Erin Hill’s Disturbing “Hate” Mail & Bad Theology Illustrates Indifference to Extraordinary Deceit of Lead Pastor P.J. Smyth by Most Covenant Life Members

Greg Sommerville, one the Covenant Life pastors and the Communications Director, featured this quote on the church’s blog post last week.
“Erin and Caleb Hill led this song, ‘Surrounded (Fight My Battles)’ last Wednesday night [May 2] at the prayer meeting. I have been listening to it nonstop for the last 24 hours. We have been in miracle territory and that can be exhausting and refreshing all at the same time. For the spirit of heaviness, put on the garment of praise. This is how we fight our battles.”
Yesterday, I wrote about the post in Communications Director, Greg Somerville, Exalts Covenant Life Pastors but Censors Criticism in “Miracle Territory” .
That aside, the quote above reminded me of past correspondence with Erin Hill. She is a well-known member and featured vocalist in the CLC worship band. She helped lead the prayer meeting mentioned above.
Fifteen months ago, in addition to the pastors and support staff, I sent Erin and other CLC members the following email.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, March 3, 2017 3:20 PM
To: [CLC Members]
Subject: Compassion for Friends in CLC
I just finished writing, Lead Pastor P.J. Smyth Deceives Covenant Life Church About Knowledge of John Smyth’s Violent Beating of Boys. I wish it were not necessary but that is not the case. Nevertheless, I feel compassion for friends who remain in CLC. I hope the church survives but with new leaders.
Erin wrote me back and that led to further correspondence. I don’t share that correspondence to shame or embarrass her, but to address error in keeping with my tagline. “Helping Christians judge righteously, think biblically and live courageously.”
One more prefatory comment. Three months ago, I wrote New & Indisputable Evidence Proves P.J. Smyth Knew All About Father’s Violent Beating of Boys – He & Pastors Continue to Deceive Covenant Life Church Despite My Appeals. It was made possible because I was contacted by the most knowledgeable individuals of Smyth’s abuse and granted access to extremely important documents in their possession.
Most members of Covenant Life Church have been indifferent to the extraordinary deceit of lead pastor, P.J. Smyth. That may be changing.
P.J. Smyth & Mark Mitchell Refuse to Answer Question at Members’ Meeting About Reliable Witnesses Calling P.J. a Liar for Denying Knowledge of Father’s Violent Beating of Boys
Thursday, April 5, 2018 at 5:38PM
My interaction with Erin follows without comment. It speaks for itself.
From: Erin Hill
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 10:59 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Compassion for Friends in CLC
Dear Brent,
I’m not sure how you got my email. Please refrain from emailing me information like this in the future. I have a very personal and active relationship with Jesus Christ and am seeking the Spirit, with my husband, on what to do with our future regarding CLC.
I fear that you have gone off the deep end and that your firm anchor (Hebrews 6:19) has maybe turned into a drift anchor. I believe God uses people as watchmen on the wall but your consistent tearing down and relentless pursuit of justice for CLC seems off kilter and appears to be less than humble. God is the God of justice and we can trust that he will bring it in perfect timing and measure for CLC. He is also a God of amazing mercy and we can trust he gives it in perfect timing and measure.
If you would like to be a member of CLC and help to bring needed change, then please move up here, take membership once again and then proceed to seek how God would want you to be a avenue of change. Your emails to members and digging up dirt do nothing but bring division and stir up the pot.
Please stop throwing grenades into this congregation and consider lifting up prayers and encouragements on how this body can thrive for Jesus and be a city on a hill. Consider ending your attacks and placing trust in God to bring out the truth which is what HE wants. Your attacks are hurtful and not helpful to this body. Your prayers, however, are powerful and effective and extremely needed!
I’m in no way saying that we push this under the rug or lock it up and throw away the key. I’m simply stating that from where you are and where I am, it appears to me that you assume I am a dumb sheep that has no ability to hear from my Shepherd and that I am being willingly led astray. It also seems you assume this of CLC members. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, at least in my case. So please don’t lump me in on these emails again. I see it as a distraction because what I’m hearing from the Lord is a message of hope for CLC and that does in fact include purification.
I pray for the Lord to open all of our eyes as the days are dark and the enemy seeks to steal, kill and destroy. The Jesus I serve, brings abundant life, and that is what I believe he wants to bring to you, CLC and the church abroad.
Satan wants to destroy the church and it *seems* as though with your consistent tearing down and pointing out of logs, that you are partaking in this plan instead of building up in love and edification.
Please trust that God will bring perfect justice and perfect mercy and leave it there.
Thank you,
Erin Hill
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 2:45 PM
To: Erin Hill
Subject: RE: Compassion for Friends in CLC
Hello Erin,
I wrote you in compassion. I am not digging up dirt, throwing grenades or attacking CLC. I am simply presenting the facts and speaking the truth with a redemptive motive. I hope the church pulls through by God’s grace but that means members must deal with reality. It is clear P.J. and the pastors have lied and sought to deceive you. I don’t say that harshly or angrily. It is a simple matter of fact and it is part of a pattern. I don’t think you are a dumb sheep. I haven’t lumped you in with others. I just think there is a lot of evidence to discover and process surrounding P.J. and his father. That takes time which most people don’t have. But I agree with you, anyone who studies the evidence won’t be led astray because they will see through the deception.
