
Denny Burk
SGM: “We hope to substantively address the allegations brought against SGC... Here we will seek to address the major questions and concerns many have expressed, along with misperceptions some have regarding these issues.”…
5:10 PM · Feb 13, 2018
Kevin DeYoung
I’m grateful for this careful response and grateful for Sovereign Grace.
6:26 PM · Feb 13, 2018
I responded to Justin Taylor with this tweet.
Brent Detwiler
The statement is full of fallacies. I wrote “C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church & the Conspiracy to Cover-up the Sexual Abuse of Children” as a partial response.…
8:02 AM · Feb 14, 2018
Rachael followed with a second response that was more detailed and based upon the contacts and hard evidence I provided her. In turn, she took the information and spoke “first hand” to survivors and witnesses. She wrote a devastating piece. A tour de force.
Here is a brief excerpt from her response regarding “the Reformed evangelical community.” She had The Gospel Coalition prominently in mind.
Response to Sovereign Grace Churches
Rachael Denhollander
March 1, 2018
Not only has there been no loving but firm pressure to submit to accountability and openness, the very dynamic I warned about in the Christianity Today article has been repeated. My gospel presentation and offer of forgiveness to my abuser was heralded nationally... until I applied those same principles to my own community of Reformed evangelicals.
The skill, precision, passion for truth and commitment to Christ that received wide acclaim was instantly denigrated as “zeal without knowledge”, “false accusations” and acting “without the facts”, damaging the gospel. Yet not a single person who levied or repeated this accusation asked, even once, what facts or research I had done, before making that judgment regarding me. …
Sovereign Grace is widely held out within broadly Reformed evangelical circles as a model for churches, with leaders who are placed in significant roles of authority and prominence. Thus, what has happened at SGM matters far beyond their own churches. It reflects on the broadly Reformed evangelical community. Our response to it reflects on the Reformed evangelical community. When it is not important enough to listen, to find out the facts, to require accountability and transparency, that sends a message about how much Reformed evangelicals care about sexual assault.
Those who hold SGC out as a model for churches and assist in helping SGC and its leaders gain prominence and breadth of influence have a responsibility to those who will come under the SGC umbrella. They have a responsibility to those who see this support in light of the allegations, and the way the victims have been treated.
These allegations are serious. The evidence is credible and probative. … The hardest thing we will ever do is speak out when it will cost, when it hurts, when it is our own community.
Agree. The hardest thing is speaking out against men who were dear friends and the church planting ministry you helped build for 25 years.
The same day as Rachael’s second response, her husband responded to all four men on Twitter. Justin Taylor is @between2worlds. That is the name of his blog on TGC website. He asks them to seriously consider Rachael’s response and ask their friend Mahaney to allow an independent investigation.
Jacob Denhollander @JJ_Denhollander 16h16 hours ago
I hope @RevKevDeYoung, @between2worlds, @rayortlund, @DennyBurk, and others who have supported @CJMahaney publicly will take a moment to seriously consider what is said here and ask their friend to allow an independent investigation so these matters can be resolved.
8:19 PM · Mar 1, 2018
Jacob Denhollander @JJ_Denhollander 16h16 hours ago
I say that without any malice or passive-aggressive intent, in complete sincerity.
8:20 PM · Mar 1, 2018
A couple months later, Ortlund makes a bold claim that all the allegations against Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches were “fully investigated.” He was totally deceived by Mahaney, Jeff Purswell, Bob Kauflin, and Gary Ricucci. Taylor, Burke, and DeYoung were told the same lie. So was Al Mohler. I responded to Ortlund.
Ray Ortlund @rayortlund
The allegations have been fully investigated. Thanks.
5:28 PM - 23 May 2018
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler 3m3 minutes ago
Replying to @rayortlund
The “independent investigation” of CLC was neither. CLC retained a lawyer to do partial internal review that w/held incriminating evidence. Didn’t even talk to victims. It was NOT “fully investigated.” It was a cover up. SGC never investigated. Those are the indisputable facts.
