Mahaney Indoctrinates Followers with Bogus Belief The Documents Were a “Slander Storm” from Satan Designed to Devour Him Like a Prowling Lion

C.J. Mahaney continues to rewrite history for his gullible followers. Three weeks ago, he preached on “Our Prowling Adversary” from 1 Peter 5:8-9 at his Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.
1 Peter 5:8-9 (ESV) [8] Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. [9] Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.
He said in part,
“Well, slowly and imperceptivity, I became one of those Christians until some 12 years ago, when I was enduring what my wife, Carolyn, identified as a “slander storm.” At one particular low point, when Carolyn was trying to care for me in my discouraged state of soul, she asked me, “C.J., do you believe in Satan anymore?” (8:40-9:06)
It was 12 years ago that I sent out The Documents to all the pastors in Sovereign Grace Ministries. They amounted to nearly 600 pages and follow below.
Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine
March 17, 2010
128 pages
A Final Appeal
October 8, 2010
168 pages
Concluding Remarks
June 8, 2011
202 pages
The Untold Story
June 25, 2011
78 pages
Here is an example of what C.J. was telling me up until the time I sent them out after he announced a leave of absence under false pretense.
From: C.J. Mahaney
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2010 12:35 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Brent, let me conclude by thanking you for sending me these documents. I am deriving much benefit from reading them and reviewing them with others. As I read them by God’s grace I am perceiving more of my sin, more clearly. … So I am grateful for your care expressed in and through these documents and the opportunity to attempt to address these issues again and hopefully do so more humbly and effectively. … So thanks for sending these documents and thanks for your patience with me. I look forward to meeting with you when you are convinced I am sufficiently trustworthy to interact with in person. (CR, p. 14)
Immediately after I sent them out, I was “excommunicated” for slander. People were furious. They saw through Sovereign Grace because they were reading The Documents. Over the next 3 years, more than 12,000 people left the movement. Thousands more have left since then in the United States.
There were 100 churches in North America in July 2011 when I sent out The Documents. Fifteen years later, there were 67 churches in May 2016. There are 69 churches as of today. That is a net gain of two churches over the last seven years in North America. No one wants to join Sovereign Grace here.
Two years ago, C.J. gave the same message at the 2021 Pastors Conference and spun his deceptive web with vigor. I have added notes after pertinent parts from his teaching. It is full of lies and deception. He crafts a false narrative for all the pastors and wives in attendance.
C.J. Mahaney
2021 Pastors Conference
Our Prowling Adversary / 1 Peter 5:8-9
November 10, 2021
But this evening it might surprise you to learn that I am also personally familiar with excessive, unhealthy disinterest in spiritual warfare because over the years, following my conversion, as I grew in my understanding of the sovereignty of God, and Reformed soteriology, the doctrine of sin (which is the biblical category that should inform our understanding of spiritual warfare, first and foremost). But as I grew in those essential doctrines the less I thought about Satan and his strategies to oppose me and those I loved and served with the gospel. (2:42-3:25)
C.J. and Carolyn now view The Documents as Satan’s opposition, rather than God’s kindness. What I wrote as a friend is put forth as a Satanic strategy to oppose him and “those I loved and served with the gospel.” There is no good in The Documents.
Of course, this is C.J. indoctrinating his followers with a bogus belief. He knows The Documents are true and of “much benefit.” He deceives by making them out to be evil, while making himself out to be godly. He knows otherwise.
The day before I sent out The Documents, they were of great benefit and extremely helpful. The day after they were evil and slanderous. And every day since then. In so doing, C.J. has shown himself to be the real slanderer. Playing the slander card and calling good, evil, is a common ploy used by abusive leaders. It is a favorite trick of the devil.
“Well, slowly and imperceptivity, I became one of those Christians and didn’t realize it until some ten plus years ago when I was enduring what my wife Carolyn identifies as a “slander storm.” What David in Psalm 57 describes as “storms of destruction that pass by” – unfortunately in the plural, so adjust your expectations accordingly. It was during this time that I came to realize I essentially ignored Satan’s activity in my life.” (3:55-4:31)
“Ten plus years ago” once again refers to sending out The Documents. I don’t think any fair minded person can read them and then label them slander. They are personal appeals to C.J. and carefully documented charges in keeping with the teaching of Scripture. They are reproofs given with loving regard for the wellbeing of my friend. They are not slander. They are neither false nor malicious. Nor was it slanderous to provide them to the pastors. It was necessary.
