Part 2: Walt Chantry, Miller Valley Elders, & ARBCA Officials Knew Tom Chantry Was a Child Abuser Even Before the 2000 Investigation Began

There has been a massive cover up by top officials in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of América (ARBCA) since December 2000 when they misrepresented Tom Chantry’s physical assaults upon children as “inappropriate discipline” knowing full-well he was guilty of child abuse. They also told ARBCA churches “the differences between the Elders of the Miller Valley Baptist Church and Thomas Chantry have been resolved.” There were many unresolved issues including the need to ask forgiveness for the vicious assaults upon four children.
These same ARBCA officials, which included Tedd Tripp, refused to obey the mandatory reporting laws in Arizona for clergy. Current ARBCA officials continue the cover up in a multitude of ways including the false narrative they put out to ARBCA churches in a letter on April 25, 2017 that claimed all laws were followed in the past. They were not followed.
ARBCA officials have also argued that Tom Chantry is innocent of all charges against him despite overwhelming evidence from six victims, four families, two Miller Valley Baptist Church elders, an investigation by a three-man Council, 14 police reports, and hundreds of court documents containing thousands of pages of evidence.
In addition, Chantry has been arrested twice and incarcerated three times with a $100,000 bond, a $250,000 bond, and then a $1,000,000 bond. He was recently convicted on two counts of aggravated assault and faces 13 more counts of sexual molestation, aggravated assault with a sexual motivation, and child abuse in the future.
Nevertheless, top ARBCA officials have privately and publicly claimed he is being persecuted for righteousness sake. In fact, a defense fund was set up for him and people were encouraged to contribute based on the premise he was entirely innocent.
This cover up of Tom Chantry’s crimes was also carried out by his father, Walt Chantry; his sister, Judy Rogers; his father in-law, Al Huber; and his wife, Karen. They still protest his innocence.
For instance, Karen Chantry wrote a letter to family and friends on September 11, 2018 about God’s righteous servant (her convicted husband) being so wrongly disgraced in jail. I quote in part.
“Tom is now in custody at the Camp Verde jail, and he is being held on a million dollar bond. The charges are 4 counts of aggravated assault, 4 counts of molestation of a child, and 1 count of child abuse. Friends, Tom is not guilty of these accusations, but there he sits. … Tom has not done the things he is accused of. They are horrible, sickening accusations. Why has God allowed his servant to be so disgraced?”
The family should stop the deception and admonish Tom to plead guilty. Then they should earnestly seek the forgiveness of victims and make restitution.
This is the second article in a comprehensive series addressing these issues and many others. I’d encourage people to read my first article before proceeding. It contains important letters I wrote to ARBCA pastors in December 2016.
Part 1: Sexual Sadist Tom Chantry Persecuted Like Jesus, Tested Like Job, & Betrayed Like Joseph According to ARBCA Leaders & Enablers
Wednesday, September 26, 2018 at 6:58PM
In this article, I want to establish the fact that everyone involved in 2000 knew Thomas Chantry was a child abuser even BEFORE the Informal Council from ARBCA did their investigation. That is proven by six letters written by one victim, four parents of victims, and the Miller Valley Baptist Church elders. I’ve added explanatory notes in brackets [ ], used bold-italic letters for emphasis, substituted pseudonyms for the names of victims and their family members in italic print, and link to original documents. A summary appears at the end of the article.
But before we turn to their letters, let me quote from a recent letter written by Bob Selph titled, An Explanation of the ARBCA Informal Council conducted for the Miller Valley Baptist Church (Prescott, AZ) and Thomas Chantry in December of 2000. It was sent to his supporters.
Bob Selph’s Letter
September 7, 2018
By this time you have probably heard of the verdict [on August 21, 2018] convicting a former Reformed Baptist pastor, Tom Chantry, on charges of child abuse. You may also have heard the accusations of a cover-up by the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America in this case. …
I do think I can speak to what actually happened since I was serving as the Coordinator for the ARBCA at the time. I am the one who organized the [Informal] Council that went to Prescott [Arizona] and I set up the logistics for its functioning while it was there. I was in contact with the Council to some degree while they were there, and I have had in my possession a complete set of reports from the time the Council finished its work. Not only was I the ARBCA Coordinator at the time, but I was the former pastor of this very church in Prescott for 17 years. …
Tom Chantry followed my 17-year ministry as pastor of Miller Valley Baptist Church in Prescott, Arizona, and did so in the years 1995-2000. Shortly after Tom arrived [in June 1995], there was an early accusation [ca. December 1995] of his [bare bottomed] spanking a child [Mark Jones] in the church. He was admonished by the elders [Luke Jones & Rich Howe] and told not to do it again. However, a couple of years later, several more accusations were made of Tom spanking children in especially harsh ways and without parental permission. After being confronted and censured by the Miller Valley elders, Tom abruptly resigned [on Nov. 8, 2000] and left the area, moving to Tacoma, WA [to be with Tom Lyon at Providence Reformed Baptist Church].
Subsequently, Walter Chantry (pastor of the Grace Baptist Church in Carlisle, PA and Tom’s father) wrote a letter [on Nov. 9, 2000] to the Miller Valley elders, accusing them of mistreating his son. A dispute arose between them. Walt approached me, as I was serving as Coordinator of ARBCA, and demanded that I send a Council to investigate and mediate the situation. I contacted the MVBC elders and they agreed that a Council would be helpful. I then contacted the ARBCA Administrative Council [Earl Blackburn, chairman] and the AC appointed a three-man committee [comprised of Tedd Tripp (well-known pastor/author), Mike McKnight (elder/lawyer), & Rich Jensen (pastor/former homicide detective)] to travel to Arizona and to meet with the parties involved. The three men appointed were actually agreed upon by both Chantry and the MVBC elders out of a field of fifteen possible men.
Walt Chantry, the father of Tom Chantry, was the most powerful figure in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA) in 2000. He has been “credited with the modern-day resurgence of the Reformed Baptist denomination in America.” I have several of his book in my library. He was also the editor for The Banner of Truth magazine.
Shockingly, Walt played a major role in covering up his son’s crimes and “demanded” Bob Selph put together an Informal Council he believed would vindicate his son. He likewise demanded the Miller Valley elders repent for their disciplining of his son.
At Tom Chantry’s recent trial, the following correspondence from Walt Chantry to Rich Howe was commonly referred to as the “angry letter.” Howe was one of the Miller Valley Baptist Church elders where the abuse took place. It was written on November 9, 2000. Here is an excerpt.
Dear Rich,
I am sad to be writing this letter. You and Susan have shown so much kindness to Tom and to our family over the past five years. These memories make it possible to hope that a letter will contribute to an understanding on the occurrences which led to Tom’s resignation yesterday.
My understanding of the situation (from Tom) is the following: Tom committed very specific and concrete acts which we would all call indiscretions. It was right for the elders to confront him on these acts when they came to your attention. Tom confessed to you (elders) and to the offended parties that the acts were sins and he included in his confession that proud thoughts led to the offenses. …
Based upon this understanding (received through Tom’s eyes and ears), my letter is written in the spirit of Luke 17:3. “If your brother sins against you, rebuke him.” Since you are a loving father of three children, you will understand how we are deeply grieved and offended if we perceive that our children have been mistreated. I can say that I hope no one ever treats your sons and daughter as you have treated Tom in this matter. …
When you proposed the specific measures of Monday the 6th, you recommended the intolerable, you were proposing diabolical procedures regularly employed by Marxism and cults with the intention of breaking a person psychologically. Group or community criticism along with group or community judgment of the “sincerity” of one’s shaping-up is very destructive. …
When a person has confessed to all that he has sinned, he has made himself extremely vulnerable. That is why in Luke 17:3 our Lord instructs immediate forgiveness, not indefinite probation and continuing questioning of sincerity. The last is psychologically cruel as well as objectively incorrect. From it Tom correctly concluded that you had lost all confidence in him. With the measures you proposed Tom lost all confidence in you. Thus his resignation. Thus his feelings that his repentance has not been accepted.
As you can see, under the circumstances the parting is not with “good feelings” on the part of Tom or his parents. Under any circumstances it would have been with sadness and regret. But it might have come with mutual respect expressed.
Walt Chantry
Walt Chantry was totally duped by his 25-year-old son. His twisted “understanding of the situation from Tom” was “received through Tom’s eyes and ears.” He made no attempt to talk with the elders, Rich Howe and Eric Owens before writing. Instead, he believed Tom’s version of what “we would all call indiscretions.” Then he launched into a tirade of vicious accusations. All baseless.
“I hope no one ever treats your sons and daughter as you have treated Tom…You recommended the intolerable, you were proposing diabolical procedures regularly employed by Marxism and cults with the intention of breaking a person psychologically…The last is psychologically cruel as well as objectively incorrect…As you can see, under the circumstances the parting is not with “good feelings” on the part of Tom or his parents.”
