Never Released Before Correspondence with Olivia Llewellyn Provides Additional Evidence of Abuse by Her Parents & Its Cover-Up by C.J. Mahaney & Joshua Harris

Covenant Life Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland has a long history of covering up the physical and sexual abuse of children under the leadership of C.J. Mahaney and Joshua Harris. That includes the abuse of Olivia Llewellyn. She was one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit against Mahaney and Covenant Life Church (CLC).
Her horrific abuse (like other plaintiffs) was also covered up by CLC lawyer, Lars Liebeler, during his “independent investigation.” In his oral report of “findings” to the church on October 26, 2014, he did not address any of her allegations of fact in the lawsuit. He totally ignored the crimes committed against her. After a 17-month investigation that cost 100k, the lead investigator never investigated one of the major cases of physical and sexual abuse!
Instead, it was left to executive pastor Mark Mitchell to address the “situation“ with “Grace Goe” at the same Members’ Only meeting. He too totally disregarded the crimes committed against her. This is all he said about Olivia Llewellyn. The underlining is mine.
Mark Mitchell
Oral Report to Covent Life Church
October 26, 2014
The next situation I’d like to address has to do with the Plaintiff referred to as Grace Goe. This Plaintiff described alleged abuse that occurred within her family while they were members of Covenant Life Church in the 1990’s. We’ve recently learned that Grace Goe has withdrawn as a complainant in any potential future lawsuit. Also in 1997 there was no knowledge of allegations of sexual abuse by the members of the Covenant Life pastoral staff. We also deny the allegation that any pastor ever received a gift in exchange for their silence to cover up alleged sexual abuse. It is not true. Finally, we want to let you know that in 2008 when she first contacted the elders, Child Protective Services had already been contacted and had already conducted an interview with the family in their home.”
This superficial (and false) account was completely at odds with what Joshua Harris promised Covenant Life Church in May 2014 which was 11 months after the investigation began.
Joshua Harris
Sermon, Hold Fast to the Gospel
May 18, 2014
After the civil lawsuit was over, our plan is for the investigators to provide a full, objective accounting of the issues raised by the suit and for this to be shared with the entire congregation. No matter how painful that is, we want everything to be known and addressed and we will put it all on the table when this investigation is completed.
This never happened. In fact, just the opposite transpired. The investigation by Lars Liebeler was a fraud and there was no “full, objective accounting” and almost nothing was made “known and addressed” after its completion.
In the article below, I expose the entirety of Liebeler’s investigation based on the oral reports he made to CLC. I also expose the comments made by Mark Mitchell, who was Joshua Harris’ executive pastor.
The Lars Liebeler “Independent” Investigation of Sexual Abuse at Covenant Life Church Finally Exposed as Utterly Corrupt Based on Never Seen Before Transcripts. C.J. Mahaney’s Claim of Vindication Another Great Deception.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 2:02PM
This article is 181 pages long.
I address Liebeler on page 32 when he says, “I report at this time, that I have found no evidence to support or suggest that a conspiracy has existed, or now exists for any purposes related to any allegation in the amended complaint.”
His “no evidence” was pathetic! There was abundant evidence but he was not interested in it or reporting on it. I wrote this regarding the evidence supporting Olivia’s claims.
“For example, does he have a copy of the unpublished book written by Olivia Llewellyn-Graham about her experience of physical and sexual abuse by her parents that is in the hands of the detectives who investigated her case? Or does he have a copy of her formal deposition that is likewise full of evidence? Or does he have the email correspondence between Olivia’s sister Brieta and Joshua Harris that also contains evidence regarding physical and sexual abuse by their father? Or does he have the letter from Grant Layman to Olivia promising the pastors would report Charlie Llewellyn to law enforcement (see Paragraph 160) but then failed to do so? Or does he have the Child Protective Services reports.” (p. 32 of 181)
I address Liebeler again on pages 120-122 when he says, “I did find that there was no conspiracy to try to protect child predators” including Charlie Llewellyn, Olivia’s abusive father. That wretched statement was contrary to all the evidence which he never addressed!
But primarily, I address Mark Mitchell on pages 148-153 under the subheading, “Grace Goe (Olivia Llewellyn).” My final paragraphs in the section read:
“Lastly, let me address this statement by Mitchell. “We’ve recently learned that Grace Goe has withdrawn as a complainant in any potential future lawsuit.”
“Olivia was in despair due to addictions, etc. I could go into detail because she shared them with me over many months. I became a friend, confidant, and counselor. Her manipulative father and mother told her they would step in and save her from destruction if she withdrew as a complainant in any future lawsuit. She did so under duress to save her life! Literally.” (p. 153 of 181)
Based upon Mitchell’s diabolical comments, the Leadership Team for Sovereign Graces Churches explicitly condemned Olivia Llewelyn (and four other victims in the lawsuit) for making up “false and “sensational” allegations of sexual abuse based upon the Liebeler investigation. They also rejected “the charge of a conspiracy.”
Sovereign Grace Churches Response to Christianity Today Article
February 2, 2018 by Mark Prater
Another five of the plaintiffs made allegations of abuse that were purported to have occurred years earlier. These allegations were sensational and were never confirmed, in spite of investigations by…the churches. … We strongly believe these allegations to be false.
As to the charge of conspiracy, the very thought is abhorrent. Moreover, in 2016 a pastor [Mark Mitchell] of one of the churches named in the civil suit, in response to accusations of conspiracy to cover up child abuse, stated publicly that: “We denied those charges and allegations from the beginning. Not only that, we hired an independent investigator [in 2013-2014] to look into those allegations. The investigator concluded that there was not any evidence to support that conspiracy or obstruction had taken place.”
The Sovereign Grace Churches Leadership Team
[Mark Prater, Mickey Connolly, Tommy Hill, Bob Kauflin, Ian McConnell, Jeff Purswell, Rich Richardson]
C.J. Mahaney, the CLC pastors, and the SGC Leadership Team have stopped at nothing to cover up the physical and sexual abuse of children. That includes the abuse of Olivia Llewellyn and her siblings. That is why I am sharing my correspondence with her.
Our interaction took place from May 2013 to January 2014. At the time she was married to Jeff Graham. I share our correspondence to further prove the guilt of Charlie and Greer Llewellyn and to expose the Covenant Life pastors who covered up the crimes committed against her and her siblings. That includes C.J. Mahaney.
NO ONE reading this correspondence could EVER conclude she lied and made up the abuse she suffered at the hands of her father. She sacrificed everything to get out the truth because her father needed to be stopped from abusing younger siblings and other children in harm’s way.
Her reward. She was dammed a liar by Lars Liebeler, Mark Mitchell, C.J. Mahaney, Joshua Harris, the Covenant Life pastors, and Sovereign Grace leaders. That is the way they have treated all the victims.
We must always remember Mahaney’s heinous denial.
A Statement from C.J. Mahaney
May 22, 2014
Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.
But as Olivia says in her correspondence with me, “He knew everything.”
I’ve added explanatory notes in brackets [ ].
My Correspondence with Olivia Llewellyn-Graham
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 10:05 AM
Subject: Greetings
Hello Olivia,
It is good to connect. I want to do all I can to support you and the other victims. You have suffered great harm. I cannot imagine the horrors of living with a father that abused all his children. By the way, I believe your account [in the lawsuit] and it’s good to know you have written a book [containing evidence of her own abuse]. That is so needed. Not only for the good of CLC/SGM but for the entire Body of Christ. God is using these terrible circumstances to warn, educate, and protect others.
I’ll be emailing you some questions. Any information you provide will be kept in strict confidence. I will not quote you. I will not write the story in a way that gives anyone the impression I have talked to you. [Olivia wanted me to write the story but protect her as the source.]
As a former leader in SGM, I am so deeply sorry that your pleas were denied and the atrocities carried out by your father were covered up by pastors. That is betrayal of the worse kind.
I am tying up some loose ends right now. I’ll be back to you soon.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 1:08 PM
Subject: RE: Greetings
Hi Olivia,
Would you prefer to talk by phone or would you rather I send questions? I am happy to talk if that is easier.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 3:55 PM
Subject: Questions
Importance: High
Back again. I’ve put the questions in the attached word document [below].
Dear Olivia,
Don’t feel any pressure to answer all of these questions if some are uncomfortable for you. I’m asking for [far] more than you may want to tell me. I understand. I’m just trying to better understand your account which I believe is entirely true. I won’t be using any answers or information you provide in my post that shows we have been in contact or that you are a source.
[Note: The following allegations of fact are found in paragraphs 152-161 of the lawsuit. My questions follow after each paragraph.]