Eight Reasons Why Sending Out “The Documents” Was Not Slanderous but Necessary
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 at 10:07AM
Today, C.J. continues to castigate The Documents as demonic assaults and me as the devil’s agent. It never goes well when you reprove a fool.
Proverbs 9:8 Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
C.J. also quotes from Psalm 57 in his teaching. It is a prayer of David for rescue from his persecutors. Time and time again, C.J. has put himself forth as the persecuted. The one who suffers unjustly at the hands of enemies. He has also put himself forward like righteous Job suffering at the hands of disloyal friends who betrayed him.
[1] Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me,
for in you my soul takes refuge;
in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge,
till the storms of destruction pass by.
[2] I cry out to God Most High,
to God who fulfills his purpose for me.
[3] He will send from heaven and save me;
he will put to shame him who tramples on me. Selah
God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness!
[4] My soul is in the midst of lions;
I lie down amid fiery beasts—
the children of man, whose teeth are spears and arrows,
whose tongues are sharp swords.
C.J. totally misdiagnosis the problem. He says, “It was during this time that I came to realize I essentially ignored Satan’s activity in my life.” Satan is the problem, not his sin resulting in God’s discipline. He is oblivious to 1 Peter 5:5, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” There was no “slander storm” – only God’s storm of opposition due to his pride.
In a willful and self-conscience way, C.J. resisted the Lord Jesus Christ when he opposed the input of all the keys leaders in Sovereign Grace Ministries and Covenant Life Church in August 2004 (cf. RRF&D, pp. 16-28). He spiraled out of control thereafter. He tore the church apart. He deeply divided the family of churches. He badly stumbled thousands of people. He lost the vast majority of his friends. He has never taken responsibility for any of it.
C.J. continues.
“And at one particularly low point, my wife was trying to care for me in my discouraged state and she asked this question, “C.J. do you believe in Satan anymore?” Now Carolyn wasn’t inquiring about my formal theology but instead she was gently challenging my functional theology. It was apparent to her that even though I hadn’t altered my belief in the existence of Satan; the devices of the enemy though, they were not a functional category for me anymore. And her concern was that in the midst of suffering I had forgotten there was another character involved with evil intent.” (4:32-5:25)
C.J.’s “discouraged state” “in the midst of suffering” (i.e., persecution, which is the context of verses 6-10) was due to “the devices of the enemy.” The devil was attacking with evil intent to order to destroy him. A roaring lion was on the prowl seeking to devour its prey. Tragically, and so unhelpfully, Carolyn dismisses the discipline of God in C.J.’s life brought on by his arrogance.
Here is the proper biblical response to devilish attacks brought on by sin.
James 4:4-10 (ESV) [4] You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. [5] Or do you suppose it is to no purpose that the Scripture says, “He yearns jealously over the spirit that he has made to dwell in us”? [6] But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” [7] Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. [8] Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. [9] Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. [10] Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.
At the end of the message, C.J. turns his attention to his conflict with Larry Tomczak in 1997. Larry and C.J. co-founded People of Destiny International (aka P.D.I. Sovereign Grace Ministries, Sovereign Grace Churches) in 1982 but Larry was the apostolic team leader.
Remarkably, SGC has rewritten its history and put C.J. forward as the sole founder. That is for another day.
“I had some aspiring pastors recently, they were asking me for stories, stories about Sovereign Grace, history of Sovereign Grace; so as I was doing my old man’s reminiscing. I told them a story, you’d likely haven’t heard this story, this actually would be in the early days of Sovereign Grace, so this is decades ago. Try to imagine me with hair. This is a long time ago. And what went down a long time ago was, I began to have some theological disagreements with a certain leader in Sovereign Grace, relational conflict was also a part of the interactions and I became bitter.” (39:46-40:39)
At this time, I was leading the apostolic team (i.e., church planting team) through theological discussions related to Reformed theology. It was in that context, Larry expressed disagreements for the first time. Larry was also on probation at the time due to serious issues in his life and family. He remained on staff but an interim senior pastor was appointed to take over his responsibilities.
Notice, C.J. is interacting with “some aspiring pastors.” These would be young men who have no history with Sovereign Grace but want to be pastors in the denomination. His brain washing is insidious.