Rich and Eric responded to Walt in a godly fashion. Here is their letter.
November 21, 2000
Dear Walt,
Your sadness at the events that took place in Prescott on November 8 is our sadness as well. It was never our intent to see this matter come to the conclusion that it did. In response to the letter you wrote to us prior to speaking with us, we must correct you on what you heard from Tom, who apparently has misread or misheard the things we told him at our meeting on November 6:
[Note: Tom didn’t “misread or misheard.” He understood why and what was happening to him. He was being confronted for his aggravated assaults on children and sinful treatment of members. He simply lied to his father.]
1) We were returning him to his full duties and responsibilities as Pastor effective the following Sunday.
2) A congregational meeting was scheduled for the evening November 8 with the intent that the Elders would let the congregation know what we were doing in this matter and how we desired them to respond in the next 30 days. We were to exhort them to continue to love him, care for him, talk to him, and listen to him during this probationary period. Walt, how could we expect the body to observe the change they desired to see in his ministry if he were not ministering? We were not seeking input from the body at this time.
3) On December 6, we were calling for a day of prayer and fast and to convene a congregational meeting in the evening. At this meeting, we were to hear from the body. Had they seen sufficient change, not over just the specific sin issue, which most had already forgiven him for, but had they seen a heart-change of attitude in his relationship to his flock? We beg to elaborate.
The sin that the Elders brought before Tom was one of inappropriate discipline of a church family’s child [Daniel Laver]. Tom was spanking a young boy he was tutoring after school with various objects (boat oar, whiffle-ball bat, ruler, hand) on numerous occasions, including one bare bottom spanking that left welts and bruises on the child’s rear end and leg. This had been going on for one year before the Elders were made aware of it. Two other families [the Jones’ & Walsh’s] have also revealed to the Elders that their children have received corporal punishment. In all, Tom has inappropriately disciplined three boys [Daniel Laver, Mark Jones, Wayne Walsh] and one girl [Jane Walsh], all under the age of 13, and all in a tutorial setting at the parsonage. Why? Missed math problems…putting a drink on the table…forgetting a missed word in reciting a catechism problem! We are hard-pressed to fathom all of this. The Elders and the parents involved are in the process of documenting all of these reports in writing. We would be glad to provide them to you upon request.
[Note: They “documented all of these reports” in five letters written by four parents and one victim for the Miller Valley elders and ARBCA officials.]
Also, the family visitations with The Elders and Tom allowed families to express their [general] concerns over matters that have surfaced in the past five years, none of these concerns which were new to Tom. They had been dealt with in discussions between Tom and the Elders and at times, with individual church members. These issues include behaviors by Tom that involved rudeness, anger, a quick temper, an unwillingness to listen and general, lack of care, compassion and love for the flock. Specific examples include public scolding and rebuke of teenagers over the simple desire to give a stray dog water after a particular service. A myriad of other examples can be provided.
[Note: Chantry should never have been in ministry. He was completely unqualified in terms of Christian character. Three weeks after he arrived, he punched 12-year-old Mitch Jones in the face with a closed fist at the July 4th church picnic. Over the next five years, Chantry did not change despite input. He was rude, angry, quick tempered, unwilling to listen, and generally lacked care, compassion, and love for the people. According to Tom’s testimony at the July-August 2018 trial, he enlisted his father’s help, who then influenced Bob Selph, to get him the job at Miller Valley Baptist Church in 1995. What a disservice!]
In spite of this type of behavior, we have been blessed as a body by Tom’s teaching and preaching. We have grown much as a body in the past five years and thank God for His work of sanctification in Tom, the Elders and the body at large. But the latest revelation of sin [assaulting Daniel Laver bare bottom with a board leaving severe bruising] mentioned earlier in this letter tipped the scales for Miller Valley Baptist Church. Our people have loved Tom. The Elders have attempted to work with Tom in certain behaviors as they have surfaced, and in some cases resurfaced. Forgiveness was given, but Walt, actions have consequences. Our body wanted change. To a person, they were looking forward to having Tom return to his ministry on November 12. But it was clear to the Elders that the people wanted change. They did not want to go back to oId patterns, old behaviors. You were correct in your assessment that we were beginning to lose confidence in our Pastor, but there was still time to work this through. Thus, the Elders united in the decision made, presented our plans to Tom on November 6 and we were anxious to share this decision with the body on the 8th. Needless-to-say, that opportunity never happened.
It is the opinion of the Elders that Tom has done much damage to the church and to himself by resigning in such fashion. He was encouraged by us not to do this and to place his trust in how the Lord was leading us in this matter. Have we been perfect in the way we have dealt with this matter? Far from it. We’ve erred on not holding our Pastor more accountable in areas where he has offended others. We had hoped that some of these traits would be overcome with age and maturity. We desired to hold him in highest esteem according to what we have been commanded to do in Scripture. We have made excuses for his behavior, citing his youth, his singleness, and his pessimism, in hopes of softening some of the rough edges. Never have we endured such a trial as this. We have the utmost respect for you and we know that this is a most difficult trial for your family and the church in Carlisle [PA]. But the trial here has been real. It has been painful. Several of our children have been “mistreated”. It is still incomprehensible to us as to how these actions by Tom were justified. Legally, what Tom did would be considered child abuse and could be subject to prosecution. We hope someday to get answers. It is still a great concern of ours that Tom does not fully understand the gravity of this matter.
[Note: Rich Howe, Eric Owens, and others went far too easy on Chantry. They made excuses for his behavior. He should never have been hired. Once hired, he should have been fired in short order. That aside, this paragraph contains the most important statement in this letter. “Legally, what Tom did would be considered child abuse and could be subject to prosecution.” This letter was written on November 21, 2000. Rich and Eric knew Tom Chantry was a child abuser based on the evidence they had gathered. So did Bob Selph. There was no question in their minds. Chantry’s crimes “could be subject to prosecution.” This letter was written three weeks before the Informal Council from ARBCA began their investigation.]
In conclusion, we the Elders of Miller Valley Baptist Church are going to be requesting from Pastor David Dykstra, Chairman of the ARBCA Membership Committee, a council from the Association to help us bring this matter to resolution.
[Note: This letter was written to Walt Chantry and copied to Bob Selph. It also references David Dykstra who would have been provided a copy. Dykstra was at Tom Chantry’s July-August 2018 trial supporting his sociopathic lying and damnable defense. He knew Chantry was a child abuser in 2000 and he knows it today. He has been part of the cover up the past 18 years.]
We have seen in countless times and ways how God has been and continues to be faithful to His church. It is our earnest prayer that He will again manifest such grace in these days ahead, to all of us.
Richard Howe
Eric Owens
Cc: Bob Selph
In their letter above, Rich and Eric tell Walt Chantry the oral reports of abuse they have received are being documented in writing. “The Elders and the parents involved are in the process of documenting all of these reports in writing. We would be glad to provide them to you upon request.” These letters were provided to Walt and many others. They were also put in the “Red Binder” at Miller Valley Baptist Church that later became vital evidence.
These were five letters written by four parents (Tyler Walsh, Luke Jones, Lois Jones, Connie Laver) and one victim (Mark Jones). Remember, these are pseudonyms, not their real names.
Bear in mind, all of these letters were sent to the Informal Council comprised of Tedd Tripp, Mike McKnight, and Rich Jensen before they arrived in Prescott, AZ to do their investigation on December 13-16, 2000. The Informal Council confirmed everything in the letters and more. Tripp, McKnight, and Jensen knew without a doubt that Tom Chantry was a child abuser!
These letters were given to Walt Chantry, Tom Chantry, Bob Selph (the ARBCA Coordinator), and Don Lindblad (Tom’s advocate). In addition, they were likely shared with Earl Blackburn (Chairman of the Administrative Council), David Dykstra (Member of the Administrative Council & Chairman of the Membership Committee), and Steve Martin (Member of the Administrative Council). They were all heavily involved in 2000! Unlike the two confidential reports written by the Informal Council on December 16, 2000, there were no restrictions placed on their dissemination when written. Moreover, their contents were freely discussed.
Let me also add that Blackburn, Lindblad and Martin, along with Selph, met with Rich Howe and Eric “Shorty” Owens in Escondido, CA on November 14, 2000. These entries come from a detailed timeline sent to the Informal Council on December 13, 2000.
“Nov 13, 2000 - Rich and Shorty received a letter from Pastor Walt Chantry sent Nov 9.
“Nov 14, 2000 - Rich and Shorty meet in Escondido, CA with Pastors Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad and ARBCA Coordinator Bob Selph.”
This meeting occurred before the five letters were completed. During this time, Rich and Eric discussed the unwritten reports of abuse concerning Chantry. Blackburn, Dykstra, Martin and Lindblad knew all about the allegations of children abuse. Selph too. It was common knowledge.