5:46 PM - 26 May 2018
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler now
Replying to @rayortlund
The “Independent” Investigation of Sexual Abuse at Covenant Life Church Didn’t Include Talking to the Victims of Abuse – Incredulously, Executive Pastor Mark Mitchell Says Exclusion Was Due to “Limited Finances” at …
5:51 PM - 26 May 2018
A few months earlier Al Mohler severed ties with C.J. Mahaney after he read my report on the fraudulent investigation by Lars Liebeler at Covenant Life Church. There was nothing independent about it. That is why Mahaney did not attend or speak at Together for the Gospel 2018. This severing was kept under wraps for a year until I learned about it from Robert Downen, an investigative journalist for the Houston Chronicle. I wrote about it in February 2019.
The Inside Story: Al Mohler Severed All Personal Ties With C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches Because Mahaney Deceived Him Into Believing An “Independent Investigation” of Abuse Was Done
Thursday, February 28, 2019 at 4:54PM
At this point, you’d think Carson, DeYoung, and Taylor would sever ties and call for an independent investigation like Christianity Today did in March 2018.
Ten months after C.J. was removed from Together for the Gospel 2018, Don Carson was scheduled to teach with him at Westminster Chapel in London for the Evangelical Ministry Assembly. Whereas, Together for the Gospel ended their support of C.J. and Sovereign Grace Churches, The Gospel Coalition continued their support.
Speaking with Mahaney was clear evidence of Carson’s ongoing commendation of him. He also taught in the upcoming 2019-2020 Pastors College. I don’t know if he still teaches in the PC because Jeff Purswell, who heads the school, now conceals the names of guest teachers.
Well, things were coming apart for C.J. in the United States. As a result, he withdrew from the conference in England. He wasn’t removed.
February 18, 2019
EMA 2019 – Lifted Up: Preaching the Cross – Update
CJ Mahaney has withdrawn as a speaker from EMA 2019.
At EMA 2019 – Lifted Up: Preaching the Cross we are looking forward to contributions from Don Carson, Hugh Palmer, Nigel Styles, Dave Gobbett, James Hely Hutchinson, Andrew Sach and others…
The dates are 25th-27th June 2019, at Westminster Chapel, London.
We would love to have you with us.
To book your ticket or for more information please go to
Since 2019, I have continued to send them evidence. It doesn’t matter. Here are a few examples.
UPDATED: Hush Fund Used by Top Sovereign Grace Leaders to Meet the Demands of a Sovereign Grace Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused
Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 8:13PM
The Conspiracy to Cover Up the Sexual Abuse of Children Under C.J. Mahaney Grows as Shannon Truesdale Comes Forward to Tell Story of Abuse by Her Father & Sister
Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 12:18PM
The Lars Liebeler “Independent” Investigation of Sexual Abuse at Covenant Life Church Finally Exposed as Utterly Corrupt Based on Never Seen Before Transcripts. C.J. Mahaney’s Claim of Vindication Another Great Deception.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 2:02PM
Of course, lesser lights have followed the example of Don Carson, Kevin DeYoung, and Justin Taylor and their willfully ignorant defense of evil. The Gospel Coalition claims the gospel has social implications. Yet, they have never called for an independent investigation. Instead, they are happy to allow the statement of unqualified support to remain on the website. This is scandalous.
The current Board Members and Council Members should vote for its removal and ask Carson, DeYoung, and Taylor to make a retraction. To not do this is a further example of celebrity leaders covering up for celebrity leaders.
Well, the leaven of Carson, DeYoung, and Taylor has leavened the lump. That includes the Arizona chapter of The Gospel Coalition where I live. Here is a vivid example.
Rich Richardson & The Gospel Coalition – Arizona
In February 2020, I attended the two day “Sacred Words: History of the Bible Conference” at First Baptist Church of Tempe. It was put on by the Text & Cannon Institute which is part of Phoenix Seminary. It was moderated by Dr. John Meade. It was well done. I enjoyed being back in “seminary.”