First, he tells them the conflict occurred “decades ago.” This particular conflict was 24 years earlier, but C.J. and Larry conflicted (and competed) with each other from the time they began a teaching meeting in 1973 called T.A.G. (Take And Give). This was not the first time C.J. “became bitter.” He had a long history of bitterness towards Larry before and after this conflict.
Second, there was no resolution of this 1997 conflict until 2010 and it was momentary. That was 11 years ago from the time of C.J’s message, not decades ago. This is pure deception. No one knows more about their conflicts than I do. I was their “pastor” during these relational conflicts. I was always trying to help C.J. deal with his bitterness and Larry with his selfish ambition. I loved these men. They were graced and gifted. They sought to grow but in the end it was their undoing.
Third, C.J. says “relational conflict was also a part of the interactions.” One is left to assume the relational conflict was born out of the theological conflict. No, there is much more to the story that C.J. is leaving out.
Larry was also to blame but the primary source of the conflict for years to come was C.J.’s blackmail of Larry and his family. C.J. is not being honest with these aspiring pastors. They have no clue as to what actually transpired.
The third document I sent to C.J. on June 8, 2011 was titled, Concluding Remarks. In it, I recounted C.J.’s blackmail of Larry. His son had confessed to C.J. and Steve Shank the statutory rape of two girls in the church. C.J. threatened to share the details in public if Larry left P.D.I. stating doctrinal differences were the reason. This occurred in the fall of 1997.
The following excerpt comes from Concluding Remarks. It is what I wrote C.J.
“You would not allow him to explain his departure in terms of doctrinal differences. But then you went further. You told Larry if he included doctrine as a basis for leaving “we will go into more detail regarding your sin and if necessary Justin’s sin.” This was an unauthorized comment. We had not discussed or approved such an approach. It was entirely your doing. You emphatically stated, “If you [Larry] communicate your leaving is due to doctrine in even a secondary way, in print or orally, we will go into more detail. Needless to say, you were sinfully angry at Larry. You restated this threat to Larry and Doris the following day.” (CR, p. 138)
C.J. talked to Larry and his wife Doris the next day. Larry taped the conversation. Here is a pertinent excerpt from the recording (CR, pp. 139-140).
Transcript of Phone Conversation between C.J., Doris and Larry Tomczak on October 3, 1997
C.J. “Doctrine is an unacceptable reason for leaving P.D.I.”
Larry “C.J., I’m not in sync with any of the T.U.L.I.P., so whether you agree or not, doctrine is one of the major reasons I believe it is God’s will to leave P.D.I. and it does need to be included in any statement put forth.”
C.J. “If you do that, then it will be necessary for us to give a more detailed explanation of your sins.”
Larry “Justin’s name has been floated out there when there’s statements like ‘revealing more details about my sin.’ What are you getting at?”
C.J. “Justin’s name isn’t just ‘floated out there’ – I’m stating it!”
Larry “C.J. how can you do that after you encouraged Justin to confess everything; get it all out. Then when he did, you reassured him – ‘You have my word, it will never leave this room. Even our wives won’t be told.’ I repeatedly reassured him: ‘C.J. is a man of his word. You needn’t worry.’ Now you’re talking of publically sharing the sins of his youth?!”
C.J. “My statement was made in the context of that evening. If I knew then what you were going to do, I would have re-evaluated what I communicated.”
Doris “C.J., are you aware that you are blackmailing Larry? You’ll make no mention of Justin’s sins, which he confessed and was forgiven of months ago, if Larry agrees with your statement, but you feel you have to warn the folks and go national with Justin’s sins if Larry pushes the doctrinal button? C.J., you are blackmailing Larry to say what you want!
“Shame on you, C.J.! As a man of God and a father, shame on you! This will send shock waves throughout the teens in P.D.I. and make many pastors’ teens vow, ‘I’ll never confess my secret sins to C.J. or any of the team, seeing that they’ll go public with my sins if my dad doesn’t toe the line.’”
“C.J., you will reap whatever judgment you make on Justin. You have a young son coming up.”
“Another reason for my personally wanting to leave P.D.I. and never come back is this ungodly tactic of resorting to blackmail and intimidation of people!”
This is what I wrote C.J. in Concluding Remarks.