Soon thereafter, so did Tom Lyon and Mark McCormick of Providence Reformed Baptist Church in Tacoma, Washington. That is where Chantry fled in December 2000, so they could “assume oversight” of him. They too were given the letters and knew he was guilty of child abuse.
Thereafter, other top leaders in ARBCA read the letters like John Giarrizzo of Grace Covenant Church in Gilbert, Arizona. Giarrizzo was also on the Administrative Council in 2000. He was recently exposed by his elders in a 46-page report titled, Pastor John’s Involvement in ARBCA’s Coverup of the Tom Chantry Scandal. All four elders (Pete Smith, Mark Flin, Joe Godal, Josh Rusev), a pastoral intern (Nick DeBenedetto), and four of six deacons, have resigned and left the church. So have over half the people. Giarrizzo was told Chantry was under investigation for child abuse and child molestation in July 2015. He also read the five letters in late 2015 or early 2016. He too knew Chantry was a child abuser but still worked to get him back into ARBCA in April 2016.
The five letters alone provide overwhelming evidence of Chantry’s criminal guilt and immense danger to children. He was convicted for his crimes against Wayne and Jane Welsh. He is in jail right now awaiting trial for his crimes against Mark Jones and Daniel Laver. The judge set his bond at 1 million dollars because he is dangerous and presents a flight risk.
Nevertheless, ARBCA officials have been telling ARBCA pastors and members that the allegations against Tom Chantry in 2000 did not rise to the level of needing to be reported to law enforcement. It is part of the cover up.
For example, that is what Don Lindblad told Christ Reformed Baptist Church in Hales Corner, WI at a Members Only meeting on January 29, 2017. He was asked the following question by members.
“It appears and it is reported via the internet that the incidents met the criteria for reporting to civil authorities. … Why was it not done at that time or any other time since 2000?”
His answer. “It did not meet the criteria.” That is a damnable lie!
Dale Smith, Al Huber, and Steve Martin were also present at this meeting with Chantry’s church to support ARBCA’s/Lindblad’s cover up. Smith helped moderate the meeting. He was Chantry’s pastor from 2001-2006. Huber is Chantry’s father-in-law. He has been paying for his defense. Martin is the current ARBCA Coordinator. He told members after the meeting their pursuit of the truth was a “witch hunt.” Lindblad has been Chantry’s “advocate” since 2000. At the July-August 2018 trial, he repeatedly perjured himself under oath. I hope he is arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Over time, the vast majority of the members of Christ Reformed Baptist Church saw through ARBCA’s cover up. Seventy five percent have left. Only 30 adults and children remain. Those that have left are doing well in the Lord and in other churches.
This same lie that the incidents of abuse did not meet the criteria for reporting to civil authorities was promoted by trolls on Todd Wilhelm’s blog, Thou Art the Man. Wilhelm has done a heroic job covering the Chantry story over the past two years. That includes his attendance at the five-week trial in July-August 2018 and the daily posting he did while court was in session. He has also provided a tremendous service by posting court documents and primary source material on his blog so people in ARBCA can know the truth. This has involved a massive amount of work.
Wilhelm also allows comments. Some are helpful. Some are not. One anonymous commenter, who goes by ML, is clearly an advocate for Tedd Tripp, Mike McKnight, and Rich Jensen. He could actually be one of these men or one of their lawyers. By the way, mandatory reporting laws were not unclear in 2000 and criminal charges against these men could be filed but it is a costly and complicated process since they live in Pennsylvania and New York, not Arizona. I quote in part.
Some legal experts have looked into it: Arizona reporting laws were changed in 2003. In 2000, unfortunately, the mandated reporting laws were not clear. While the families, the elders at MVBC, and the ARBCA Council men should have reported to the police anyway (and undoubtedly regret not doing so), it is doubtful that they were legally mandated reporters for the level of allegations known in 2000. There will not be criminal charges against them. Some other people can look into it; but that’s the reality.
That is not the reality. Here is my response to ML in part.
Brent Detwiler
September 15, 2018
How many are “some legal experts”? That sounds like an overstatement. What are their names? Do you include Mike McKnight? If so, I would not consider him a legal scholar. Nor is he an impartial researcher.
Given your assertions, would you please provide the reading of the law in 2000 versus 2003 by way of comparison? That should be easy for you to do. Mr. Wilhelm has asked you to do the same.
Of course, you must know John Sears, Tom Chantry’s lawyer, and Susan Eazer, the prosecutor and Deputy Attorney for Yavapai County, disagree with you. They have both argued in court documents that Tedd Tripp, Mike McKnight and Rich Jensen were mandatory reporters in 2000.
Furthermore, presiding Judge Bradley Astrowsky, made the same point at the Chantry trial. He stated the Informal Council and ARBCA would be convicted of a cover-up if put on trial.
Lastly, you say, “It is doubtful that they [Tripp, McKnight, & Jensen] were legally mandated reporters for the level of allegations known in 2000.” That is an absolutely absurd statement! In fact, it is offensive.
Have you not read the letters from the victims and the families that were presented to Tripp, McKnight and Jensen in 2000? Have you not read their own confidential reports from 2000? “The level of allegations in 2000” clearly required Chantry be reported. That is plain and evident!
ML, I can’t believe you are making excuses for them. The question is why? You appear to be covering up for them. There is NO DOUBT the allegations far exceeded the requirements of the law to report. This statement by you undermines all your credibility.
Now to the five letters. I present them in chronological order and rather than using their real names, I have substituted fictious names.
Lois Jones
November 14, 2000
I, Lois Jones, am writing this statement 11-14-00. My prayer as I write this statement is to reveal facts that I personally have knowledge of or was told directly by Tom Chantry himself.
[Note: Lois Jones is wife of Luke Jones and the mother of Mark Jones and Mitch Jones, both victims. This letter was written for the Miller Valley Baptist Church elders, Rich Howe and Eric Owens on Nov. 14, 2000 which was one week before the elders’ letter above to Walt Chantry on Nov. 21. She is writing “to reveal facts.”]
When Tom first came to Prescott as interim pastor, my husband, children, and myself welcomed Tom into our family. He spent a great deal of time at our home, from joining us on Friday night for pizza/movie night, to spending time during family activities, (decorating Christmas trees, holiday dinners, etc.) to just “hanging out”. We always tried to include him and make him welcome.
[Note: This is the kind of hospitable family predators love to target and take advantage of.]
Tom Chantry was always very negative and critical in most circumstances. He was great at making negative remarks about the way in which my family or I did things. He was the first to point out to us that even when things looked great, he would look for things wrong with them. He made many remarks about the way in which I did things with and for him, like eating in the kitchen and not the dining room and not treating him like a guest, the way in which our sons [Mark & Mitch] would squabble with each other, how he felt Luke wasn’t disciplining the boys enough. We tried to give Tom the benefit of doubt and I chalk it up to his being from the “east coast” or his youthfulness and inexperience.
[Note: The self-righteous hypocrisy of Tom Chantry is extraordinary. While assaulting and molesting children he was “always very negative and critical” of others and “would look for things wrong with them.” Chantry graduated from a prestigious seminary but was in no way qualified to enter the ministry. Degrees are helpful in gaining knowledge but they do not say anything about one’s character. Chantry was an “orthodox” sexual sadist who did not like people and was extremely arrogant.]
After events, which I will go through in detail later, we took the blame and truly forgave Tom in a Christ-like matter. Through all the years, even after our move to Mesa in 1996 we still welcomed Tom into our home and lives. He even has a key to our home in Mesa in his pocket right now (we have changed the locks to the door now). Tom would come and spend the night with us just about every time he flew in or out of Phoenix, or needed to be in Phoenix on business. We always provided dinner and breakfast and stopped what we were doing to spend time with him. When we were in Prescott, we would make it a point to have a meal with him or at least see him. We always tried to be a friend and encourager to him, always turning the other check and not being offended when we could have been.
[Note: In the future, I will write an article in this series on the how and when of forgiveness. “Forgiving” people who have not repented is never commanded in Scripture. It often leads to an unintended acceptance of sin rather than a biblical reproof of sin and godly accountability. Predators look for families that will turn the other cheek, forgive, believe the best, remain silent, and not report them to law enforcement.]
Tom Chantry has boldly lied to me both in person and on the phone in even the last few days and weeks regarding the problems and reasons that he has left Miller Valley Baptist Church. Tom Chantry lied to both Luke and myself on 10-28-00 when we last saw him and he told us “he had offended some of the church members” making us believe it was something minor and not the improper spanking of children when he had done the very same thing to our son in the past. Again, on Thursday November 9th at 6 pm Tom called and told me that he had resigned because it was going to be “impossible to work with the people of Miller Valley again”. Again, he had opportunity to tell me of the spanking of children as being at least part of the reason. Tom made it sound as if someone was being unreasonable and forced him to leave because of their action not his.