152. As Donna Doe [a victim in Virginia] was being subjected to the terror of living with her pedophiliac father, Defendants were also forcing Plaintiff Grace Goe to endure constant physical and sexual abuse from her father, a wealthy man who was and remains a prominent member of the Covenant Life Church.
- By “forcing” do you mean Gary [Ricucci] and John [Loftness] told you to go back home and did nothing to stop your dad’s abuse after you, your sister [Brieta], and Mary [the housekeeper] talked to them 1997?
- Can you explain “constant?” When did the physical and sexual assaults start and end?
153. Grace Goe’s father repeatedly beat her on her naked buttocks so harshly that she bled and bruised. Her father would then submerge her into an ice bath to hide the physical manifestations of the beatings.
- In what other ways did your father cover up his abuse of you and the other children?
- Did your mother know? Why didn’t she turn him in to authorities? Did she fear (or experience) his abuse also? Is she willing to testify now?
[Note: Her mother, Greer, knew and was also guilty of abuse.]
154. Grace Goe’s father also repeatedly sexually abused her, making her rub his feet, which he then inserted into her vagina. He also molested her on several occasions by rubbing his hands over her breasts, at times outside her clothes and at times against her bare skin under her clothes.
- What is the difference between “repeatedly sexually abused her” and “molested her on several occasions?” They seem to be referring to different events.
155. Grace Goe’s father engaged in the physical and sexual abuse towards the other children, including the male children, whose penises he repeatedly fondled.
- Were all nine of you physically and sexually abused? Is it still going on now?
[Note: There are five boys & four girls.]
156. Defendants [Gary] Ricucci and [Grant] Layman learned of the ongoing abuse no later than in or around 1997 [actually in 1996], when Grace Goe was 13. At that time, a housekeeper named Mary Burcham reported the ongoing abuse of the Goe children to Defendants Ricucci and Layman, and discovery will show other Defendants. Defendants Ricucci and Layman met with Grace Goe and her older female sibling [Brieta], who reported the fact of the abuse to the Individual Defendants and sought protection from their abusive father.
- Mary sounds like a heroine. Is that true from your perspective?
- Has she filed an affidavit with the court? Is she willing to testify? Has she talked to the police?
- How did she know about the “on-going abuse of the Goe children”? Were all the children confiding in her or did she observe it?
- Did your dad fire her as a result of going to Gary and Grant?
[Note: Gary Ricucci and Grant Layman are C.J. Mahaney’s brothers-in-law. They worked for him and reported directly to him.]
- Who did she report the abuse to besides Gary and Grant?
- What is your older sister’s name (strictly confidential – I will not name her either)?
- After Gary and Grant met with you and your sister, which “Individual Defendants” were told about your dad’s abuse of you? Of course C.J. Anyone else?
- What does “sought protection” mean? Did you and your sister ask Gary and Grant to report your dad to the police, DSS [Department of Social Services], remove him from the home? I know you were only 13. None of those things may have been on your radar screen. You were very brave.
157. Rather than report the ongoing abuse to the secular authorities or take any steps to stop the abuse, Defendants informed the father that his children had reported the abuse [to Ricucci & Layman]. This led to further abuse by the father. In exchange for the conspiracy of silence, the abusive father paid to send Defendants Mahaney, Ricucci and Layman and their families on vacation to the Kiawah Islands, South Carolina.
- Did your dad tell you the “further abuse” was in relation to your going to Gary and Grant? I believe you, just wondering if he made that clear. I am so sorry.
- Did Gary or Grant or anyone from CLC or SGM contact the police or social services between 1997 and the First Amended Complaint on Jan 11, 2013? They should be in jail for their neglect.
- Is your dad under criminal investigation currently? How is it going?
- Are your brothers and sisters testifying against him? Are they cooperating with law enforcement? How about your older sister [Brieta]?
- Is dad applying pressure to everyone to be silent?
- When did C.J., Gary and Grant take the vacations? 1997 after you met with them?
- Did your dad and the family leave CLC after the vacations were provided?
- Did C.J., Gary or Grant follow up with you and your siblings after leaving CLC to make sure the abuse was not continuing and you were safe?
- Did they ever talk to the other siblings about their own experience of abuse at the hands of your father?
- Did they put any restrictions upon your father or seek to hold him accountable in any way after he left CLC?
- When did the pastors welcome him to CLC?
- Are they cooperating with police now? Will Grant be making a confession? Etc.
158. On or about September 17, 2008, Plaintiff Grace Goe again reached out [to] the Defendants, seeking assistance in preventing the ongoing abuse of her siblings. Defendants failed to report or take any other steps to stop the ongoing and severe abuse.
- Was this after your family was welcomed back to CLC?
- Did you meet with Gary and Grant again? Anyone else?
- Did you have any contact with these men between 1997 and 2008?
- How did they respond this time when you told them the abuse was ongoing and severe? Did they believe you?
- What kind of “assistance” did you ask for this time?
- Did they meet with your dad to confront him? Did they talk to your brothers and sisters?
- How did your dad react this time? In 1997 it led to further abuse. Had you already moved out of the house to safety?
- Did Gary and Grant give any reason or justification for not telling the police or DSS?
159. In May 2010, Plaintiff Grace Goe again sought help from Defendants Layman and Ricucci, as she was concerned that her father was continuing to abuse the children remaining in the house.
- How many children were still at home in May 2010?
- Were they asking for your help? Were they keeping you informed?
160. On May 14, 2010, Defendants conspired to mislead Plaintiff Grace Goe into believing that they would finally assist in ending the abuse. Defendant Grant Layman affirmatively made misrepresentations in writing to Grace Goe, assuring her that “after the pastors discussed this situation, the bottom line is, we feel a moral obligation to report.”
- Was that in the form of an email to you? Has it been placed into evidence?
- Who does “after the pastors discussed” include? Joshua [Harris]? C.J. [Mahaney]? All the guys on staff at the time?
- Report to who? The cops or DSS or both?
161. Yet this was a falsehood. Defendant Layman and his co-conspirators again failed to report the abuse, and instead continue to assist the wealthy father in avoiding any consequences for his ongoing abuse of his children.
- Did they ever get back to you and explain why they didn’t follow through on reporting?
- Do the Ward’s [Chip Ward & his family] and Grange’s [Chip Grange & his family] know about your dad and the history of abuse? They are close friends, correct?
- Are you siblings afraid to come forward except for your older sister? Will dad write them out of his will?
Olivia, it is no wonder if you don’t trust anyone. You’ve been betrayed for the longest time by those that should have been protecting you. It is unimaginable to me. Though I’ve asked for information, I don’t want you to feel like a “source” for I genuinely care for you and the other victims. You have suffered great harms. SGM has acted in criminal ways. Everyone is trying to bury the lawsuit (i.e., factual allegations) and defend C.J. I just want to get the truth out and see justice served. I desire to help in any way I can.
Your dad needs to be brought to justice for his crimes. So do those who enabled him to carry them out by their silence. I plan to write the post tomorrow and Friday. Feel free to call and talk about the questions if that is your preference. 704-935-9487.
Fighting the good fight with you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:08 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Questions
Hi Brent,
That is extremely lengthy and would take a fair bit of typing. I am willing to answer every question, could we possibly do so with you reading the questions over the phone? You can record me if that is easier for you.
Thank you for your care and concern for me and my family.
[Note: She answered my “every question” and went on the record. She didn’t fear being recorded.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:10 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Questions
I’d be glad to do it over the phone. When is the best time for you? Does tomorrow morning work for you? It is so good to hear from you!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Questions
Would you like to talk now?
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:28 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Questions
I am sorry. My phone doesn’t update me well. I got your message late. I am available whenever.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 9:35 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Number
703 434-xxxx
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:58 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Number
Good morning Olivia. I’ll call you at 9:00 am. Thanks gal.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:48 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Number
Would 10 or 11 be okay? It will be noisy most likely with the triplets before then. :/
I will have them on IPads by 10:30 :)
Bless Steve Jobs.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 7:55 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Number
Absolutely! Which time is best? Triplets!!!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:15 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Number
I’ll call at 10:30. Say hello to the iPad babies for me.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 9:13 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Number
If you can give me your number in advance I will text you a picture of the babes, and the six year old (almost out of her twenties) [i.e. Olivia] who barely remembers meeting you...
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 1:53 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re:
Photo is from last fall.
Haven’t gotten in touch yet with Susan [Burke, the lead lawyer representing Olivia & the other victims] about the book, called but she was traveling. Go ahead and post whatever you had wanted.