“The way Larry was conducting himself on different fronts was wrong and misleading. But this serves as another example of how aggressively or angrily you can respond when you feel sinned against by someone, especially if you don’t like them, which was the case with Larry. You had renounced him as a friend. This illustration also shows Steve’s willingness to follow your sinful instructions. You and Steve [Shank] need to be carefully monitored so blackmail, threats and coercion are never used again by either of you.
“You didn’t want Larry to misrepresent his departure and put us in a bad light. You were concerned for your reputation. These two, bitterness and love of reputation, were the cause of your rage and compromise. In that conversation on October 3, 1997, you blackmailed Larry and Doris and broke your word to Justin. For 13 years, Larry tried to help you see this sin against them. Finally, his prayers were answered and his perseverance rewarded. He and Doris were longsuffering with you.” (CR, pp. 142-143)
Notice, Larry tried to help C.J. see his sin for 13 years (1997-2010) until he finally confessed to “coercion” but never the crime of blackmail. In his extreme pride, C.J. had repeatedly and adamantly denied all wrongdoing for 13 years. He put all the blame on Larry.
“And each attempt to address the issues and to resolve the matters only seemed to escalate the differences. One date night, Carolyn and I are driving to the restaurant for our romantic date night together and I am pouring out my heart to her. My frustrations with this individual, and if the parking lot and parking space still exist, I think I could take you to the exact space where I pulled in, and with a kind of dramatic flair, before we got out of the car, I told Carolyn, “I’m leaving Sovereign Grace.” I don’t think one “Mississippi” passed, Carolyn said, “Well, I am not going with you.” [laughter]. And I responded just you responded, I responded just like I responded. I told her that, I think my next words were, “Well, that complicates things.” My laughter certainty broke the tension.” (40:40-42:15)
C.J. and Carolyn took their dates nights at a favorite restaurant in Reston, VA. C.J. never told anyone on the apostolic team or his pastoral team that he was leaving Sovereign Grace over his conflict with Larry. This “date night” conversation did not happen in October 1997. I think it happened in January 2001.
Yes, the conflict came to a head on October 3, 1997 when C.J. blackmailed Larry but it continued. After three plus years, C.J. was finally willing to meet with Larry. I put a 20 page memo together for him defining the issues. Here is an excerpt from Concluding Remarks (pp. 149, 150, 151).
“On January 18, 2001, however, I sent you a 20 page memo to be used in preparation for an important meeting between you and Larry on January 25, 2001. This was your first meeting with Larry since he left in 1997 in an effort to make progress toward reconciliation. …
“Here were the three issues of greatest concern that I brought up to you in the following headings. First, your “’Blackmail’ of Larry.” Second, “C.J. Telling CLC Larry is a Liar.” Third, “No Send Off from CLC.”
“Under the first heading, I asked with regard to blackmailing Larry, “Should C.J. have even introduced Justin into the picture during the phone conversation?”
“Under the second heading, I asked with regard to telling Covenant Life Church that Larry was a liar, “In retrospect should you have communicated in such an unqualified way?”
“Under the third heading, I asked with regard to not sending the Tomczak’s out from Covenant Life Church to Fairfax Covenant Church, “In retrospect should some kind of ‘sent off’ been done for Larry and Doris?” You were adamantly opposed to giving Larry any public recognition even though he served Covenant Life Church for 13 years [1979-1992]. …
“After your meeting with Larry you called to fill us in on your time. Here are some of the things you reported to us. You told Larry you “never meant [the Oct 3, 1997 comments] as a threat” and you “never intended to go into details” but could “understand how [they] could interpret your comments as a threat or blackmail.” You made it clear to us that you “did not acknowledge any sin” and “did not ask forgiveness for anything.” You also told Larry he “was not a friend” and communicated your concerns for him and his family.
“This was sad but unsurprising. It was in keeping with your long standing perspective that you had done nothing wrong.”
To be clear, C.J. blackmails Larry in October 1997. He meets with him in January 2001. He acknowledges no wrongdoing. There is no reconciliation. Ten years go by until there is short term reconciliation in December 2010. Then their relationship falls apart again. Larry is uninvited to the 2011 Pastors Conference where C.J. planned to honor him. I kid you not. See Harvey Tells Tomczak to Stay Home - - (
I should add that we were addressing other examples of spiritual abuse in C.J.’s life when he first met with Larry in January 2001. For example, his horrific treatment of Bo Lotinsky who was our administrator.