Tom is a bold face liar who can and has manipulated situations to take full advantage innocent people and children. He has misused his office as Pastor and the trust and authority that comes with it for his own twisted pleasure.
[Note: God bless Lois! This is a strong and clear-headed statement. Every aspect of it should be contemplated. Chantry is a sociopathic liar. Here is one definition.
“Creating elaborate lies for their own gain with no care about who gets hurt is a hallmark of sociopathic lying. Sociopaths are compulsive pathological liars. Sociopaths lie without conscience. That means that they can look you right in the eye and lie to you and not show the usual markers that would give them away. It also means that they don’t care about collateral damage. They get their mind set on a goal and they will make up whatever they need to in their attempts to achieve their goal. It doesn’t matter what the consequences are to others as a result of their lies. It doesn’t matter if other adults get hurt and it doesn’t matter if children get hurt. It doesn’t even matter if their own children get hurt.” (Ann Silvers, M.A., “How to Spot a Sociopathic Liar”)
Most importantly, Lois says he will “take full advantage innocent people and children” “for his own twisted pleasure.” She is referring to his sadistic assaults.]
The most serious offense was spanking Mark bare-bottomed (bare-bottomed: pants underwear pulled down, nothing covering my child: front or back, laying over Tom’s knee) and then denying it had ever happened.
[Note: At the July-August 2018 trial, one juror out of 12 jurors, voted not-guilty on the 4 counts of molestation against Chantry regarding Lois’ son, Mark Jones. It has been reported the juror was tainted. The State of Arizona plans to retry Chantry on these four counts. Mark is willing to go through a second trial because Chantry needs to be removed from society where is poises a grave threat to children.]
A while after Tom had arrived in Prescott, he approached Luke and asked if he could tutor Mark in English. He said Mark was very bright and he thought not challenged enough in school. Tom had seen others like that and thought he could help Mark achieve his full potential later on in school. Tom prepared a typed statement outlining his motives and objectives in working with Mark. At that time, he asked that we not mention this to anyone because he didn’t want others to ask him for the same for their children. After meeting with Mark a few times, he again came to Luke and said that Mark wasn’t “taking this seriously enough” (Mark was 10 and in 5th grade) and asked if he could spank Mark under certain conditions to show that he, Tom; had authority over him. After Tom presented his case and with the guidelines laid down, Luke gave permission.
[Note: Tutoring began in September 1995. It was a ruse used to abuse Mark. He tried to keep this strategy secret. Asking permission to spank was a pretentious way to carry out his assaults. “Tom had seen others like that.” This suggests he used tutoring for evil purposes before arriving at MVBC.]
Mark has written his own statement as to how, when and why Tom spanked him. To think that Tom did this to my little child is all I can bear. I feel so guilty forever agreeing to let Tom be alone with my son.
This all came to a head, when Tom asked if Mark could spend the night at his house [over Christmas break in 1995] because we had to go to Phoenix on Friday night and they had a class together Saturday morning. It seemed logical and Mark agreed so we said yes. That night Tom spanked Mark bare-bottomed and said he had done nothing to cause such harsh treatment. When Luke along with Rich Howe confronted Tom with this, Tom acted totally innocent and flatly said he had never done such a thing. Tom said Mark had to have lied because Mark didn’t want to do the lessons anymore or maybe Mark was dreaming. Finally, Tom said that IF he had done that he was asleep because sometimes he does things in his sleep and doesn’t remember doing them. After acting very sorry and apologizing to Mark and to us, but never confessing that this truly happened, we decided and hoped and prayed that Mark had been wrong. We immediately ended any one on one contact between Tom and our children. I don’t remember how long a period of time all this happened but it was only a few weeks.
[Note: Chantry is pretending to be a servant but it is part of an evil plan to assault and molest Mark. This is a common tactic employed by abusers. They will often offer services to parents (e.g. babysitting, field trips, fun sleep-overs, etc.) to get alone with their children. “Tom acted totally innocent and flatly said he had never done such a thing.” He is a con artist. This kind of lying is traumatizing to the victim especially when parents favor the predator. Mark was 10 years old.]
Why didn’t we speak publicly about this at the time? We felt we didn’t have enough evidence; only Mark’s word against Tom’s. Tom swore that this did not happen and we hoped and prayed that somehow he was right and Mark had dreamt it or even made it up so he would not have to continue the lessons with Tom. The greatest regret in my life is ever allowing Tom Chantry to be alone with my children. I don’t know how Luke and I could have let this happen to Mark, but we trusted Tom.
[Note: People need to be educated on how predators operate. I’d highly recommend this article. It is the finest I’ve read on the subject. Sex Offenders Groom Churches Too – How Predatory Behavior Goes Undetected in Congregations by Kimberly Harris (June 8, 2018).]
We knew that if we came forward with this accusation against Tom, it could have destroyed his ministry and life. Luke, Rich and I after great thought and prayer decided to remain silent. It took me a long time to forgive Tom and to put this behind me, but I felt that was the right thing at the time for me to do, I deeply regret that decision now.
[Note: This “bare bottom” assault occurred during Christmas break in 1995. The father, Luke Jones was the other non-vocational lay elder with Rich Howe. Chantry was the pastor.]
Tom Chantry has left very deep emotional scars on Mark that has yet to heal even after six years. Mark feels that we as his parents chose to ignore what happened to him and to side with the man that not only spanked him so harshly, but threaten to spank him bare-bottomed many times and I am very sorry to say we did. We truly pray that Mark can and will forgive us now that we have come forth and let it be known what kind of person Tom Chantry really is. Tom has to my knowledge never inquired as to how Mark has handled that experience thru the years.
[Note: At the July-August 2018 trial, Chanty categorically denied his assaults and molestations of Mark. At the next trial, I doubt there will be another tainted juror to keep Chantry out of prison for life. The case against him is extremely strong.]
In recent months, Mark has brought the subject up to us repeatedly and told us how upset he has been with us. I have asked him if he was willing, with us, to talk to Tom and tell Tom how he felt and try to put some kind of closure on this. Mark was not, but now I pray he can at last put closure on this painful time in his life.
[Note: I have worked with many victims of abuse. In my experience, the key to “closure” is confronting your abuser and prosecuting him in court. It is a liberating and empowering experience. Of course, a victim of physical and sexual abuse never forgets their experience but they can move forward. Not by “forgiving” their unrepentant abuser, but by confronting their abuser and pursuing criminal justice. It is also appropriate to seek restitution in civil court for harms done. This is in keeping with Scripture.]
Tom hit Mitch (age 11 or 12) in the jaw with his closed fist after Mitch had sprayed on Tom at a water fight on the first 4th of July Tom was in Prescott. There again, Tom denied he purposely hit Mitch, that he only pushed Mitch away. Steve Franklin, a member of the church at the time, saw the whole thing and told us Tom with a closed fist drew back from behind and swung hitting Mitch in the jaw.
[Note: Mitch is Luke and Lois’ other son. Steve Franklin was an eye witness but Susan Eazer, the prosecutor, was not able to locate him for the July-August 2018 trial. Luke told me at the trial, that he last saw Franklin ten years ago and he appeared sickly. He suggested he may be dead. In addition, many of those sitting nearby the picnic assault in July 1995 are now deceased. Because the State was not able to produce eye witness corroboration, the jury found Chantry not-guilty despite Mitch’s sworn testimony. This occurred three weeks after Chantry’s arrival at MVBC.]
We as a church had started a 4th of July tradition of watching the fireworks show from the church parking lot and parsonage yard along with that we had a bar-b-que and recently started a big water balloon/squirt gun fight. Our elders, Luke and Rich, along with everyone else just assumed that it would still be OK to continue this. The Selph’s had left and Tom had arrived the very last of June.
Tom was upset that we had planned to use HIS yard and hadn’t asked his permission and told Luke and myself this. Rich and his family were out of town at this time.
[Note: Chantry lived in the parsonage on the church property.]
The first people to arrive were friends of a church family and someone Tom had not seen before. He told us when he saw them ”they looked very rough and I immediately locked the doors”. As people continued to arrive, Tom became more and more angry with everyone in HIS yard and some that even went inside his house which he was quite upset about. None of this would have been wrong with the Selph’s, but we should have asked Tom’s permission but we just didn’t think it was a big deal. As the evening and dinner progressed with the water balloons flying Tom was beside himself. He had pretty much stayed inside his house by himself, but at one point he came outside and was sprayed with water, which he didn’t like. At that point he stated that the next person that hit him with water or anything else he was going to hit. Mitch had not heard Tom say this. Mitch came around the comer of the house, saw Tom and sprayed him with water. That is when Tom hit Mitch in the face with his fist. Immediately Tom went to his office at the church and locked himself in his office for the rest of the evening. There were many church members that were very upset with Tom over the way in which he acted and treated their non-church friends that attended the party. We had always used this activity as outreach. The whole night was probably the worst that we had ever had. The whole evening got off to a bad start and Tom’s actions certainly didn’t help.