The book will arrive in time, it isn’t a short read anyways...
Thank you for the time this morning.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 3:04 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE:
You have been through so many ordeals. Like Christ, I hope God will use your sufferings to benefit others. The lawsuit has put the evangelical world on notice. That good purpose, however, does not relieve you of the great horrors you have experienced. Your life has been torn asunder by brutal and deceitful men. I hope they see justice in this life, if not; they will surely meet it in the next life. In the meantime, we will work to protect the innocent and prosecute the guilty.
Thanks for your time this morning [during which she answered my questions]. It was an honor to talk with you. I now turn my attention back to writing. I hope to post your story for the weekend.
In my heart and prayers,
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:56 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Bill Gothard
Had a thought for you. I used to attend the Gothard Institutes. Early on I observed that he never talked about the gospel. He always talked about obedience to biblical principles. That equates with legalism. I was always suspect. I concluded Bill Gothard was a terrible interpreter of the Bible. That’s why his destructive understanding of Scripture harmed you. You may want to get the book, “A Matter of Basic Principles – Bill Gothard and the Christian Life” by Don Veinot, Joy Veinot and Ron Henzel. It exposes him and his teaching.
The content of the Bible is never the problem; it is the faulty teaching of the Bible by false teachers like Gothard, your dad, or whomever.
[Note: Olivia shared with me how her perverse father used Bill Gothard’s teaching to justify his beatings and abusive control.]
Grace to you. Sleep in peace tonight.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 10:06 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Bill Gothard
I was thinking back over our conversation and wondered if I confused you. When I mentioned having you send me your book manuscript I was thinking you could conveniently send it to me electronically. I was not expecting a busy mom to run down to the post office immediately.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2013 11:36 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Bill Gothard
No worries. I never go myself. I just send the worst of the three, usually the boy, down to the town for those sort of errands.
He signed for me with Susan- couldn’t make it to DC in the traffic that time-still waiting to hear back from her tho- about the Electronic copy ;)
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 5:08 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Update on Progress
I am still working on the post regarding Grace Goe. Do you know her? [an attempt at humor] Anyway, it may not be done until Tuesday. Sorry for the delay.
Hope you are enjoying the weekend.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:00 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Update on Progress
Did you mean to send this one to me?
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:10 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: Update on Progress
I was kidding you!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 6:24 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: Update on Progress
I’ve only mentioned the post to Heather [Thompson-Bryant]. I think you’ll like it once done. I’m being careful to write in a manner that protects you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2013 8:45 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Update on Progress
You’re very kind. Thank you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 8:00 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: New number
Just wanted to let you know I will be changing my number later on today, something I’ve been meaning to do, so you can contact me thru email if you need until I update it. :)
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 9:45 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: New number
Tomorrow I will post about your horrific account of abuse and betrayal. I will send you a copy.
How old is your older sister? Did I hear you correctly? Is her name Greta? I don’t plan to use this information in my post. Just for me.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 8:56 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: New number
Brieta. 33.
Right - She would be very upset to be specifically listed.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 5:12 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Dear Olivia,
You are the first to see this post. May God use it to bring about some measure of justice.
The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 5:18PM
You are in my heart and prayers.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:21 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
It’s right there and accurate.
My only fears are the reactions of people, because I am fragile at this time, and of my parents’ potential blackmail with last month’s issues with my husband (porn, and the mutual physical and verbal assault which led to a Ppo [Personal Protective Order by a judge] – which was denied on both of our accounts). My parents were involved in April- and it was their first time in our eight years so there remains that vulnerability and fear of backfire when you know they have picked up recent ammunition. Moreover, I have siblings whose success may support a testimony on behalf of my father (two brothers [Chad, Vance] at West Point, a sister [Kiersten] on scholarship to UMD) [Univ. of Maryland].
[Note: Olivia was “fragile” and there were serious issues in both her and Jeff’s lives. Her parents got “involved” and “picked up recent ammunition” they could use to “blackmail” Olivia into backing out of the lawsuit. In addition, Olivia knew her oldest brothers Chad and Vance and youngest sister Kiersten “may support a testimony on behalf of my father.” She means they may lie and claim Charlie is innocent of abuse for their own benefit. These were the realities Olivia was facing.]
But, life is never uncomplicated.
Thank you for your write up.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:39 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Your fears are understandable and I know you are fragile. I hope no harm is done to you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 11:12 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: CJ- for your peace of mind
I had a flashback when I was reading your post.
CJ was actually the one in the hall merging out of the [CLC] auditorium who asked my parents how it was going the week after Grant and Gary had visited.
My parents hugged him and told him they were grateful for the care.
[Note: Grant Layman and Gary Ricucci visited the Llewellyn home in 1996 or 1997 to talk about the physical abuse. The “care” from C.J. primarily came in the form of not reporting the severity of Charlie & Greer’s beatings to law enforcement. Instead they were put under “accountability” for “harsh disciplining.” This minimal accountability, however, was enough for the Llewellyn’s to leave the church so there was no accountability and the children had no access to the pastors. Greer wrote a letter to C.J. claiming they were leaving over the issue of rock music taking Bill Gothard’s extreme position on the subject.]
The letter on rock music which my mom composed during the time frame (few weeks) they were under the “accountability” for harsh disciplining was solely addressed to CJ (detailing the “real” reasons they wanted to leave).
He knew everything.
[Note: Olivia is being facetious when she says “real” reasons. It was a ploy used by her parents to leave CLC. Yes, C.J. knew everything. Olivia wanted me to know for my “piece of mind” (see subject line) because that is what I wrote in my post. She was providing additional evidence in case C.J., Charlie and Greer, or anyone else came after me in whatever form.]
I don’t know why memories are locked up and then let out, but this is now certain. He knew when he hugged my parents in the hall because he asked about us, and I remember feeling awe that “CJ” knew about us and even cared.
[Note: Olivia was 12 or 13 years old. She thought C.J. cared. In reality, he did not care as she now realizes. Neither did Grant or Gary (C.J.’s brothers-in-law). They should have worked with law enforcement in making the case. Instead, they enabled Charlie and Greer and let them leave the church without ever following up on them. As a result, the physical and sexual abuse of Olivia and the other children continued.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:35 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: CJ- for your peace of mind
You were only 12 years old and experiencing all kinds of abuse. You were very brave to meet with the pastors and tell them what was happening in your home. It’s amazing you remember as much as you do but I am glad my post jogged your memory regarding C.J. That is a helpful piece of evidence and it also confirms C.J.’s involvement. Thanks for the “peace of mind.”
People are faulting me for “outing” you. That’s fine. Please be fully assured I will not tell anyone (except Heather [Thompson-Bryant]) I had permission to write the blog. I’d much rather take some heat than put you in harm’s way.
People can say and think whatever they want about me. What’s important is your story. It is out now and hopefully that will bring about some justice.
A lot of people are now in a position where they have to give an account. They may continue to lie and hide but it will only work against them.
Grace to you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:12 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: CJ- for your peace of mind
I am sorry for that. Give me a little time to muster the courage and I will let it be known, which means, to my siblings, that it was my choice. It will make me alone forever. Sorry I am having a hard time right now. You are like Christ to bear it for me right now. I haven’t known such goodness ever in my life.
[Note: “It will make me alone forever.” Olivia dearly loved her siblings. She was willing to lose them in order to prevent her father and mother from continuing to abuse her younger siblings and deceive everyone. She made nothing up.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 9:02 AM
To: Brent Detwiler; Heather
Subject: Bless the ‘Aristocrat’ distilleries
Alcohol and courage are mistakable: Impulse is confused with intention.
Anyhow, I did it.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 9:07 AM
To: Olivia Graham; Heather
Subject: RE: Bless the ‘Aristocrat’ distilleries
You mean you told your siblings? [I wasn’t following her meaning.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 9:11 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Bless the ‘Aristocrat’ distilleries
No. But it is a matter of hours [before the siblings know]. my parents already emailed me.
I responded to the website [The Wartburg Watch] saying I gave you full permission. And I posted a response.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 9:48 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Bless the ‘Aristocrat’ distilleries
You are a brave girl Olivia to post your support. The light has now exposed the darkness. That is best even though that is hard. Thanks for the stand you are taking.
What did your parents have to say?
How you holding up?
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:20 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Bless the ‘Aristocrat’ distilleries
Well, I should not drink so I can maintain a 4.0 [in college] and fill sippy cups with vanilla milk.
My parents are aware of what has gone on with my husband last month - would love to blame 21 years of their beating to blood, my dad’s sexual perversion, and our starvation (spiritual fasts) solely on my husband’s porn and my alcohol consumption - since last two years (I have severe insomnia).