The premier sponsor was Logos Bible Software. The supporting sponsors were The Gospel Coalition – Arizona Regional Chapter, American Friends of Tyndale House Cambridge, and The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.
In the large lobby area, the sponsors had exhibits. I first walked over to The Gospel Coalition table to say hello and see what books they had on display. There I noticed Preaching the Cross by Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, Al Mohler, C.J. Mahaney, John MacArthur, John Piper, and R.C. Sproul. I asked the gentleman hosting the exhibit why they were promoting the book. He was perplexed. I pointed to C.J.’s name. He looked at me with a smile and said, “Yes, we’ve had to remove a lot of C.J.’s books.”
I then briefly introduced myself as one of the men who started Sovereign Grace Ministries and worked with C.J. for over 25 years. He in turn, told me how much he loved SGM and respected C.J. He also asked me if I knew Rich Richardson. I said yes, he was one of my students in the Pastors College.
He went on to commend C.J. saying that even though C.J. was innocent of the charges against him, he did not defend himself but stepped back from ministry in humility so as not to cause dissension. At that point, I had to speak up.
I was talking to Stephen Anderson. He was the full-time executive assistant for The Gospel Coalition Leadership Team in Arizona. I firmly said, “C.J. didn’t voluntarily step back from anything, he was forced to step down because he was exposed.” He appeared stunned.
At that point, John Meade walked by and Stephen called out, “Hey John, this guy is from Sovereign Grace.” John designed the conference and was its moderator. We walked into the auditorium talking. Later, I was able to meet with John. We have stayed in touch. He is a good and godly man.
It was helpful talking to Stephen. I realized Sovereign Grace continues to put C.J. forward as a persecuted saint, suffering servant, and hero of the faith. Nothing has changed since I sent out The Documents in 2011. The propaganda machine continues to spew out lies and disinformation. Men like Stephen Anderson believe it.
One of the main reasons Stephen believed this scenario was Rich Richardson. Rich is on the Steering Committee of The Gospel Coalition chapter in Arizona. He is also on the Global Leadership Team for Sovereign Grace Churches. He is a rabid supporter of C.J. Mahaney and a devious one at that. I’ve written about him here. It is worth the read.
Rich Richardson of Sovereign Grace Leadership Team Spews Propaganda on Facebook Page & Calls Me an Untrustworthy Liar – It Never Ends!
Sunday, October 13, 2019 at 3:26PM
After I sent out The Documents in July 2011, Rich wrote the condemnation that was sprung upon the Sovereign Grace Council of Elders for approval. Mike Pierson, a pastor in attendance, told his church, “It just was quick. It didn’t seem to take dissenting opinion into consideration. It just happened fast.”
It was one the reasons scores of pastors and churches left the denomination. They saw through the attempt to dismiss my charges by discrediting my person. There was a strong reaction throughout the Sovereign Grace Churches. Hundreds of leaders, and thousands of members, left the movement.
Rich Richardson, like Kevin DeYoung, has lead The Gospel Coalition astray. Kevin on the national level. Rich on the regional level.
Kevin DeYoung – Does He Still Think Mahaney Is Guiltless & Above Reproach?
In April 2016, DeYoung posted, What Does It Mean for an Overseer to be “Above Reproach” and “Well Thought of by Outsiders”? on his blog at TGC. I left him this comment.
Brent Detwiler
April 28, 2016 at 2:38 PM
Kevin, you know C.J. is not considered “above reproach” by the vast majority of his closest friends who worked with him for 2-3 decades but left Sovereign Grace Ministries as a matter of conscience when C.J. refused to repent of his pride, deceit and abusive leadership. You also know that over 100 pastors, 300 plus small group leaders, 40 churches including his home church (Covenant Life Church) and approx. 12,000 members from SGM churches left primarily because of his ungodly example. How do you know? I have sent you all the objective evidence demonstrating the veracity of these facts.
