Ligonier Ministries Covers-up the Truth about R.C. Sproul Jr.’s “Visit” to Ashley Madison Despite Many Appeals

This is a lengthy story but important story. It begins with this introduction.
On August 31, 2015, R.C. Jr. posted a confession on his website titled “Judgement and Grace” because he feared being exposed by hackers for having an account with Ashley Madison – a perverse website used to arrange illicit relationships for the purpose of fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and lesbianism. He needed to get ahead of the information being made public. His statement was brilliant but bogus. It misled the public and was full of deceit.
Here is my initial 11-page letter to R.C. Jr. from October 19, 2105 appealing for his repentance.
The story ends with this exhortation to Chris Larson, president and CEO of Ligonier Ministries.
I [Brent] immediately noticed that “suspended” was added and linked in both listings. I felt some elation thinking you [Chris Larson] were finally giving a truthful explanation for R.C. Jr.’s suspension. I clicked and to my utter dismay it connected to “Judgment and Grace.” I was stunned beyond belief! I couldn’t believe you were directing people to a statement you knew contained false and misleading information. In that moment, I realized you, and I must assume Dr. R.C. Sproul Sr. and the Ligonier Board, were committed to covering up for R.C. Jr. by promulgating his false narrative!
Chris, I invite you to repent by the grace of Christ. Then I hope you will be used of God to lead R.C. Jr. to repentance along with all the related parties who have covered up for him. By “covered up” I mean not exposing his false narrative but instead promoting it. The evidence of repentance will be a public confession by R.C. Jr., you and the Ligonier Board.
I’d encourage you to read the entire story from beginning to end. Just click on Ligioner Ministries Covers-up the Truth about R.C. Sproul Jr.'s "Visit" to Ashley Madison Despite Many Appeals. It will take you to a PDF document.
Unfortunately, all my private efforts for good over the past six months have come to nothing. Scripture now commands, “tell it to the church” (Matt 18:17). I hope leaders across the evangelical divide will appeal to R.C. Jr. and Ligonier Ministries and not remain silent. I pray repentance is forthcoming.
In other news, Together for the Gospel is next week. The leaders participating in the conference continue to cover up for C.J. Mahaney despite his unrepentant past and ongoing developments. For example, Susan Burke, the lawyer for the plaintiffs, has indicated a new lawsuit will be filed in Virginia presumably against C.J., Sovereign Grace Ministries and Sovereign Grace Church of Fairfax in the coming months. Victims of sexual abuse in the church, who are not prevented by the statute of limitations, are bringing the suit.
Or for example, Covenant Life Member & Children’s Ministry Worker, Larry Ellis Caffery, Arrested on Nine Counts of Child Sex Abuse & Two Counts of False Imprisonment (March 26, 2016).
You can also read about this development in WORLD magazine.
Covenant Life Church member arrested for abuse
By Bonnie Pritchett
Posted April 7, 2016
RELIGION | The former children’s ministry volunteer once wrote about his fear of becoming an abuser
Finally, C.J. is a featured speaker at T4G next week. SNAP (i.e., Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests) is organizing a protest since the conference leaders are not willing to remove him as a speaker.
SNAP is the organization featured in the award winning movie, Spotlight, for exposing the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children by the Roman Catholic Church in Boston.
You can read the reasons for their protest and the letter they sent to Mark Dever, Al Mohler and Ligon Duncan at Victims of Sexual Abuse to Protest at Huge Protestant Conference - Together for the Gospel
You can also read about this development at Baptist News Global.
Abuse survivors want conference speaker removed
By Bob Allen
Posted March 31, 2016