My mom wrote yesterday that “she is trusting God... (Her) refuge and strength” and that they “still love me.”
The religious rhetoric is the damning of would-be saints. If only little people could see thru it- heaven would be fuller.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:27 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Bless the ‘Aristocrat’ distilleries
The “religious rhetoric” is disgusting. Your mother should sit down with the police and tell them everything if she still loves you.
Are you having a hard time controlling the drinking right now? Keep fighting. Those grades and especially those kids are worth it.
Want to talk by phone? No pressure.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 7:28 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Attention:
Is there any way you could post a message on your site requesting people to be respectful of my brothers and sisters’ privacy. They are not the ones accused, they need people to be compassionate not nosey.
Some of them are emotionally unstable, and I don’t want to be indirectly responsible for something happening to them. Brieta is pregnant and having a really hard time with this as you can imagine.
Thank you for taking heat for me. I am not doing well right now- I had to call my husband back from work.
I thought I was stronger than this, but I am having a nervous breakdown- I can hardly imagine my siblings to be okay.
Please ask people to pray for us rather than make inquiries and make a statement for my siblings that you care about them (rather than it looking like people just want it out).
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 8:05 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Attention:
I just posted the following on Survivors [SGMSurvivors], TWW [The Wartburg Watch], and my FB page.
“I’ve been informed the Llewellyn children are requesting that people be respectful of their privacy. They are not the ones accused. Please pray for them rather than make inquiries of them. Let them contact the friends they need rather than trying to contact them. I know some people are endeavoring to be compassionate but others are being nosy. In any case, they desire privacy and prayers. Thank you.”
Please don’t worry about me. I am glad to take the heat. I am glad to be misunderstood. You my lady don’t need any additional heat. Feel absolutely no need to defend me. I completely understand.
Your father has been outed. That is a hard, necessary and good thing. If there is any ongoing abuse at home this public exposure should end it. This outing also protects your nephews and nieces now and in the future. Your father and your brothers will be less likely to abuse them.
I have a hard time sleeping also. My doctor has prescribed some medication to aid sleep. Your personal physician would be glad to do the same for you. They are safe and they are great help.
I wish I could do more for you. Focus on your own well-being. You have done the right thing. For your dad, mom, siblings and all their children now and in the future. One day, I hope they all thank you! The physical and sexual abuse may end now.
Love and grace
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2013 10:31 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: worried for you
I am scared of what you’re going thru [people were advocating violence against me & saying all kinds of vile things about me], and I am terrified of losing my siblings forever- which is what would happen if they knew I gave permission.
What do you want me to do? I am guessing you knew there would be heat on you beforehand? I didn’t think of that when I gave permission under the request that my siblings not know.
There is no libel here though, because I can furnish you a copy of the CPS [Child Protective Services] reports, which although lacking the whole truth, do have both of my parents admitting to icing us in tubs and making us bleed. One brother also acknowledges being touched “until puberty.” And another sister confirming that. Having a copy of that document would clear everything up.
[Note: This is just one piece of hard evidence that would back up my claims of physical and sexual abuse in the article. But of course, Olivia is lying to me according to Liebeler, Mitchell, and Sovereign Grace. She made it all up!]
It’s really tough for me because my mom apologized- heartfelt I think- last month in April, acknowledging that she and dad were the real ones who should be sued (not the pastors). Somehow she feels a loyalty to them. Anyhow, for the first time in my life, she showed care for me.
It doesn’t give me a childhood back, nor undo all the mental anguish, but the situation started a relationship with her centering around my difficulty with Jeff.
Words cannot express the difficulty of children going against their parents, as there is an innate need for their nurture, regardless if they are abused.
[Note: This is a critical and sincere statement. You cannot doubt her. She was abused by her parents but she still has a natural affection for them. Unfortunately, she was being manipulated by her mother so she would not proceed with another lawsuit against them.]
Anyhow, would it be legal for me to just upload the [Child Protective Service] document? Is there a way to clear you without damning myself forever to my brothers and sisters?
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 12:40 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Planted a bug
I anonymously posted for you on two sites [The Wartburg Watch & SGMSurvivors]. (Saying maybe that Goe wanted it out but couldn’t hurt her siblings and that Brent is taking the blame altruistically) I know my sibs will now see it is me-but hopefully they will have 10% doubt and therefore not entirely kill me.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 7:51 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: worried for you
Good morning Olivia,
I just read your note. Please don’t be scared for me. You don’t need to do anything. Not now or in the future. I am content for things to remain as they are. The comment on TWW about supporting my post is plenty. People (including your family) don’t need to know you gave me “permission.”
You’re correct. I knew there would be a backlash. There is no need to try and clear me.
I hope your mother follows through on her care for you. That would be a sign of real sincerity. No one in your family should cut off their relationship with you because the story is public. They should be reaching out to you.
I understand what you mean about the innate need for nurture regardless if you were abused. Maybe, just maybe, your family will grow closer together since the truth is out. That would be wonderful.
Grace to you in the form of wisdom, strength and peace.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 7:54 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Planted a bug
That is kind of you.
Your siblings have no reason to kill you. You’ve done the right thing. It is actually for their good. I hope they come to see that one day.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 7:40 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Fwd: Re: my mom’s email today
Does she [Greer] want me to say I lied [in the lawsuit]?
Thank you for protecting me and taking the heat for the “outing”
I couldn’t do that to my siblings. I didn’t have enough strength - as it is, I have been shaking all day. The only small redeeming factor that I may ever have siblings again, is that I didn’t do out them on purpose...
[Note: “Does she want me to say I lied.” That is exactly what Charlie & Greer wanted her to do and they later achieved their wicked goal. Olivia forwards me an email from Greer which was a response to an email from her. Both follow in that order.]
Date: June 6, 2013, 5:45:45 PM EDT
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re:
Dear Olivia,
Just as you probably expected, there is little hope that we will have anything - income at all or ever, we will have to sell everything (farm, land, can’t even sell the company) if you continue to pursue the lawsuit. Your family is publicly shamed. I find it hard to believe that this is what u intended. I will love you always, but I’m not sure what you can expect from the rest of your family. I think you should stop this & not go forward with this any farther. We are already devastated, but at least may have some pieces to pick up. If you take this further we will have nothing. You are impacting Beau & Quentin’s future especially [the two youngest children] & you still have a choice. Please withdraw before this goes further.
What will you have gained - esp. if the appeal is lost that was worth this devastation to your siblings & me? Even if daddy & I deserved the shame, your siblings do not. Your withdrawal [from the lawsuit] will not erase what has been done, but it could prevent more from happening. You still have a choice & can make a difference for your family. Many uninvolved people’s lives are also being affected & incomes are being threatened - not just ours. This is not right. Having the media involved to ruin reputations will not win your case in court. And you will have a lot of people that you will have done damage to wrongfully on your conscience. Wrong doing never brings proper justice - it just begets more evil. Please stop this now while there can be some recovery. Not for my sake, even, but for yourself, & for your siblings especially.
with love,
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
Olivia Graham <> wrote:
Lest you [Greer] think I am fine with everything, I actually had Jeff [her husband] take off from work to watch the kids. I am having a nervous breakdown. I wouldn’t have joined the lawsuit if I didn’t want the truth to win the war, and children- the defenseless to be recognized, but I wouldn’t have been under pseudonym if I wanted to hurt my siblings. I honestly forgave you because of April. I have been shaking all day. I imagine if you are sorry over the abuse, you will muster enough love to mend the siblings back. I don’t know if you will ever see me, but it is actually God I am angry at for the pain-not people. He allowed all these years.
I don’t really know brent, feel like I saw him when I was young, and I think he is the opposite of cj, but I don’t want him to go down because of libel, so if that happened, I would stand up and testify, not lie, that the lawsuit is true.
Sorry I cussed in the emails. I was so upset and scared. alone. Please don’t email me if you are going to hurt me, I can’t take it. I shook all day. Will tomorrow. But I know this will pass.”
Sent from my iPhone
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 08, 2013 10:17 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Thoughts on Your Mother’s Letter
Hi Olivia,
Here are my thoughts on your mother’s letter to you from two days ago.
[Note: I wrote this response with care because I wanted Olivia to use it if she pleased to stand up to Charlie & Greer’s manipulation. She could give it to them. My comments are in bold print.]
Date: June 6, 2013, 5:45:45 PM EDT
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re:
Dear Olivia,
Just as you probably expected, there is little hope that we will have anything - income at all or ever, we will have to sell everything (farm, land, can’t even sell the company) if you continue to pursue the lawsuit.