Bo was raising legitimate issues with C.J. about his management style and he took great offense. Dave, Steve, and I were correcting C.J. for his bitter reaction to Bo’s critique. I was leading the effort. C.J. did not like it. I suspect this is when he told Carolyn he wanted to leave Sovereign Grace Ministries. It took seven years of effort before C.J. finally asked Bo’s forgiveness. It took him 13 years before he asked Larry’s forgiveness. These are not atypical examples.
“One of the things I was saying to this group of guys was that of the countless things that I appreciate about my dear wife, that, that she hasn’t taken up an offense for me. So if I am offended by someone, and I seek to share that with Carolyn, she listens to me patiently, and of course, nobody encourages or supports me more than she does, but she is very careful not to take up that offense but instead as she would say, “Dear, I’m called to be your helper, and sometimes helping involves correcting you.” And it does and it appears that it is more with me than with other husbands from what I can tell. So what she has done that has served me so well, and what she did that night as the conversation ensured, she just said to me, “No, I am not going to follow. You’re bitter. I am not going to follow the leadership of my bitter husband. So she did not take up my offense.” (42:16-42:26)
Carolyn may not have taken up an offense for C.J. on this occasion, but if so, that was an exception to the rule. For example, Carolyn was furious with me before and after the crisis intervention we did with C.J. in August 2004 (see A Final Appeal, pp. 87-88). She would not talk to me or meet with me. Her bitterness, thereafter, had a terrible impact upon C.J.
The same was true in July 2011, when she and C.J. abruptly and angrily left Covenant Life Church. Then again, when they left the area and moved to Louisville in April 2012. And since then, she has put C.J. forth as the suffering servant and condemned the likes of me. All this could be demonstrated but I will spare you. Suffice it to say, Carolyn’s bitterness has been one of the great impediments to C.J.’s repentance. Her calling The Documents a “slander storm” illustrates the point.
From my perspective, C.J. flatters Carolyn in his comments implying she does not get bitter or take up offenses. Instead, she gives more correction than other wives, when in fact, she has fallen so short in that critical category.
In C.J.’s comments to the pastors and wives, he gives the clear impression he immediately responded to Carolyn’s correction and was reconciled to Larry. Nothing could be further from the truth!
If Carolyn confronted C.J. on his bitterness in October 1997 or January 2001 or whenever; it had no effect on him. He did not repent. He did not change. He made no confession to Larry. The only thing C.J. did was justify himself time and time again. I tried to help and raised issues, but he was unwilling to talk about them or consider them.
C.J.’s next comment is incredulous.
“She truly cared for me and went on to say to me, “Dear, these are our friends. You don’t leave your friends. So as I am here, I am reminded of that story I told recently because I just thought at different times here, what if I had left, I would have missed out on the relational richness that is so pronounced in Sovereign Grace. I am relationally rich with friends I don’t deserve. They are all over this room. God kindly protected me as he has many times with the careful, clear, really compassionate correction of my wife so that we together might experience, really, the relational richness. And for our guests, we want this relational richness for each and every pastor in the cities where we serve. This would be our desire and hope for everyone.” (39:59-45:21)
This is hard to stomach. This is C.J. the pretender at work. Of course, he did leave in August 2011. He fled to Mark Dever’s church. Then to John Loftness’ church. Then to Louisville, KY in April 2012. So few of his friends remain! They were forced to sever ties and leave the movement because of his unrepentant pride, deceit, and hypocrisy.
It is not an overstatement to say he betrayed tens of thousands of people because he and Carolyn were bitter. They didn’t stay with their friends, they forsook their friends despite all our appeals.
And this was before the 46 page lawsuit was filed in May 2013 alleging a conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. More friends left after C.J.’s blanket denial of wrongdoing. “Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.”
The exodus of friends continued when he refused to do an independent investigation. C.J. has few friends compared to the past. That includes national leaders. The vast majority have severed ties. For example, Al Mohler, Ray Ortlund, and Russel Moore. And those “old” pastors who remain in SGC are not friends. They are enablers who have benefited from him by covering up for him and creating a false legend about him. For example, Mark Prater (executive director), Bob Kauflin (music), and Jeff Purswell (Pastors College).