[Note: The next day, Luke Jones and Rich Howe should have fired Chantry, who was the interim pastor, and reported him for battery. Three months later on September 27, 1995, the church voted to call him as the senior pastor. On February 17, 1996 he was installed.]
Most recent, Saturday before Labor Day [Sep. 2, 2000], we were in Prescott at our house and Tom showed up during the morning. He told us how upset he was and how he stormed out of the church’s parking lot. People were preparing Meals on Wheels at the church [bldg.] and he was taking a shower [in the parsonage] when the phone keep ringing. He refused to get out of the shower to answer the phone, he then heard someone knocking on the door calling his name and even heard someone in his house calling for him. He was so upset that he “couldn’t even take a shower in peace” that he got in his car and stormed out of the parking lot. He said he was so mad that if he would had talked to anybody at that point he would have said very bad things, so he left.
[Note: This Meals on Wheels project was done annually on Labor Day weekend. The church would prepare meals for indigent persons. Chantry’s temper tantrums were well known.]
Another incident that stands out in my mind was either a Wednesday or Sunday night. Tom told us that he had gone out with Emily Howe, Jason Ladner and serval other high school/college kids after church. Tom said they went out to dinner and the whole evening was great. We saw Rich just after that and he described the evening entirely different. Tom had ordered a beer and caused one of the other men to do the same. Emily, according Rich, was very upset. Tom had caused quite a scene but when Tom told us about the evening, he didn’t even seem to realize that he had done anything questionable.
[Note: This is another example of covering up.]
Tom also old us about a church sponsored hockey game in Phoenix with men and boys from the church. Tom said him and Taylor Welch arrived first at the game and “Taylor said I’ll get the seats and I said great I’ll get the beer. I went and got in the beer line just as Shorty [Eric Owens], Skip and the others came around the corner and saw me. I didn’t know what to do so I just went ahead and ordered beer for all the men.” He realized this was probably not the best thing to have done but he laughed about it to us.
[Note: Chantry didn’t care how his promotion and consumption of alcohol could stumble people in the church who abstained from alcohol. He laughed about it.]
Sometime in August of this year [2000], Tom called and asked if could spend the night because he had an appointment very early the next day in Phoenix. When he came, he told us that he was applying with as a foster child advocate with the State. This meant that he would have contact with foster children one on one to see how they were doing and report back to the State on their behalf. We assumed that Rich [Howe] and Shorty [Eric Owens] knew about this and were somehow involved. According to Rich, he had only found out about this right before Tom resigned [Nov. 8, 2000]. With the four children that Tom assumed authority over and spanked inappropriately [i.e., assaulted], and now putting himself in a position of authority over foster children is extremely frightening to me. I do not know his motives behind this, but I can’t help but think with his secretness with the elders and his actions with the church children he was again setting the circumstances to be able to abuse more innocent children.
[Note: Chantry was found guilty on August 21, 2018 of aggravated assault upon two of the four children. The other two children (now adults) are currently prosecuting Chantry on 13 counts of aggravated assault, sexual molestation, and child abuse. Trials will be forthcoming. Given the evidence, any sane person would recognize Chantry wanted to become a “foster child advocate” in order to “abuse more innocent children.”]
I know that Tom likes to smoke cigars and drink beer and wine. He knows some of the body doesn’t approve and yet he at times admittedly doesn’t care that it offends them. As pastor I feel he has a need to be sensitive to others feelings. There have been many times Tom has told us things that showed he didn’t really care that he offended the people.
[Note: Chantry takes pride in offending people. He is notorious for mocking and ridiculing others for their theology or perceived faults.]
I have tried very hard not to make judgments about Tom or his intensions and motives in this statement. I am trying very hard not to be out for vengeance for what Tom Chantry has done to my family and especially Mark. I know that God can and will judge Tom based upon his heart. I pray that Tom will realize what he has done and how his actions gave affected people’s lives and repent of his sins and seek forgiveness from the Father and from those he has hurt. I pray that be can be forgiven by all of us, which can ONLY be through the strength and grace of the Father. I admit that right now I am not yet there and only God can get me there.
[Note: Christians are often susceptible to being taken advantage of because they have been wrongly taught to “judge not.” That phrase is found in Matthew 7:1. The context, however, forbids sinful judging. That is, judging hypocritically and self-righteously. The Bible everywhere teaches us to judge righteously. We must always discern between good and evil. Furthermore, you know a tree by its fruits. Bad fruit reveals evil roots. Christians are also misled when they confuse “vengeance” with the pursuit of justice. It is right and proper to prosecute Chantry to the full extent of the law. That is not vengeance. That is honorable. Nor is it necessarily an evidence of bitterness or resentment. It is often an expression of righteous indignation. Holding someone accountable to God’s law is a holy enterprise especially when serious crimes have been committed.]
Tom lied to Luke and me. He made us think the “offenses” were the ones I mentioned above. He should have told us of the children especially given the fact that he also did the very same thing to our son. I know now that he did lie about spanking Mark and hitting Mitch in the face.
I think Tom is a liar and has used his office, trust and authority as Pastor in a very wrong and sinful way. I cannot comprehend the things that I know firsthand and now have heard that he has done. From what I have heard from Rich Howe and the attached e-mail that Tom sent me on 11-14-00, I would say Tom does not have a repentant heart. I know when I talked to him on November 9th (I did not know the circumstances of his leaving then) he acted like he was the one being wronged by the church family.
[Note: I have no doubt Chantry went into the “ministry” as a pretext for his sexual sadism. It was also a context in which he could exalt his intellect and exercise control over people. Here is the salient comment by Tom in the 11-114-00 email. It is so typical of his diabolical lying. “This rupture has hurt me more that I could have imagined. Many things have been said about me in the past five days, and most of them are entirely untrue.” Of course, they were all true. You quickly learn that child abusers are the some of the world’s most evil liars.]
Please know that the things I have stated in this statement were very difficult for me to recall and think about and also to say about Tom Chantry who I trusted as my pastor and friend. I deeply regret, but for the sake of my own son and the other three children, I felt that I had no other choice but to tell what Tom Chantry has done to my family.
May the grace and love of the Father abound to all involved.
Lois Jones
P.S. Luke has just read Mark’s statement and related some things we did not know before (my heart can’t handle reading first-hand how Tom Chantry abused my child). The punishments and spankings, both the psychical and emotional pain is just beyond my understanding. I can’t comprehend why Tom would do such a despicable deed and then to continue to repeat it is just beyond my understanding! I tried their whole life to protect my children from such monsters, and then to put them in a situation to get hurt and Mark thinks I gave permission, is more than I can bear. How and why would Tom Chantry, do this to an innocent child? And one that trusted him!
Luke Jones
November 19, 2000
Richard Howe
Eric Owens
Elders of
Miller Valley Baptist Church
815 Whipple St
Prescott, Arizona 86301
Dear Rich and Eric,
I am writing this letter in response to telephone conversations I have had with you, Rich, and my wife [Lois Jones] following phone conversations she had with Tom Chantry and Bob Selph.
[Note: Bob Selph, the ARBCA Coordinator, was fully apprised of all the physical assaults upon the four children.]
This letter is to be distributed to Bob Selph and Walt Chantry at minimum. You have my permission to forward it to any others, as you see fit. I also expect it to find it’s way to Tom Chantry.
[Note: This letter could be forward to anyone. There were no restrictions on its disbursements like the two confidential reports by the Informal Council that came later.]
I find it necessary to write this letter because of some disturbing things I have heard over the last few weeks. I am putting the information in writing, as I understand it for all interested parties to read, including my son Mark, so l can be corrected if my understanding is incorrect. I hope that by reading this, others might not make the same mistakes I have concerning Tom Chantry.
[Note: The letter, like his wife’s letter above, was written “for all interested parties to read.” Why? So “others might not make the same mistakes.”]
My relationship with Tom began with his coming to Miller Valley Baptist Church in Prescott, Arizona to serve as interim pastor [in June 1995]. My family and I immediately welcomed Tom into our family, and as families usually go, there were some good times and some not so good times, but we all seemed to be good friends through it all.
I will now attempt to get to the point of the bad times. It is hard it is for me to put in writing anything negative about a friend especially one who has been my pastor, but here goes. First there’s the fourth of July of 1995 when Tom hit my son, Mitch (who was 12 at the time) in the jaw and knocked him to the ground and later denied recollection of it even though it was witnessed by at least one adult [Steve Franklin] and attested to by Mitch. There were many mitigating circumstances so Rich and I, as the elders at Miller Valley at the time, prayerfully decided to recommend Tom to the congregation as it’s pastor anyway.