This letter from your mother is full of manipulation and self-absorption. She starts off with “Dear Olivia” but then proceeds to her real reason for writing – money. She wants you to stop the lawsuit so they don’t lose their fortune. She is not concerned about you. She is concerned about preserving their wealth and maintaining their affluent life style.
Why does your mother say “there is little hope that we will have anything”? From my perspective, that is an admission of guilt. They won’t lose anything if they are innocent. But if they have physically and sexually abused you for over two decades then they may lose millions. There is no need for your mother’s craven fear if she has nothing to fear or hide.
Your family is publicly shamed. I find it hard to believe that this is what u intended.
After her concern for money, she is concerned for the family’s image. She still shows no concern for you. Of course, it is not your family that is shamed. It is your father that is shamed. The purpose for the lawsuit was not to shame your family. It was to hold your father accountable and protect others. There are still children at home and there are grandchildren.
Furthermore, your mother should be concerned about your shame. You are the one that is vulnerable to shame. You’ve had to tell the horrible story of suffering physical and sexual atrocities. That is so hard to do. That took great courage. Your mother should be commending you for your actions in the past and present.
I will love you always, but I’m not sure what you can expect from the rest of your family. I think you should stop this & not go forward with this any farther. We are already devastated, but at least may have some pieces to pick up.
This is one of the most manipulative statements I have ever read. Your mother doesn’t understand the nature of true love. Her letter is all about self-love. She is preoccupied with herself and what she craves.
Your mother knew all about your father’s alleged abuses. If they are true, she should have removed him from the home 20 years ago by turning him into the police. She did nothing of the kind. As a result, the ongoing abuses continued according to your factual allegations. Rather than protect you and her other children; she allowed all of you to be exploited and harmed by your father’s behavior. That is reprehensible.
If you take this further we will have nothing.
Once again your mother returns to the subject of money. She will have “nothing.” That means the loss of millions which means the evidence proving trauma of a severe nature over a long period of time is overwhelming. Those kinds of damages would never be awarded by a jury based upon flimsy or spurious evidence. It should be easy for your parents to prove you are a liar if they are innocent. In fact, they should be suing you. Of course, I don’t believe you are being untruthful for a second.
You are impacting Beau & Quentin’s future especially & you still have a choice. Please withdraw before this goes further.
You are not impacting the future of your youngest brothers unless they hoped for a career in Llewellyn Realtors and that assumes the appeal is successful and the case is won in your favor. Your mother is using every conceivable pressure point to get you to withdrawal the lawsuit.
What will you have gained - esp. if the appeal is lost that was worth this devastation to your siblings & me? Even if daddy & I deserved the shame, your siblings do not.
If the factual allegations are true, and your mother concealed or participated in similar crimes, they both deserve far more than shame. They should go to jail. Their pretense of being godly parents should be exposed. It sounds like the alleged physical abuse was all about controlling the children so their behavior appeared perfect in public.
Honestly, both your parents must end the façade and come clean. Your mother is concerned about all the wrong things. She and your dad should only be concerned about owing their own sin, humbling themselves in private and public, and taking complete responsibility for the destruction they have caused.
If the factual allegations are true, they should make a public confession of guilt, commend you and the others siblings who provided the evidence to the Covenant Life pastors, and then turn themselves into law enforcement. They should also provide you with monies to help make a full recovery from the trauma you have suffered.
Moreover, if they have been covering up crimes, you should proceed not only in civil court but in the criminal justice system. If your father (and mother) has physically and sexually abused their own children, they need to be stopped so grandchildren and others are not put at risk.
Your withdrawal [from the lawsuit] will not erase what has been done, but it could prevent more from happening. You still have a choice & can make a difference for your family.
This letter from your mother is psychologically abusive. I can’t imagine being exposed to this type of control, intimidation and guilt manipulation as a child and now into adulthood. She blames you for “what has been done.” This kind of treatment is destructive to the human soul. Whenever you have physical and sexual abuse you always have this kind of mental abuse. Your mother can make a difference by humbling herself and stop blaming you. Much more needs to happen but that starts with your mother telling the truth and taking responsibility rather than trying to silence you.
Many uninvolved people’s lives are also being affected & incomes are being threatened - not just ours. This is not right.
Other peoples’ lives and incomes are being affected but that is not your fault. Here’s the real question. If your father is guilty is [he] going to try and cover it up and throw you under the bus? Is he going to tell his employees and others, “Well, we were a little harsh with the kids and immodest about our conduct? We made some well-intentioned mistakes as parents. Don’t all of us? But we’ve only loved Olivia all her life. Poor Olivia, she’s a troubled soul and the real abuser for bringing this lawsuit!”
If your father is guilty he should ask forgiveness of every employee at Llewellyn Realtors and then take his millions to help them transition into new employment or start a new company.
Having the media involved to ruin reputations will not win your case in court. And you will have a lot of people that you will have done damage to wrongfully on your conscience. Wrong doing never brings proper justice - it just begets more evil. Please stop this now while there can be some recovery.
Involving the media is not about ruining reputations. It’s about reporting on a major sex abuse scandal that you and ten other Plaintiffs believe is true. The lawsuit is not about ruining reputations. It is about exposing evil of the worse kind. Don’t allow you mother to put a guilt trip on you. What you are doing is not wrong. It is just. What your mother is doing is wrong and begets more evil. She needs to stop so there can be some recovery. It is shocking to see her lecture you on morality.
Not for my sake, even, but for yourself, & for your siblings especially.
Of course, it is for her sake. She has said so repeatedly. Ending the lawsuit doesn’t serve you. It serves injustice and it may harm your siblings and their offspring.
There is ONLY ONE REASON for you to stop dead in your tracks and pull out of the civil suit but it is not a reason your mother even touches upon in passing. It is this. You are a liar and Complaints 152-161 are evil fabrications! If that is true then you should stop. However, I believe you are telling the truth. I believe you have the evidence. I believe the Covenant Life pastors have the evidence. I believe your siblings have the evidence. Therefore, you must press ahead with the civil suit and I’d encourage you to involve law enforcement.
Your mother never once addresses any of your factual allegations. Never once does she defend your father. Never once does she deny you were physically and sexually abuse. Never once does she say you will lose in court because the allegations are fabrications. Why? Because she can’t in my opinion. I think your mother knows she and your father are guilty and her only hope is to manipulate you into silence. That is my opinion and you are welcome to share it with your family.
with love,
There is nothing about this letter that expresses love or motherhood.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2013 4:28 PM
To: Graham Olivia
Subject: Doing Okay
No need for long answer but are you doing okay? Just concerned.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Sunday, June 09, 2013 6:18 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Doing Okay
Called you earlier. If you have five minutes a little later on that would be nice.
Was wondering how you were doing also. Thank you for the email. You obviously put a lot of thought into it.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 4:12 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: How Are You?
Hi Olivia,
I am doing just fine. How about you? Any new developments? Anything I can do to help or encourage you?
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 8:59 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Evidence for Sally Magee
Hi Olivia
You should send all your evidence to
Detective Sally Magee
Family Crimes Division
Montgomery County Police Department
Behind you 100%.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:07 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Fwd: I love you both and celebrate His mercy
This is the type of thing that makes me so confused.
Please Don’t pass this along tho
Begin forwarded message:
From: Llewellyn, Charlie <>
Date: June 12, 2013, 1:25:06 PM EDT
To: <>
Subject: I love you both and celebrate His mercy
God is at work for good in the midst of all that is happening. Love, daddy charlie
[Note: Noticed the subject line. “I love you both [Olivia & Jeff] and celebrate His mercy.”]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:47 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: I love you both and celebrate His mercy
Just more manipulation. I would not answer or answer him in a direct fashion. Something like this.
“God is at work for good” when you and mom turn yourselves into the police and fully acknowledge your crimes. Things are not getting better, they are getting worse because you are trying to cover everything up. You lied to all the employees of Llewellyn Realtors when you said the abuses in the lawsuit did not happen that way.
Furthermore, you know there are even more serious crimes that you committed that are not included in the lawsuit. Unless you and mom humble yourselves and stop trying to manipulate everyone, you will destroy your life, business, and end up in jail. I tell you these things because I genuinely care and because you need professional help!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 2:51 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: I love you both and celebrate His mercy
I’d recommend you confront his duplicity. He is just trying to feel you out. To see how you will respond. He and your mother need to know you are no longer going to be controlled by them. That’s my perspective at least.
Have you had time to send the evidence on to Detective Sally Magee?
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 4:03 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: I love you both and celebrate His mercy
Thank you.