The two great heroes of SGC today, and for perpetuity as they rewrite history, are C.J. Mahaney and John Loftness. They are constantly lauded. Yet, Loftness appears in the lawsuit far more than any other defendant. I believe he abused children based upon the testimony of three witnesses. I wrote about it in John Loftness in Focus – Former Chairman of the SGM Board & Alleged Sexual Sadist. I closed with this appeal.
“John, you were a friend for 30 years but based upon all the evidence in my possession, I believe you are guilty of physically and sexually abusing children. That evidence exceeds the testimony of more than two credible witnesses as required by Scripture.” (July 14, 2013)
That was ten years ago. More evidence has been forthcoming since then. For example in relation to Complaint 90 in the lawsuit.
Victims: Jessica Roberts-Thomas, Heather Thompson Bryant, Third Unnamed Girl
Complaint: 90
Location: Covenant Life School (Aspen Hill) – Empty Room
Timeframe: 1985/1986
Ages: Jessica – age 7, Heather – age 5
Alleged Abusers: John Loftness, Steve Griney, Gary Ricucci
90. During the 1985/1986 school year, Defendant Loftness, Griney and Defendant Ricucci brought Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas into an empty room with two other girls. Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas recognized the girls, one of whom was Plaintiff Thompson. (The other is not being named here to protect her privacy.) Defendants directed the girls to strip off their underwear, and lay across desks. Defendant Loftness beat Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas on her bare buttocks. Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas heard the unnamed girl crying, and saw Griney hitting her on her bare buttocks. Plaintiff Roberts-Thomas turned over her shoulder to look for Plaintiff Thompson, and realized Defendant Ricucci had taken her out of the room. Defendant Loftness continued to beat Plaintiff Thomas-Roberts’ bare buttocks, and then he inserted his fingers into her vagina.
[Update: The “unnamed girl” in this account is now known to be Suzanne Truesdale. I wrote about it here. Her father, Jeff Truesdale, also abused her. He was a prominent member at Covenant Life Church. Loftness was his pastor for many years. Truesdale was also close friends of Gary Ricucci, who is Mahaney’s brother-in-law, fellow pastor at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville, & Director of Student Care in the Sovereign Grace Pastors College based in the church. Loftness and Ricucci have never been willing to address these allegations in public or with investigative journalists who contacted them. They have also opposed calls for an independent investigation from leaders around the nation just like Mahaney.]
The only old timers who have stayed with C.J. are those willing to conspire and cover up the truth. Loftness is at the top of the list.
Back to C.J.’s teaching.
“This passage is a reminder, we don’t have to suffer alone, so when John [Loftness] reads this morning, where Paul is saying, “No one stood with me. Everyone deserted me.” I read that and say, I can’t relate.” (45:28-45:51)
“I don’t know what it is like to be alone. Some of those difficult times in my life, I always had friends who cared, all I’d do is inform them. You have to inform them though. Can’t assume they know. You need to tell them.” (46:30-46:44)
This is so twisted. C.J. wants the pastors and wives to believe his friends stood with him and no one deserted him. Therefore, he can’t relate to Paul’s words to Timothy, “At my first defense no one came to stand by me, but all deserted me. May it not be charged against them!” (2 Tim. 4:16).
Of course, no one deserted him, but the majority of his friends in Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries severed ties with him. That is why CLC with 4,000 members, 20 pastors, and 36 staff members, left SGM in December 2012. Only a few pastors and staff remained with C.J. and only a small number of people started a new church in Clarksburg, MD.
One of the main problems with C.J. was his deliberate withholding of information from us about his life. Contrary to his boast, he did not inform us. For example, he never told any of the pastors on his staff about the blackmail of Larry Tomczak. They learned about it when they read Concluding Remarks. They were stunned by his deceit. I always assumed C.J filled them in on his sinful behavior.
Here is a relevant excerpt from Response Regarding Friendship and Doctrine. I am addressing C.J.
“As a result of those evaluations and phone calls [that I had with Joshua Harris, Kenneth Maresco, and Grant Layman], I discovered you had not told them about any of our input over the past three years including the substantial input we recently gave you at the May 13 [2003] team meeting. I was shocked and dismayed but did not communicate those sentiments to Joshua, Kenneth or Grant.