Here is the truth, thousands and thousands of people, based upon their own experience and observations, know C.J. falls far short of the qualifications in 1 Tim 3 and Tit 1. Your implication that C.J. is like Jesus or Paul is a blatant and intentional assault on the truth. You absolutely know that he is not thought well of throughout the United States and parts of the world for very legitimate reasons. Well established reasons, rooted in facts, evidence and careful documentation (see No one is more of a reproach in the Body of Christ today than C.J. Mahaney.
But Kevin, you know all of that! Therefore, your post is a testimony to your own deceit by implying otherwise. No one should believe you or any of the men who have likewise defended C.J. as above reproach contrary to the mountains of evidence and experience of thousands. Your deceitful support of C.J. has brought great reproach to the gospel of Jesus Christ. You, D.A. Carson, and Tim Keller at The Gospel Coalition should have worked to remove C.J. from ministry long ago. So too, Mark Dever, Al Mohler, and Ligon Duncan at Together for the Gospel. Instead, you continue to enable him and cover up for him. It is reprehensible in the sight of God. As a result, none of you are above reproach either. All of you genuinely need to repent before you do even greater harm to the cause of Christ.
That was in 2016.
In 2019, national leaders began to sever ties with Mahaney. That has continued. The question is whether DeYoung is one of the them. I asked him and his top leaders in 2021.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2021 7:18 PM
To: Kevin DeYoung; Tom Groelsema; Barry Peterson
Subject: Clarification on Ruling re: C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches
I’d appreciate it if one of you could answer my inquiry. I’ve been told the Board of Elders made a decision that pastors and staff at Grace Covenant Church are not to participate in activities related to C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches. Is that true? Or is something similar true? I’d sure appreciate a clarification.
Thank you,
Brent Detwiler
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, August 2, 2021 8:30 PM
To: Kevin DeYoung; Tom Groelsema; Barry Peterson
Subject: RE: Clarification on Ruling re: C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches
I would appreciate a response.
None was provided.
Kevin has never pursued justice for the victims of abuse in Sovereign Grace Churches. His sole focus has been on defending Mahaney. He is one sided in his approach. These tweets are from 2022.
Kevin DeYoung
“Guilty until proven innocent” is not a Christian way to pursue justice, nor is it loving our neighbors as we would want to be loved.
5:01 AM · Jan 24, 2022
Brent Detwiler
Replying to @RevKevDeYoung
Nor is “Not guilty after being proved guilty time after time after time.” E.g. your reckless long-term defense of CJ Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches & refusal to be held accountable & answer ?s. People can search “DeYoung” at for overwhelming evidence.
5:00 PM · Jan 24, 2022
His tweet also solicited a response from Boz Tchividjian and Jacob Denhollander.
BozLaw PA
Replying to @JJ_Denhollander
Kevin’s words here are a complete farce. Just ask my clients about Kevin’s response after being informed that they had been sexually abused as children at Christ Covenant Church. Here’s a hint...we filed a lawsuit.
9:54 AM · Jan 25, 2022
Jacob Denhollander
@JJ_Denhollander· Jan 24
Kevin himself has sadly been part of the obstructionist impulse when it comes to allowing for some form of due process to get to the bottom of accusations. In 2018, after @R_Denhollander raised serious issues with Sovereign Grace Ministries and their response to abuse...
Jacob Denhollander
@JJ_Denhollander is widely known that Kevin, who had defended them in the past, remained publicly silent in the face of these issues being raised. What is not widely known, however, is that SGC consulted Kevin while writing their response why an investigation was not necessary in 2018.
11:59 AM · Jan 24, 2022
DeYoung has been the go-to-guy for Sovereign Grace Churches. That has been disastrous. He consulted them to adapt a Presbyterian form of church government c. 2012, he encouraged them to institutionalize and become a denomination c. 2015, and he counseled them against an independent investigation c. 2018,
These developments destroyed the heart and soul of a once vibrant ministry.