I needed that. It completely messes with my head.
I spoke with Susan [Burke] last night. She would like for me to do the CNN thing next week. I don’t think I’m string [strong] enough to handle the possible backlash, and I don’t want to lose my chances with my sisters.
[Note: Susan Burke was Olivia’s and the Plaintiffs’ lead lawyer. CNN wanted to do an interview with Olivia & Heather Thompson-Bryant for their news broadcast.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 6:06 PM
To: Graham Olivia
Subject: No pressure
Don’t feel pressure to go on CNN if you are not ready. Also, don’t feel pressure to do anything I might suggest.
Here to support you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2013 8:53 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: No pressure
I am so sorry for having to interrupt. I had to go right then suddenly. Please call me back if you get a chance. I don’t want to bother you though, so if you are ready to turn in for the night then that’s fine.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 11:29 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Brie’s email (pasted in) from last night
It has some good advice.
“As I [Brieta] have said before, I don’t want you to feel alone. However, with all the contractions I have had this week, it is very necessary for me to remain uninvolved. If I am asked questions by those in Drew’s line of work, of course I will answer the best that I can and always be truthful. But I am glad to be as uninvolved as possible.
Aside from agents [from Llewellyn Realtors] and others who hassle me.
[Note: Her husband Drew is a police sergeant and S.W.A.T. team member in Longview, Texas. If questioned by law enforcement about the crimes committed against her and her siblings she would “always be truthful.” She was unwilling, however, to prosecute her parents.]
Please remember that your family should always come before your fight for justice.
And there really isn’t justice anyway. How do you get years of your life back?
[Note: Brieta was the oldest. She was terribly abused. “How do you get years of your life back.”]
Praying for you. Turn off your phone and get some sleep. After my son being on tubes for two and a half days [for ear infections], the most Important things in life are Crystal clear to me. I play with him and enjoy him every second I can and try to be calm so this baby can go full term...august 31 or the doctor thinks sept 5.
Oxox Brieta.”
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 12:36 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Brie’s email (pasted in) from last night
It does have some good advice like loving on those kids!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 6:54 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Your Father’s Lies
Hi Olivia
Here is an email from a friend of mine at Covenant Life Church. Your dad is trying to deceive everyone with his lies. No surprise. He must feel he has silenced all your siblings and doesn’t think anyone will believe your story.
I assume he has discredited you and believes you will not talk further out of fear for what he knows about you and Jeff. From my perspective, he is extorting you. He is certainly calling you a liar and probably crazy.
What do you think?
From: [Friend at CLC]
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 12:01 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Did you see this??
A friend told me yesterday that Charlie apparently had a meeting with the entire staff and his wife was there and he declared that everything that has been written is TOTALLY false. He denied everything.
If Josh [Harris] (and others) declines to tell the truth, I would move that the congregation call a “no confidence” vote and ask the entire leadership team to resign. Would ya like to relocate to Gaithersburg???? LOL!
[Note: Charlie is a serial liar and egomaniac like all abusers. Harris threw Olivia under the bus and ran her over. He refused to tell the truth about Charlie’s physical and sexual abuse of his children. Like Mahaney, he knew all about it.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:30 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Your Father’s Lies
Wow. That is really inciting for me - particularly after my mother’s games of endearment via mid-night’s email yesterday.
I need to get my sisters’ [Brieta & Margaret] help. I feel so alone.
[Note: The manipulation is pathological. Charlie, with Greer by his side, tells his 80 plus real estate agents nothing Olivia stated in the lawsuit was true. It was all a lie. That doesn’t keep them from sending her “endearing” emails. It is inciting! Her mother’s mid-night email follows. This time she uses “encouragement” & spiritual jargon to manipulate.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:35 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Fwd: grateful
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: Greer Llewellyn <>
Date: June 14, 2013, 12:11:59 AM EDT
To: Olivia Graham <>
Subject: grateful
Dear Liv,
We find ourselves giving thanks to God often for so many blessings, & wanted you to know that we are grateful for you. You showed amazing strength & perseverance when you were fighting against the alcohol & for your children... the same courage that caused you to face an evil spirit when burying your miscarried child. May God give you grace to fight the enemy of your faith in Him. You will wreak havoc to his dark kingdom,
my love, aiH,
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:39 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: grateful
Guess what? More manipulation in my ever so humble opinion. :-)
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:46 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Your Father’s Lies
This group of emails is with another friend from CLC who is hearing the same thing about your father’s lies.
From: [Another Friend from CLC]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 3:58 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: June 23
I got an email from a friend. She said she heard about the meeting where CL [Charlie Llewellyn] denied everything. I asked her to fill me in what she heard. Haven’t heard back yet.
Off topic...Do you know if cj ever talks to his mother? I know it seems random but I am wondering about something. Where I work I have privacy issues to think about.....
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:08 PM
To: [Another Friend from CLC]
Subject: RE: June 23
I heard CL denied everything to his employees. Is that the meeting you are referring to? I don’t know if CJ talks to his mom. Sorry.
From: [Another Friend from CLC]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 4:26 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: June 23
Yeah that’s the meeting ... she [C.J.’s mother] often refers to cl meaning this case it was cl [Charlie Llewellyn] the man... I wanted to be sure.... thanx
[Note: The next two emails are sent to Susan Burke (lead lawyer) and copied to William O’Neil (assistant lawyer) and Olivia.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:24 AM
To: Susan Burke
Cc: William O’Neil; Olivia Graham
Subject: Presenting Evidence Against Charlie Llewellyn
Importance: High
Hi Susan,
Olivia called me this morning and asked me to contact you on her behalf since she’s not been able to reach you.
Her father is publicly stating that the factual allegations are entirely false. Olivia wants to confront his lies head on with the evidence. She plans to set up a meeting with the Llewellyn Realtors and members of Covenant Life Church in the near future. She has one question for you. Is she bound by the law from presenting her evidence to the public at this point in time. For example, the letter from Grant Layman stating their “moral obligation to report.”
Olivia feels strongly about taking a public stand. She intends to proceed but would appreciate an answer before she finalizes plans.
Thanks for your help.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 12:30 PM
To: Susan Burke
Cc: William O’Neil; Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Presenting Evidence Against Charlie Llewellyn
Olivia just filled me in on her conversation with you. She’s asked me to pass on her thoughts because her hands are full with the children, etc.
1. She has decided to appear on CNN.
2. She plans to contact Llewellyn Realtors with 48 hours to set up a meeting where she will present evidence.
3. She plans to contact Covenant Life Church within 48 hours to set up a meeting where she will present evidence.
4. She believes all of the above is the best way to confront her father and get out the truth.
5. She’d still like to know if she is bound by the law from presenting her evidence to the public. She plans to proceed unless it is clearly unlawful.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 12:47 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Forward text
My text to Susan just now. We can wait and see.
Unless you think that a post on Brent’s [blog] would undermine rather than reinforce CNN, I am willing for both (as his would reach a more specific audience additionally).
My question: is there anything wrong with producing the CPS [Child Protective Services] reports and a few emails as evidence in a proposed meeting (which will probably never come about- but will at least be further damning that neither CLC nor my dad will host) or does all evidence need to stay under cover longer?
Brent will be reaching back out to both of us, so I should have an answer for him.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:20 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Presenting Evidence Against Charlie Llewellyn
Okay. Let’s stand down from here until she contacts me back with yes or no or it will be annoying for her.
Also, the suggestion was to post an invite on your blog for a meeting as a chance to present evidence - I hadn’t suggested “contacting” i.e., calling them (Llewellyn, CLC) directly? Right?
(Knowing they will probably not host the meeting anyways...therein lies half the damning, and the start of many more people questioning them.)
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:29 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Presenting Evidence Against Charlie Llewellyn
I may have misunderstood. I thought you wanted me to contact Llewellyn and CLC to set up a meeting then if they refused we would post on my blog. Did I miss something?
From: Susan Burke
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:30 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: not getting emails
Brent – Olivia tells me you emailed me but I am not getting the emails. Please resend, thanks.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:54 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
I was with the kids when speaking to you, so I was, and usually am distracted.
I had suggested we post on your blog stating that I am willing to have a meeting with Llewellyn Realty and CLC to present some evidence of the truth.
(Which I am eager to do, if Susan says it doesn’t thwart her cause, and is legal.)
I stated, and do believe, that they will NOT take us up on the offer to have a conference call with my sisters [Brieta & Margaret] and have evidence shown to whoever wanted to be present at the offered meeting, therefore opening themselves up to being doubted and questioned ever so much more by many more people.