[Note: Luke Jones was a non-vocational lay elder at the time. This was a big mistake. The “mitigating circumstances” did not in any way justify the assault. The recommendation was ill-advised. Tom Chantry did not meet the character qualifications of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 or Titus 1:6-9.]
Sometime before Tom’s ordination the following January [actually Feb. 17, 1996], Tom approached me with a proposal to tutor my youngest son, Mark, who was ten at the time. It seemed like a good plan because it would challenge Mark in his learning, which wasn’t really happening at his regular school. Not long afterward Tom approached me again with the request that he be allowed to spank Mark if he didn’t pay proper attention or apply himself in class. Looking back, I should have known better because Mark had never been any kind of problem in class and had always made excellent grades, which is still the case.
Unfortunately, as time went on, as we later found out, the spankings became a regular part of the classes. Tom would regularly threaten Mark with spankings and actually spank him if his work wasn’t perfect, even to the point of having him do his catechisms over Tom’s knee with a swat at the end for each mistake without telling what the mistakes were and then repeating the process. The private classes ended after Mark spent the night with Tom as a favor to us. During the night Mark said afterward that Tom spanked him bare bottomed (with his underpants pulled down) for what Mark said was no reason at all. The unmentioned events came to light after Lois and I found out about the bare bottomed spanking. Again, looking back there had been complaints by Mark and Mitch, who sat outside Tom’s office during the class and heard Mark cry during the spankings in class, which should have alarmed me sooner. Therefore l take full responsibility for much of what happened.
[Note: This is clear evidence of punishing for sadistic pleasure. Luke is extremely remorseful to this day.]
After hearing of the bare bottomed spanking, Rich Howe and I talked to Mark, heard his story and talked to Tom. Tom admitted to the spankings in class, but denied the bare bottomed spanking at his home [during Christmas break 1995]. Partially due to the fact that it was well known that Tom experienced outbursts during sleep it was Tom’s word against Mark’s, we felt we didn’t have enough actual proof to risk serious damage [to] Tom’s career and the church. Therefore with Tom’s apologies and assurance that nothing like this would happen again, Rich and I decided to let that incident end without any discipline or the knowledge of others in the church or elsewhere.
[Note: This bare bottomed “spanking” of Mark at Chantry’s home over Christmas break occurred six months after he punched Mark’s brother, Mitch in the face at the July 4th picnic in 1995. Two months later, Chantry was ordained as the senior pastor on Feb. 17, 1996.]
In February of 1997, our family moved to Mesa, Arizona and this issue seemed to go away. However, recently Mark had begun to express some strong feelings. He perceived that I had put his best interest aside to protect Tom as it related to the previously described incident. Mark made clear his strong dislike, even hate, for Tom. Mark believed that Tom should have been severely punished, even at the expense of Tom’s career because of what he had suffered. Lois and I were trying to deal with this issue. We were even considering having a meeting with Tom, Mark and us in an attempt to resolve the issue. The recent revelation of very similar events between children at Miller Valley and Tom Chantry came out before that happened.
[Note: I am well-acquainted with what happened to Mark. His “hatred” of Chantry is understandable. I’m hopeful Chantry will be found guilty when he is retried for his repeated molestations of Mark. Chantry was protected.]
Before we were aware of the current situation, Lois, Tom and I went to lunch in Prescott [Arizona] on October 28 [2000]. Tom told us of a serious issue that he and Eric Owens were dealing with in the church. Tom said he had offended some church members and had used up all of his grace with the members at Miller Valley.
Tom called the day after he resigned his pastorate at Miller Valley [Nov. 8, 2000] and said he resigned, he gave little or no explanation at that time. Tom said he was going to Washington to visit friends [e.g. Tom Lyon, Don Lindblad] until he figured out what to do next.
Rich Howe called the next night and told Lois and I about the incidents that have occurred recently in Prescott [at MVBC], that are terribly similar to those we are still dealing with in our own lives. A few days later Tom sent us an e-mail that Lois immediately forwarded to Rich in which Tom said individuals at Miller Valley were saying things about him that were not true.
I believe that this recap of our past experience with Tom, his recent serious shading of the truth by saying he had offended someone, when he had actually abused one or more children in the church, will shed additional light on this situation for those who are trying to sort this matter out. It is also important to me because these events not happen again. If Tom has repeated what Mark says happened to him, Tom must not be allowed to be in a position of authority over children, or pastor a church again, unless (confession, serious repentance, and whatever further measures are deemed necessary by the Elders at Miller Valley Baptist Church are taken. Even then, I am not sure Tom should ever be allowed to have such authority again.
[Note: Chantry should have been reported to the police by the parents and the Miller Valley elders. At this point, it was evident he was a serial child abuser. Four children had been physically assaulted. Three boys bare-bottomed and then followed by the rubbing of their buttocks. He should have gone to prison. Thank God, he is in jail now.]
It appears that not only has Tom sinned against these children, he has and lied and is attempting to cover up his sin by discrediting Miller Valley Baptist Church and its elders. This must not be allowed to happen. The reputation of God’s church and the safety of other unsuspecting children and families are at stake.
[Note: Luke is exactly right. Chantry was covering up his sin by discrediting the people in MVBC and its elders. That includes the four child victims. That same strategy has been deployed by Chantry and ARBCA officials since his arrest in July 2016. Nothing has changed! This strategy is also evident in the reprehensible “Administrative Council Report – Part 1” put out on September 5, 2108. I will deal with that in a future article.]
We are also sending a letter that Lois has written [the one above] outlining her feelings on this matter. I started to read it and then decided we should each write our own. I apologize in advance for what I know will be some repetition. Mark’s recollection of his experience relating to this matter will also be included.
This has been a difficult process, if there are any small inaccuracies I apologize. I believe the information given here is overall true and accurate, though I have not attempted to outline every detail of every event. If any interested party has further questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me by either means shown below.
One additional thought. The morning after I wrote the words above. The morning after Mark wrote the letter you are about to read. Mark’s letter contains some information I have not been aware of before today, I am not sure why. What I do know though, is that we should have listened to Mark much more carefully, questioned Tom much more carefully and trusted Tom much less. It certainly appears that I have been deceived for years by a very convincing liar. After what I have learned this morning I strongly recommend that if it is possible, you should have the children involved in this put their recollections and feelings in writing. Had I done this at the time the events occurred that are described in Mark’s letter, much different action would have been taken at the time. I can’t believe I let this pass. I didn’t have a clear understanding of what had taken place. I hope Mark can forgive me for letting this happen. He has not to this point.
In the end we want the best for God’s church, Tom and all who are involved. I pray to that end.
In Christ,
Luke Jones
Mark Jones
November 20, 2000
What I am about to say is my recollection of events which happened to me when I was 10 years old. Even though it was more than 5 years ago [in 1995], I can still remember a lot of what happened. Although I wish I could, it is not likely that I will ever be able to forget what happened. For so long I was forbidden by my parents to even speak of these events, but now have the opportunity to finally let it out of my mind. First, I will tell what actually happened. Second I will tell my thoughts and feelings about what happened.
[Note: Parents must never dismiss allegations of abuse by their children even when the allegations are against people that are loved, respected and trusted by the parents. It is extremely rare for children to make up reports of abuse. You almost never suspect child abusers. They are people close to you.]
It is hard to tell exactly when it began because there were so many important events which happened before. It probably began when Pastor Selph left Miller Valley Baptist Church to preach in South Carolina leaving the church in need of a pastor. Since God had provided nobody else, Thomas Chantry came to fill the position of pastor. My parents welcomed him warmly to Prescott. Why wouldn’t they? At that point, they could not have known what was going to happen.
[Note: Mark’s father, Luke was a non-vocational lay elder for MVBC at the time.]
At first, I even liked Chantry. He was nice and more like a kid than the rest of the adults that I knew. For a while, my parents would invite him to have lunch with our family after church on Sunday on a regular basis. My parents spent many hours talking with him, and in a short amount of time he had gotten to know our family very well. My parents trusted and respected Chantry. He had succeeded in becoming a good family friend.
[Note: Chantry just turned 25 when he arrived at MVBC. That is how serial pedophiles operate. They groom their victims and their families by winning their trust. It is always the case.]
Over the summer, my parents had to spend all day at work, leaving my brother [Mitch] and I at home. However, we were still too young to be left alone for so long, so my parents hired a babysitter to watch us each summer. The summer that Chantry came to live in Prescot, my parents chose Ken Turner to watch my brother and I. The majority of the summer things worked out well. However, my brother and I did not always share the same point of view on things and sometimes ended up fighting with each other. Ken threatened to discipline us to the point of even spanking us if he had to. However, after one particularly bad fight between my brother and I, Ken proved that he never actually intended to lay a finger on either of us.