Kevin is now positioning himself to be the lead voice in Reformed evangelicalism. He has designed a conference to fill the void left by the collapse of Together for the Gospel. There are all manner of speakers but none from Sovereign Grace Churches. C.J. and Bob Kauflin have been left behind. It appears their friends are moving on without them. That is a good but inadequate news.
Kevin DeYoung and all those who have defended Mahaney over the past 12 years must acknowledge their grievous error and ask forgiveness for leading thousands upon thousands of Christians astray. Moreover, in defending Mahaney, they have injured thousands upon thousands against whom he sinned. Many of those have fallen from the faith.
Nationally recognized preachers will preach their hearts out at Coram Deo (lit., “before the sight of God”) but it is pure hypocrisy for those who have protected Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches starting with Kevin DeYoung. He should begin the conference with a confession. The guilty could stand behind him nodding their heads in humble agreement. Justin Taylor could stand next to him in ashes and sackcloth.
Of course, I don’t expect anything like this to occur at Coram Deo or on DeYoung’s blog or Justin Taylor’s blog or anywhere else. The fact is no one has ever acknowledged any wrong doing in acquitting Mahaney and condemning those who spoke out including the victims. The only partial exception to the rule is Al Mohler. Yet, he did it under duress.
Will Kevin (or his elders) ever tell us if he has severed ties with C.J. and SGC? I can’t imagine so because that would reveal his longstanding sin. He fears man more than God.
Kevin DeYoung
Our unwillingness to acknowledge our sin is often driven by a fear of people. We must fear the Lord more than man.
7:03 AM · Jun 3, 2022
As for the conference, I love expositional preaching. I hate when hypocrites do it.
Coram Deo Pastors Conference - An Invitation and Explanation from Kevin DeYoung
Dear brother pastor,
In a spirit of prayerful expectation, I want to invite you to the Coram Deo Pastors Conference. This new event is hosted by Clearly Reformed (a new ministry I help to lead) and Christ Covenant Church (where I have the privilege of serving as senior pastor). We look forward to filling our sanctuary with nearly 2,000 pastors and church leaders at Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina on March 12-14, 2024.
The aim of the conference is, quite simply, to strengthen pastors. After the conclusion of the Together for the Gospel conference in 2022, a number of us started talking about how we might build on that legacy to provide a venue for pastors (and their wives, if that would benefit some couples) to be edified, inspired, equipped, and recharged for faithfulness in ministry. To that end, I organized a small steering group of friends—Justin Taylor, Ryan Kelly, Greg Gilbert, Jason Helopoulos, and Matt Schmucker—to think and pray about whether we might launch a new conference and what that conference might look like. Coram Deo Pastors Conference (CDPC) is the fruit of those conversations.
It may not be obvious from the conference schedule, but we’ve deliberately tried to organize the conference with three kinds of messages in mind: expositional sermons (Smith, Piper, Charles), history/theology lectures (Beeke, DeYoung, Finn, Van Dixhoorn), and messages that address current “hot topics” (Trueman, Gilbert). The three panels roughly follow the same pattern: one panel on pastoral ministry, one on the Christian and history, and one on the vexing issue of Christianity and politics. We hope this approach enables the conference to cover a variety of topics while also being clear about what the various messages are trying to accomplish.
We think there is much to be gained by hosting the conference at a local church (even if that means our space is limited). We will still have a great bookstore, exhibitors, sponsors, and the “feel” of a conference. But we also hope for the “feel” of church. The music will be led by Nathan Clark George, the pastor of worship at Christ Covenant, as he collaborates with other musicians from inside and outside our church.
I love being a pastor, and I love pastors, which is why I am thrilled to be a part of this new initiative. I hope to see many of you here in the Charlotte area for the inaugural Coram Deo Pastors Conference in the spring of 2024.
In Christ,
Kevin DeYoung