I didn’t hear you say to call them up directly. Sorry.
Don’t post anything until we get the go ahead from Susan of course. I need the green light.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 1:59 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE:
No problem. Will wait.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 6:38 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: RE: RE:
So with the email I just got from Susan, and the [criminal] investigation moving forward for me next week, things will be moving quickly and we won’t need to use your blog I guess at this point. Things will be going fast enough now.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 7:05 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: RE: RE:
Great news. Just let me how I can help. I have all the email addresses for the Llewellyn employees.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 7:06 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: RE: RE:
Can you send me Susan’s email? No pressure.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 7:10 PM
To: Graham Olivia
Subject: Charlie’s lies
I’m working to get statements about Charlie’s comments to Llewellyn employees. No guarantees.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 8:03 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Charlie's lies
That would be good.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 8:40 PM
To: Graham Olivia
Subject: Top of List
I’m so glad you’ve been moved to the top of the list [in the criminal investigations]. Don’t feel you need to stay in touch unless I can be of help. Then feel free to contact me. I care about your good and will be praying for you.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 9:19 PM
To: Graham Olivia
Subject: Support
I’m here any time you need any kind of help or support or encouragement.
Thanks for fighting against the alcohol. You’re making real progress.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 11:10 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Support
Thank you so much.
I am going to sit back for a few days (or weeks) unless something comes up, and try to be calm about what may be ahead. I have gotten some news an hour ago, and I just feel like life is spinning faster and I sort of wished I could make things just a dream.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 15, 2013 2:43 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Support
You’ve been through an intense couple of weeks. Things have slowed down a little for you. Now you need to “sit back.” You’ve made some good decisions. Proud of you girl. No need to write. Rest.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:05 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Request
Hey Brent,
Just wanted to ask that you not post any further on my family, or at least let me know first.
Jeff is wanting me to pull back a bit and not have to worry about what you may be writing- I can’t change the myriads of comments on blogs, but maybe you can let me know first.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:18 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Request
Sure thing. I don’t have any plans to post any further on your family. I think what needed to be said has been said. If that changes for some reason (like your dad sued me), I’ll let you know. I don’t want you to “worry about what [I] may be writing” either!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 11:40 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Request
Thanks for letting the truthfulness of your story be told. I know it’s been very hard for you the last few weeks but you have set a standard in courage for others to follow.
I hope to finish a post on John Loftness this weekend.
[Note: John Loftness in Focus – Former Chairman of the SGM Board & Alleged Sexual Sadist, July 14, 2013]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 10:24 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Threat of Lawsuit
Hi Olivia,
I received the following email from Megan [Olivia’s cousin] this morning. I’ve gone back and forth on whether to send it to you because I don’t want you to worry. Please don’t let this trouble you. I am not worried but I thought you should be made aware. It is a futile threat. No need for a response.
Your “lunatic” friend,
From: Megan []
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 7:31 AM
Subject: Llewellyn
I am writing to inform you that a lawsuit will be filed against you including but not limited to defamation of character and a cease and desist notice will be served as well regarding your posts. Much of the information you are posting is not true (“llewellyn was sold because it lost its value” you claim. My bank account begs to differ) and I’m saddened that you are so jealous of Charlie or Llewellyn realtors that you have made it your mission (since you don’t have a job) to try to destroy our name. You are a lunatic and I hope you can find something better to do with your time.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 8:11 AM
To: Megan
Subject: RE: Llewellyn
That’s fine Megan. You have no basis for the lawsuit. There is no chance of it succeeding. I am not intimidated because the truth and evidence are on my side. I also have no money or real estate to protect.
You quote me erroneously. Here is what I said, “He was effectively forced to sell before the business lost more of its value.” I have evidence in my possession that supports this statement but even if I didn’t, such a statement is not libelous.
I am not jealous in any way and it not my mission to destroy your name. It is my mission to expose child abusers, protect children (like the Llewellyn children and grandchildren), and help those who have suffered abuse. I wish I were not familiar with the details concerning abuse in your family. I am sorry for what you have gone through [at this point I thought Megan was one of Charlie’s daughters – she was a niece].
If it goes to court I will have many witnesses and overwhelming evidence to put forth. Such a hearing will prove the factual allegations against your father. A “cease and desist notice” will not deter my efforts though I have no plans to post further against your father [actually her uncle]. There are many other issues that need to be addressed. If, however, you proceed with a lawsuit, I will need to say more and present more evidence to the public. Your tactics will backfire. Megan, here is what you must understand. I don’t care if you file a lawsuit against me.
Long ago I resolved to do what is right regardless of the cost.
[Note: I also received this message on my Facebook page.]
Megan Elizabeth [Llewellyn]
06/20/2013 7:28PM
Brent, You are an f-ing idiot and I have a high profile Rockville lawyer who will be calling you. Megan
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 12:11 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Threat of Lawsuit
What about contacting Long and Foster and asking them if they are aware of the allegations against CL [her father, Charlie Llewellyn]?
Just a thought. I’m sure the sale didn’t have full disclosure or they wouldn’t have purchased it.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 1:04 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Threat of Lawsuit
The people at Long & Foster have seen my posts about your Dad. It will be interesting to see what they do if your father conceals the lawsuit and misleads them.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:16 AM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Okay?
I was just wondering that about you [i.e., was I okay].
I feel that Megan’s email was a harbinger- she must have heard something to have legal jargon in there.
I believe Victor (my uncle) [and Megan’s father] could be the one to sue. But whatever. He actually has a lot against him personally- all the times my sister [Brieta] went down to his house [fleeing Charlie’s abuse] when she was sleeping outside...
Anyhow, Jeff tried to contact you- wants to confirm that we would back all statements in the lawsuit- verify the accuracy of your post, but not bear the responsibility of outing- since the “permission” was contingent on you [keeping confidential], because of my siblings.
Please let me know how you are doing with your house situation, and don’t worry me that you are not answering bc [because you are] stress accumulated.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2013 11:55 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Okay?
I figure her parents [Victor & Patricia Llewellyn] were planning on suing. Maybe they have been deterred now. On the other hand, I’d not be surprised if papers showed up this week.
The short sale [on our house] fell through. We will be meeting with a lawyer in a couple weeks to talk about bankruptcy. That is probably our only option.
You mean “not answering [the phone] bc stress accumulated”? If I don’t answer the phone it is because I’m not home or tied up or some other good reason. No need to worry but thanks for your concern.
[Note: I am missing an email asking Olivia if I had her correct address to send her a book. She responds.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2013 7:29 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Address
No it’s not. You can use:
13600 Eds Drive, Suite 101
Herndon, VA 20171
And address it to Jeff.
Thank you so much. That’s very kind of you.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Friday, July 05, 2013 7:15 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
I got the book- thank you! Joni’s story is really sad though inspiring. I haven’t actually read this particular book [The Joni Story].
I was wondering about how you and your wife were doing over the weekend. I hope you had a nice holiday.
Continuing to think about you-
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, July 06, 2013 7:24 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE:
Hi Olivia,
I hope you enjoy the book. Jenny and I are doing okay. This week we meet with the bankruptcy lawyer [we lost our house & were forced into bankruptcy as a result of my stand against SGM]. That should help us to decide how to proceed.
I continue to fight the good fight on different fronts. There are still so many battles ahead. So much that people don’t know or haven’t put together about C.J. and SGM.
I will continue to tell the story with the strength and wisdom God grants me.
You have been a great blessing. I hope things have calmed down a bit for you.
[Note: Three days later Olivia sent me her email to Detective Sally Magee. Magee was the lead detective in the Nathaniel Morales case at Covenant Life Church which resulted in a conviction on multiple counts and a 40 year sentence in 2014. Magee did not want to work the Llewellyn case in 2013 because she drop the ball on its investigation in 1997 from what I have gathered.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Tuesday, July 09, 2013 12:39 PM
To: Magee, Sally
Subject: Sgm lawsuit/ investigation of my parents
Hi Detective McGee,
I have waited for what seems like forever to have my case looked into. I know my lawyer emailed you some time ago, is there any way you could call me or respond to me via email when you get a chance? [Magee was delinquent. She should have responded.]
I have reached out to so many counselors, pastors, CPS and now I am (as you are probably familiar with the verdict on the lawsuit) past statute of limitations for civil justice [not criminal justice]. But my parents’ crimes need to be met with judgment of some sort. Please be willing to talk with me.
CPS [Child Protective Services] knew of the abuse, depicted it in their own write up [in 1997] when it was still under statute, but somehow they fell under the same trance with my father and mother that the religious counselors [CLC pastors] did, and nothing came of it.