“On the December 16-18, 2003 retreat, we again raised concerns for you but with little effect. Five weeks later, I had lunch with Joshua on January 24, 2004. I asked him directly if you had been filling him on our correction. He said he was vaguely and barely aware of any evaluation we had brought you. When I asked what he remembered you sharing with him, he could not recall anything. It is hard to express how distressed I felt that you were once more withholding information.
“You repeatedly withheld information you were asked to share and promised to share yet you acknowledged no deceit in either of your responses.”
This was a pattern in C.J.’s life. Back again to his 2021 Pastors Conference message.
“With John Loftness today, just started reminiscing. John, do you remember a period of time when in the middle of the night, I mean the middle of the night. So, it would be 1 ,2, 3, 4 in the morning and I would know that John might be up given what we were enduring; so I would call him and at times he would call me. Sometimes the phone wasn’t answered but often it was. And the Lord just worked it out wonderfully, where if I was doing poorly, he was firm in his faith and could strengthen mine, and if he wasn’t doing well, I was firm in my faith, and on top of my game by the grace of God, and I could strengthen him. What a gift those phone calls were at 2:15 in morning when Satan is roaring! “How do you feel about his goodness toward you right now? Survey your life? You really think he cares? If he did why is all this going down? Perhaps you have sinned. Something’s amiss.” [imitating Satan] Oh, when he’s roaring like that, sowing suspicion. It’s so good to not be alone.” (46:55-48:12)
C.J. related to John because he and John were working together to do damage control and cover up their crimes. In C.J.’s case, the offense was not reporting credibly accused sex abusers (like John) to law enforcement.
Below is an excerpt from Grant Layman’s sworn testimony in the case of convicted felon Nathaniel Morales. Grant worked for C.J. and reported to C.J. He is also C.J.’s brother-in-law. “Drew” is the Defense Counsel (i.e., attorney) for Morales.
Grant Layman
Cross Examination by Defense Counsel
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Layman: “I knew there was abuse. I didn’t know details.”
Drew: “And you had no duty as a pastor, or one of the pastors at that church, to report that to the police department? Is that what you are telling me?
Layman: “I am telling you that there were plenty of people involved and I had no.” [Drew interrupts]
Drew: “I am asking about you! I am asking about you!”
Layman: “Right. I did not.”
Drew: “Did you have a responsibility as a pastor, when you become aware of sexual child abuse, did you have a responsibility to report that to the police department? That is a yes or no!”
Layman: “I believe so.”
Drew: “And you didn’t do it.”
Layman: “No sir.”
Grant admitted to breaking the law. He was following orders from his boss. Assistant States Attorney Amanda Michalski told us she could have arrested Grant in the courtroom.
You can read more of his incriminating testimony at C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church & the Conspiracy to Cover-up the Sexual Abuse of Children - - (
C.J. closes out his message by imitating the attack of Satan on him.
“How do you feel about his goodness toward you right now? Survey your life? You really think he cares? If he did why is all this going down? Perhaps you have sinned. Something’s amiss.” (47:35-48:02)
Only the devil would suggest he sinned. Only Satan would insinuate something is amiss. Only the adversary would exhort him to survey his life. Never the Holy Spirit. Oh my! The goodness of God is revealed in these very things, not the devil.
There is no doubt C.J. is well aware of his long term patterns of serious sin and the resultant consequences in his life. Nevertheless, he pretentiously denies they have any bearing on the divine discipline he has experienced from God the Father. He simply won’t admit to any wrong doing.
C.J. ends,
“Oh, when he’s roaring like that, sowing suspicion. It’s so good to not be alone.” (48:03-48:12)
The Documents were a “slander storm” and a baseless sowing of suspicion. So was the 46 page lawsuit filed by 11 plaintiffs/victims. Nothing in them is true. They are the roaring of the devil prowling about to devour the most innocent of men, C.J. Mahaney.
My old friend is alone, and will remain alone, because he has closed the door of his heart to the Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, only corrupt friends, cowardly friends, and ignorant friends, support him in his spiritual apostasy. He has no true friends.
I hope he follows the exhortation of Christ.
Revelation 3:17-20 (ESV) [17] You say, ‘I am rich; I have grown wealthy and need nothing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked. [18] I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, white garments so that you may be clothed and your shameful nakedness not exposed, and salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. [19] Those I love, I rebuke and discipline. Therefore be earnest and repent.