More Evidence Keeps Mounting Against President Thomas White for His Malfeasant Handling of Sexual Abuse & Its Victims

More and more evidence keeps coming out against Cedarville University President Thomas White and his malfeasant approach to sexual abuse. This is the latest from the Roys Report.
Rape Victim Whose Story Ousted Paige Patterson Says Cedarville Pres Thomas White Was Part of Cover-Up
By Julie Roys
May 21, 2020
As pointed out by Todd Wilhelm, who broke the story about Dr. Anthony Moore’s sexual abuse of his youth pastor on April 16 at Thou Art the Man, read the comments too. For example.
MAY 21, 2020 AT 10:42 AM
There seems to be a pattern here. Makes you wonder what else is out there? I am the mother of a Cedarville female student. The treatment of Megan is unbelievable. The Board needs to act quickly and fire Dr. White. My daughter is not safe under Dr. White and his team of Southwestern “friends”. She will not be returning to Cedarville if Dr. White and his team remain. Every CU parent should consider whether or not their child can be safe under this kind of “leadership”.
In this important article, there is reference to Dr. Danny Akin. He is the President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. I met with Danny in August 2006 and set it up for him to meet C.J. Mahaney. They became friends but when I exposed C.J. in February 2013 for covering up sexual abuse, Akin cut back on his “close relationship.” I sent him this evidence.
An Appeal to 77 National Leaders Regarding C.J. Mahaney
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 5:38PM
More recently, Akin, along with Al Mohler, acknowledged his fault for supporting Mahaney without properly investigating the allegations. Read this pivotal article from the Houston Chronicle
Leading Southern Baptist apologizes for supporting leader, church at center of sex abuse scandal
By Robert Downen
Updated 6:08 pm CST, Friday, February 15, 2019
The rape of Megan Lively occurred when Paige Patterson was President of Southeastern. He was followed by Akin when Patterson moved to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, TX. Akin worked to help Megan Lively expose Patterson when she spoke out in May 2018. Thanks for speaking out again Megan! This time against Patterson’s protégé, Thomas White.
Dr. Akin is on the Board of Directors for The Council for Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (CBMW). So is Thomas White and Jeff Purswell. Purswell works for Mahaney and has covered up his grievous sins for the last 10 years.
Now Dr. Akin must work to remove White and Purswell from the CBMW Board of Directors.
It is also time for Acting President Loren Reno & the Board of Trustees at Cedarville University to remove Dr. Thomas White as the President. There is plenty of just cause. Reno was a Lt. General in the Air Force. He needs to show proactive leadership and not lead from behind.
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Cedarville University Trustees Order “Independent” Investigation of Dr. Anthony Moore Who Committed Sex Crimes & President Thomas White Who Covered Them Up
Saturday, May 2, 2020 at 6:51PM