You can reach me through Jeff at 703- 896-xxxx.
Thank you.
From: Magee, Sally
Date: July 12, 2013, 3:09:04 PM EDT
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Sgm lawsuit/ investigation of my parents
Det. W. Giovacchini was assigned to your report. You will need to contact her and arrange an interview time with her to begin any investigation. Her direct number is 240-773-5430. Once you meet with her, she can begin the investigation.
Det. Magee
[Note: Three months went by until I heard from Olivia again.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:10 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Checking in
Hi Brent,
I’m checking in with you and the family to see how you are doing.
Any update with things?
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 10:05 AM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Checking in
Hi Olivia,
We’ve had some challenges. My wife, Jenny, had a cancerous tumor removed from under her finger nail on Tuesday. Thankfully they were able to remove before it spread. Foreclosure and bankruptcy are forthcoming in the next month or two. We will be moving into a small rental home and will lose many of our belongings. Of course, that is quite sad. I’m also having to paint the interior of the [rental] house. Takes time but good exercise for this old man.
I continue to follow things with C.J. and SGM but I’ve stopped blogging about it. The Morales trial starts Nov 18. I hope evidence is presented that shows C.J. and others covered up the crimes committed by Morales. A lot of boys were sexually abused.
In the coming year, I hope to write some mini books on different subjects like forgiveness (properly understood), parents not exasperating their children, the difference between the pursuit of justice versus sinful vengeance, etc.
Jenny is in college working on a two year degree as a certified medical assistant. She graduates in June 2014 and then does a two month internship.
I don’t know what law enforcement is up to but I hope they are making progress that leads to arrests.
It is good to hear from you. I think of you often.
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 1:47 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Checking in
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry for the difficulties you are going through. I am hoping also for the truth to come to light beginning Nov 18.
Those booklet titles sound like they are right on target.
I am pursuing healing, finishing school, and the only ones’ childhood I can change- my kids :)
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 3:41 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Checking in
I’ll be sure to send an autographed copy of “Do Not Exasperate Your Child” to your dad. I’m sure he’ll love it! Ha, ha.
When do you finish up school? That’s great.
Good to hear you’re focused on getting better and creating a healthy childhood for your children. I’m sure you’re a great mother!
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 4:24 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Checking in
Spring is my last semester.
That would be a great thing to send my dad. I laughed. Still, I fear that’s all he’s going to get till eternity- amazing how people can evade and adapt.
I’ve had relatively no success in even getting contacted back from the detective [Detective Wendy Giovacchini], and Susan is busy with more promising undertakings now it seems.
[Note: Giovacchini was a terrible detective. Susan Burke was also doing a poor job on multiple fronts.]
Anyhow, check in with me over the next few months.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 4:43 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: RE: Checking in
Is Magee still working the case or someone new? In the past, didn’t you tell me your parents wowed Magee with a gift basket and their charm? Told her they would be more careful with discipline and your dad more modest?
When did she do the investigation? She wrote your dad up for some things, right? I forget what they were. Can you refresh my memory?
It must be so hard watching your dad apparently get away with things. One day that will stop. Hopefully in this life. At least we got the truth out in “The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at CLC.” You were a brave soul and did the right thing.
What is your major? Where are you going to school? How are your grades? Still sleeping better? Controlling the drinking?
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:04 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Checking in
That’s a lot of questions- and will take some time- that I don’t have right now.
I was not able to get MaGee- I was assigned someone else [Detective Wendy Giovacchini], who yes, has connections with the previously grossly inept detectives/ CPS.
I’ll answer one more now- I’ve stopped using vodka, and now only have a light glass of wine on weekends sometimes with Jeff :)
And I’m falling to sleep out of sheer exhaustion.
[Note: Olivia is referring to the “investigation” in 1997 when “grossly inept” detectives & Child Protective Services were charmed by her parents. Detective Giovacchini was given Olivia’s case in 2013. She is currently under investigation by the Internal Affairs Division of the Montgomery County Police Department for a lack of “credibility” and bad behavior. Eleven binders of evidence have been collected against her. Read this article.
Montgomery Co. detective placed on leave amid ‘credibility’ concerns, court cases impacted
by Kevin Lewis, WJLA
Monday, December 16th 2019
It is likely Giovacchini was corrupted in her investigation of Charlie Llewellyn. He was a powerful man with many connections to lawyers and law enforcement including detectives and high ranking officers who were prominent members in Covenant Life Church.]
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:05 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Checking in
And you tempted my pride: Yes my grades are as always :)
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:51 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: Checking in
Straight A’s I bet. That takes hard work. Way to go!
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 5:53 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Re: Checking in
Great to hear about the alcohol control. Hope you get some good rest tonight. Motherhood is exhausting work.
[Note: I wrote again a couple months later.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, January 09, 2014 12:28 PM
To: Olivia Graham
Subject: Checking In
Hi Olivia,
Just checking in to see how you’re doing and say hello. Not much new for me. We will be moving the end of this month into a smaller house. A major downsizing project is underway! Over half our possessions will be sold or donated. It kind of feels like children who have to sell off their parents’ estate when deceased. I guess the good thing is my kids will have a much easier time liquidating our possessions when we are gone! Ha.
I haven’t heard anything on if and how investigations are going forward. I hope someone, somewhere, is doing something to serve justice which certainly includes your case. Your father still needs to be held accountable. I pray authorities are honestly and earnestly pursuing the case against him.
Jenny is finishing up school this May. Then she does a three month internship. By September, she’ll be a certified medical assistant. I hope your last semester is going well. Doing school on top of the demands of being a housewife and mother is no easy undertaking! Graduation will be a great accomplishment.
Well, back to work. Next project – going through 35 years of files! There are a lot of sermons to throw out! Or maybe I’ll send them to SGM. I’m sure they are interested. :-)
Your friend
From: Olivia Graham
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2014 9:13 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Checking In
Thanks for checking in.
We had busy holidays with work (no family of course- holidays are tough).
Sounds like you guys are handling the challenges well. I am sorry for what you are going thru.
Good for Jenny!
I’ll try to call or email more when I can~
[Note: Unfortunately, I never heard from Olivia again. I wrote her after Lars Liebeler and Mark Mitchell reported to CLC in October 2014. It was too late. She had been subdued and silenced by her abusive parents. So too her sisters, Brieta and Margaret. They all capitulated and decided not to prosecute their parents for the crimes committed against them.]
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2014 1:36 PM
Subject: Mark Mitchell Quote
Hi Olivia,
My youngest son and his wife just had their first baby. Named her Olivia Quinn. I love it!
Well, it’s been a long time since we’ve interacted [11 months]. I still think about you and Jeff on a regular basis and carry you in my heart. Recently Covenant Life had two Members’ Meetings to talk about the lawsuit. Here’s what Mark Mitchell said about you at the second meeting on October 26. He is the executive pastor for Joshua Harris. He called you a liar by claiming you, Brieta, and Mary never reported the sex abuse to Grant and Gary in 1997. He also told the church you did not come forward with allegations until 2008. It is so aggravating and disturbing. People are not being told the truth. Here’s the quote.
“The next situation I’d like to address has to do with the Plaintiff referred to as Grace Goe. This Plaintiff described alleged abuse that occurred within her family while they were members of Covenant Life Church in the 1990’s. We’ve recently learned that Grace Goe has withdrawn as a complainant in any potential future lawsuit. Also in 1997 there was no knowledge of allegations of sexual abuse by the members of the Covenant Life pastoral staff. We also deny the allegation that any pastor ever received a gift in exchange for their silence to cover up alleged sexual abuse. It is not true. Finally, we want to let you know that in 2008 when she first contacted the elders, Child Protective Services had already been contacted and had already conducted an interview with the family in their home.”
If you get a chance, drop me a line. I’d love to hear how you are doing.
[Note: By this point (Dec. 2014), Olivia was living with her parents out of desperation. She was separated from her husband and children and in a bad way. She presented a risk to them and refused professional help.
Her parents threatened to use the evidence they collected against her if she did not withdrawal her story. They were prepared to publicly attack her and leave her destitute. They are savage. Only money and reputation matter to them.
Nine months later (Aug. 2014), Charlie and Greer showed up on my doorstep. I was the last one on their list to silence. It didn’t work!
The truth illustrated throughout this correspondence is manifestly clear. Olivia Llewellyn’s story is not made up as claimed by C.J. Mahaney, Joshua Harris, Lars Liebeler, Mark Mitchell and the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches.
The only people lying are the very people who have called Olivia a liar. I will continue to expose this great evil with all the strength God supplies.