Satan wants to destroy all churches and often does by tempting leaders to desire greatness. Their self-ambition inevitably leads to corruption. Protecting one’s reputation becomes paramount. Not the truth. Not integrity. Not victims. Yet, there is always hope. For example, with Nineveh. Jonah proclaimed a message of judgement which was a message of kindness from the Lord. Wrath was averted but not without repentance. CLC needs “Jonah’s” like you who will not sweep the current issues with P.J. under the rug. Proclaim truth and grace but don’t yield to compromise. Silence is never an option in face of corruption.
You reference John 10:10 about abundant life but seem unware of its context. The lying, stealing and destruction in v. 10 come from the false shepherds described in the larger context of verses 1-15. I’m afraid your pastors are the “thieves” and “robbers” that are causing you harm.
You reference “the Jesus I serve” in contrast to me. Apparently, I am serving the devil from your perspective. That is unfortunate. All I have done is testify that what P.J. and the pastors have done is evil (see John 7:7). That is a godly service.
Further, I am not the one “tearing down” CLC. It is the Lord who has been openly exposing and disciplining CLC for the last six years. That is apparent, but your leaders have not been trained by it. It was for their good. It should have resulted in holiness. Instead it was taken lightly. More corruption has resulted. See Hebrews 12:1-13. Therefore, I sincerely hope you change your perspective and bring it in line with Scripture for your good and the good of CLC. Blaming the devil or supposed accusers does nothing but undermine the work the Holy Spirit is seeking to accomplish in CLC and the pastors.
Grace, mercy and peace.
From: Erin Hill
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 4:47 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Compassion for Friends in CLC
Dear Brent,
Do you believe that our Heavenly Father can bring about and expose any deeds of darkness without anymore of your help? Do you trust in his word where it says that, “Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his way crooked will be found out?”
IF PJ and the elders are acting in wickedness, could you allow the Lord to deal with them as he sees fit and you can wash your hands of the situation with no further drama and involvement? You have said your peace, now I encourage you to leave it in the Lord’s hands.
I’m all about biblical exposing deeds of darkness as the Lord prompts me. I have had my own personal issues with church authority and have faithfully brought in to the light what I felt called to...after I brought it into the light it was then my job to release it to the Lord’s hands and trust that he would bring about any action (justice, mercy, long-suffering, conviction etc) that he sees fit.
It is not my job or yours to bring about any consequences. We will give an account to the Lord in the use of our time and talents. I believe you have much to offer that doesn’t involved any more time devoted to these exposés.
Take a break brother, and go do awesome things for the kingdom of God in the name of the Lord. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out demons. Encourage and build up your own local body. Entrust CLC to the Lord that he is fervently in love with his people and the Shepherd of the shepherds and will bring about perfect judgement and mercy.
And don’t stop praying!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 6:20 PM
To: Erin Hill
Subject: RE: Compassion for Friends in CLC
I don’t intend this to be harsh, but you have a very unbiblical understanding of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility. Of course, the Lord can do and does many things without our help. Like part the Red Sea or raise Jesus Christ from the dead. But your approach has been used in the church throughout its history to justify indifference and inaction. Evil triumphs when men are silent. That is true of racism, abortion, slavery, and sexual abuse to mention a few. That is why Nathan Morales abused so many boys [in Covenant Life Church]. The pastors did not report him. They were concerned about financial harm.
Or take evangelism for example. Yes, God will save his elect (Rom 9 and 11) but he does so through people committed to preach the gospel at every opportunity (Rom 10). It is never just “trust God.” It is trust God and command people to repent (Acts 17:31). He works through us. It is not a matter of “if the Lord prompts me.” It is a matter of obedience to the revealed will of God.
The same is true with CLC. You don’t have an option but to confront the corruption that exists. And you also have a responsibility to bring consequences. P.J. and the pastors do not meet the requirements of Scripture (1 Tim 3, Tit 1). They should be removed. That is the shared responsibility of church members.
I’d also encourage you to read the prophets staring with Isaiah through to Malachi to set your thinking straight. Then the historical books where you see the difference between false prophets of peace and true prophets of the Lord. False prophets love ease and comfort. True prophets are willing to suffer, endure and persevere. CLC needs some prophets.
Everywhere in the Bible evil is confronted. That’s what got Jesus crucified from a human perspective and most of the apostles martyred. This matter is not complicated. If you do not call P.J. and all the pastors to repentance you are disobeying Scripture. Matthew 18:15-17 applies to pastors too. 1 Tim 5:20 calls for them to be publicly rebuked. Stop justifying your disobedience in the name of “releasing it to the Lord” and “trusting God” to do as “he sees fit.” The sins P.J. and the pastors have committed are extremely serious. They have intentional sought to deceive you. You should be righteously angry. Stop excusing them and stop excusing yourself. Please, for the sake of Christ, the gospel and the church hold them to account.
I have taken this time to help you. You have zeal for the Lord, but it is misguided. This final exhortation is an expression of love and concern for you. I really hope it changes your thinking and results in righteous and resolute action for the glory of God.
From: Erin Hill
Sent: Monday, March 6, 2017 6:35 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Compassion for Friends in CLC
Thanks, Brent.