[Note: Mark was ten. Mitch was 12.]
Even then I could tell that Ken was very upset with what happened, so he sent us to our rooms. A few minutes later, he returned [and] explained to us what was going to happen. He had called my parents and they both agreed that the dispute had to be settled immediately, but neither of them could come home from work to do it. However, Ken was not the man who was going to punish my brother and I.
I do not know why Chantry became involved, but my parents asked him to come from his house and spank my brother and I in order to settle the dispute as quickly as possible. That is exactly what happened. Chantry came and explained to me the situation and then he put me over his knee and spanked me. The issue was solved. I did not have to be punished from my parents later, nor did they mention anything when they got home. Chantry did not hit as hard as my parents did when they disciplined me, so I felt that I had gotten away easy and was satisfied with my parent’s decision. However, this was only the beginning.
After the summer ended [in 1995] I went back to school and things proceeded normally for a few weeks. Things really started to go downhill from there. Chantry convinced my parents that I was a bright student and was not getting the attention at school to succeed later on in life. He had convinced my parents to allow him to pick me up from school and tutor me two days a week for two hours. He also received permission to spank me if I misbehaved. I thought that something was wrong because I almost always behaved well, but I trusted my parents and Chantry more than my own judgment. That was my mistake.
[Note: This was Chantry’s mode of operation. Using tutoring as a guise for his physical assaults and sexual molestations. He also got “permission to spank” as a cover for his assaults. He was “convincing.”]
The first time he spanked me in the class was after the third session. He made a deal with me that I was allowed one mistake for free, but the second would cost me a spanking. I do not remember my first mistake, but I got the spanking for slouching in my chair. He used a homemade switch which was cut from the willow trees outside of his house. Quite frankly, the switch stung like hell. My natural reaction was to rub the part that hurt to relieve the pain. I did it with tears streaming down my face. What else could a 10 year old be expected to do? Chantry saw and punished me with three more swats because he said I was trying to cheat.
[Note: This is child abuse. “The switch stung like hell…tears streaming down my face.” When the child attempted “to rub the part that hurt,” Chantry beat him three more times for “trying to cheat.” That is, “relieve the pain.” That is sadism. It should have been reported to police.]
After the second spanking, Chantry made me sit on his lap. There he explained that I could not try to relieve the pain, but he could if he chose to, and he almost always did. Yes, that does mean he rubbed my ass after spanking me. At the time I was too young to really understand what this meant. I thought he was doing me a favor because it did help the pain, so I did not even mention it to anybody else.
[Note: “Chantry made me sit on his lap.” “He rubbed my ass after spanking me.” This is a clear sign of sexual sadism. “I was too young to really understand what this meant.” The child is communicating in print his awareness of sexual overtones. No one drew him out. At the July/August 2018 trial, we learned from Mark that he was also being molested.]
As the classes continued on, it became worse. The spankings got more frequent and more severe. On several occasions, I would recite catechism over his knee. He would hit me with his switch if I made a mistake. He did not tell what the mistake was nor did he offer me a clue. He would just hit me until I got it right. Another time I could not pronounce the word “Massachusetts.” He tried to help me, but after a few failed attempts he bent me over his knee and spanked me until I got it right.
[Note: “More frequent and more severe.” Being a sadist, Chantry made up reasons to assault Mark.]
The time in each class that I knew I was certain to get spanked was when he graded my essays. I had to write one essay for each class. When he graded it he turned it into a game. He drew two boxes on a piece of paper. After each mistake he would fill in one of the boxes. For each mistake I made after both boxes were full, I received one swat. Despite my best efforts to correct my mistakes before the class, I would usually receive four or five swats. On several occasions, my parents proofread my essays. Even then, I would get one or two swats. Chantry’s standards were too high for any ten year old. There was no way I could ever be good enough for him.
[Note: Chanty’s sadism is part of a “game.” He is insufferable in his demands for perfection. He inflicted great physical pain and psychological trauma upon Mark.]
After each class my parents would come pick me up and take my brother and I home. On the way home, I would tell them about what happened. I told them every day that I got spanked by Chantry, but they did not listen. Whether they did not care or just not take me seriously I did not know. I trusted my parents. If they let it happen, it had to have been the right decision. Wasn’t that what I was supposed [to] do? They made no attempt to stop it, and I trusted their decision without question.
[Note: According to studies, children almost never make up these accounts.]
Things continued this way until my Christmas break. Even though school was out the classes continued. One day was different though. Chantry suggested that my parents let me spend the night at his house so that they would not have to drive me in the next day. My parents liked the idea and quickly agreed. That night was hell. Chantry was an angel at the beginning of the night but quickly turned into a demon. We played around for a couple of hours and even watched a movie. After the movie, Chantry’s true intentions revealed themselves. He had constructed two new paddles just for the occasion that he was just waiting to try out.
[Note: “That night was hell. Chantry…quickly turned into a demon.” “Chantry’s true intentions revealed themselves.” Chantry pretended to help the parents but it was an evil plan designed to assault the victim with “two new paddles just for the occasion.” These are all textbook signs of sadism!]
First he made me stand up and bend over and grabbed my feet while he spanked me with his paddles. He claimed that he was punishing me for the sins that I had committed but had not been caught. Things went from bad to worse. I will say this clearly so that nobody will be able [to] misunderstand me. He took my pants off and bent me over his knee while he spanked me with his paddle. He told me that he wanted to see my buttocks turn red while he spanked me. There was nothing between his paddle and me. Even worse, nothing between his eyes and me. I felt sick. After that, I went to bed and the class went on normally the next day.
[Note: “Punishing me for the sins that I had committed but had not been caught.” This is a common explanation used by sinister predators like Chantry in a Christian context. It is the same vile excuse used by John Smyth in his assaults on 25 young men in England and 90 boys in Zimbabwe. Search “Smyth” on my blog for articles. His son and former mega-church pastor, P.J. Smyth covered up for him.]
Mark says “clearly” what happened. Chantry stripped him naked and bent him over his knee so Chantry could see his “buttocks turn red while he spanked me.” This is criminal in nature! “Even worse, [there was ] nothing between his eyes and me. I felt sick.” Mark doesn’t tell us everything in this 2000 letter. He was also molested. The recent “Motion to Hold Defendant Without Bond” filed on September 11, 2018 by the State of Arizona says in part, “After this he proceeded to rub [Mark’s] bottom and stroke his penis.” This would have been discovered if Chantry had been reported to law enforcement.]
Another thing that I did not mention that I feel is very important is the reason that he told me he began tutoring in the first place. I had asked him several times and he gave me the same response. He said that I wasn’t being challenged enough in school and he wanted to make sure that I would reach my full potential later on in life. I asked him the same question again that night, but this time he gave me a different answer. He said it was “Because I like you.” That is all he said, then he changed the subject.
[Note: Chantry is a perverted sexual sadist who targets boys, not girls. The technical term for him is pederast. The victim is dropping hints. It wasn’t about tutoring. It was about “liking” him.]
After I told my parents they ended the class for a few weeks. Chantry had lied convincingly to them and accused me of making up the whole thing in order to escape his hellish class. My parents discussed it with Rich Howe and Chantry and they agreed to make some changes. The classes were held at my own house from then on, and I was no longer alone with Chantry. He was not allowed to spank me any longer. The part that made me suspicious was that I was specifically forbidden to ever mention any of these events to anybody ever again.
[Note: I talked to the Mark’s father at Chantry’s July-August 2018 trial. He deeply regrets not listening to his son and not reporting Chantry to law enforcement. No ARBCA official has yet to express any regret for not reporting Chantry’s known and suspected crimes to law enforcement. Like many other Christian organizations who cover up physical and sexual abuse or other forms of evil, ARBCA has played the “slander card” and claimed blogs are bearing false witness against them. The truth be told, ARBCA officials are the slanderers and false witnesses.
Remember, they have claimed Tom Chantry is innocent like Jesus Christ, Job and Joseph; the victims are the liars, the bloggers posting evidence are evil, there has been no cover up, all the laws of the land were followed, etc. Enough of the lying and hypocrisy ARBCA! You are the one transgressing the Ninth Commandment. Jesus’ words apply to you, “Woe to you scribes, Pharisees, hypocrites!” (Matt. 23:13-33). Here is the truth you have covered up!]
Thomas Chantry is a sick, twisted monster who used his position as pastor of the church [to] manipulate my trust in him and my parent’s trust in him. The emotional pain of knowing that I could never be good enough to make it hurt even more that the stings from his switches. Even all these years later I can still remember what it felt like to sit in school all day dreading what I knew was going to happen.
[Note: Filing a lawsuit for “pain and suffering” is a legitimate form of restitution. Five years has now become 18 years and Mark “can still remember what it felt like” to be repeatedly condemned, beaten and molested by “a sick twisted monster.”]
I trusted my parents to make sure nothing like this would happen, but it still did. I felt betrayed by them too. Chantry lied and convinced them that he had done nothing wrong. They believed him. They trusted his word over mine. Nobody took a second to consider what I felt.
[Note: I have counseled many victims and they have often told me the pain of betrayal by parents and pastors is equal or greater than the trauma of physical or sexual abuse. I have often seen pastors cover up abuse to prevent the loss of money, members and reputation. Read C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church & the Conspiracy to Cover-up the Sexual Abuse of Children.]
My parents criticized me for not forgiving him. They said it was not Christian to hold a grudge like that. Even now I don’t forgive him. I hate him for what he did. It angers me more that he lied about it and even repeated it. If he even once apologized and repented for his sin I would forgive, but he never will. He will continue until somebody stops him. I am not surprised that he repeated his actions. It will not be the last time either unless we put an end to it once and for all.
[Note: The last thing victims need to hear is how they need to forgive their unrepentant and diabolical abusers. Notice, I said last thing. The first thing, second thing, third thing… they need is to freely share the full range of emotions they are experiencing and be comforted and understood, not corrected. I’ve often seen victims told not to “hold a grudge” by unscrupulous pastors as a way to keep them from reporting their abusers to law enforcement. That is so evil. It is Christian to “hold a grudge” in the sense of holding an abuser responsible for their crimes. Mark is willing to forgive if Chantry ever repents but “he never will.” It’s been 18 long years. Please noticed the trauma caused by Chantry’s treachery. It “angers me more that he lied about it and even repeated it.” I respect Mark for his commitment to stop Chantry. He was opposed to pure evil then. He is still opposed to it now! ARBCA should honor him, not Chantry!]
Everything I just said is true. I admit I have no concrete proof, but I know what happened. The years have taken many details from my memory, but I have given the most complete and accurate account of what happened as I could. I hope Chantry repents and sets his soul right with God, but it would be a surprise to me if he did. My warning is to be careful. Chantry has a way with words. He can and will lie very convincingly to get whatever he desires.
[Note: Mark said this in 2000. When Chantry took the stand at his July-August 2018 trial, he told everyone in the courtroom time after time that none of the accusations against him were true. He also boasted to everyone, “The most important thing in my life is the glory and honor of God.” Chantry cares nothing, absolutely nothing, about the glory and honor of God. He is his own god! His life is about self-worship and self-indulgence. In the words of Scripture, he is a “lover of self” and a “lover of pleasure” He is perfectly described in 2 Timothy 3:1-9.]
Now that I have gotten that off my chest I hope my mind will begin to heal. It has been a burden to me for years knowing that he was continuing in his pastoral duties in Prescott. However, I will not rest at ease until it is certain that he can never again come into one on one contact with children.
[Note: Mark is courageous and a man of conviction. He was assaulted and molested when he was ten years old. He was 15 years old when he wrote this letter. It was a great burden to him then, that Chantry was still a pastor. He is now 33 years old and still determined and willing to pay the price to make sure Chantry “can never again come into one on one contact with children.” The jury was hung 11 to 1 on the four counts of sexual molestation of Mark at the July-August 2018 trial. The State of Arizona is retrying the case. May all the godly, cry out to God for justice! And may every ARBCA official and pastor that has witnessed to Chantry’s innocence, publicly confess and renounce their false witness. The man is evil.]
Connie Laver
December 3, 2000
To Whom It May Concern:
The purpose of this document is to record and briefly explain the actions of Thomas Chantry during the period of time he was tutoring my son, Daniel Laver.
[Note: Tutoring was the deceitful means by which Chantry got access to children for the purpose of assaulting and molesting them. I suspect he used this strategy before coming to Miller Valley Baptist Church in June 1995. He was 25 years old and just graduated from Westminster Seminary California.]
Tom started tutoring Daniel during his Fourth Grade year of school, January of 1998. He was helping him with his reading and math. Tutoring was two times a week, usually on Tuesday and Thursday. There were breaks in the schedule when Tom was attending a conference or on vacation now and then, or Daniel not being available or with his Dad.
[Note: The assaults and molestations occurred from February 1998 until October 2000. That is a period of two years and nine months! Chantry was just indicted by the Grand Jury of Yavapai County, AZ on September 8, 2018 for four counts of molestation, four counts of aggravated assault with sexual motivation and one count of child abuse in relation to Daniel during this time period. The trial has not yet been scheduled. The evidence against him is very strong as you will see below.]
I’m not sure when the spankings (physical abuse) began. I do know that over the past year [2000] I had begun to hear about them and it was to the point Daniel dreaded seeing Tom; he was even being sure to wear heavy jeans on the days he had tutoring. They had become more frequent almost a weekly thing during the summer.
[Note: “The spankings” are clearly and rightly identified as “physical abuse.” Not “inappropriate discipline.” Daniel “dreaded seeing Tom,” wore “heavy jeans,” and was assaulted “weekly” towards the end.]
Around the second or third Tuesday in September, I went to pick up Daniel from tutoring when I got off work around 4:45pm. The minute Tom opened the door and I saw Daniel’s face I knew something “was not right”. Daniel and I left and as soon as we got in the car I asked him what was wrong. He said “l got a bad spanking this time, it hurts to sit down or walk”. As I inquired further as to what had happened, he told me “I missed three math problems Pastor Tom had already shown me how to work. I said is that all, were you being focused on your lesson? Daniel said “yes, that was all”. He quoted Tom as saying “I’m going to have to think of a way to punish you more severely this time so you’II remember how to do those problems”. Tom proceeded to take Daniel into his bedroom, have him pull his pants and underwear down around his ankles, put his head into a pillow so Tom (or anyone else for that matter) couldn’t hear Daniel if he cried out. He then began to spank Daniel ten times with a large, thick board.
[Note: This is an unequivocal case of child abuse. Everyone involved knew about it but no one reported it to police. It was unquestionably covered up by the Informal Council and ARBCA officials who knew these were crimes!]
I tried to keep calm in front of Daniel that evening, but I did ask him if l could see where he was spanked. Daniel said o. k. and showed me his bottom and thighs. He had severe bruises that were dark purple across his bottom about 4 inches wide- also 4 inches across his upper thighs on both legs. It was no wonder he could hardly walk.
[Note: The severe, dark purple bruises were 4 inches wide across his buttocks and across his upper thighs on both legs! This was a violent and sustained attack (“ten times”) with a weapon (“a large, thick board”). Why? For missing “three math problem.” Chantry is wicked. Many officials from ARBCA read these letters. So did his father, Walt Chantry. None of them reported him to law enforcement. They intentionally chose to disobey mandatory reporting laws.]
I then began to think and pray about what I should do next. I made excuses for Daniel so he wouldn’t have to go for the next two or three times.
I don’t know exactly how many times Daniel was spanked with his pants and underwear down. I asked Daniel in the car riding home from his Dad’s house on Sunday night. “Was the last time Tom spanked you the only time he spanked you bare bottomed?” He said “no, he did several times.” I asked “Why didn’t you tell me and he said “I don’t know”. I then asked him what he had been spanked with when it was bare bottomed, and he said “Always the board”. (I did recall one time during the summer when Daniel had his swimming suit on that I saw bruises on his upper thigh, and he said it was from being spanked at tutoring.) The conversation continued with me asking Daniel if he (Tom) had touched him in any other inappropriate way. He asked “What do you mean?” and I said “anywhere like your private parts” and he paused and said “no”. That is where I left it as I could see he was getting quite upset.
[Note: Daniel was also being molested during these assaults. He was terrified of Chantry. He was also extremely ashamed. He didn’t want to talk about the trauma. “He was getting quite upset.” That was a sign. If Chantry had been reported to law enforcement, child abuse professionals would have graciously drawn this information out of Daniel. He could have received tremendous help 18 years ago.]
The reasons he had been getting spanked were totally unjustified….Maybe he didn’t finish an assignment Tom had given him, or didn’t read a whole chapter out of his “Hardy Boy” books every day. One time it was because his library book was overdue. Daniel can’t drive; his library books get returned when I get down to the library. I always pay any overdue fines if there are any.
[Note: “The reasons were totally unjustified.” That’s because Chantry “punished children for his own pleasure.” This was not hard to discern given the body of evidence made available to ARBCA officials including Tripp, McKnight and Jensen.]
I was also troubled by the fact that Daniel would have to pick with what “instrument” he wanted to be spanked with. He had his choice of a wiffle [whiffle] ball bat, a switch from the bush in Tom’s yard or the board. If he picked something like the wiffle ball bat, which he said didn’t hurt as much, he would get more swats. Even during the weeks that he had completed all his assignments there were sometimes “play spankings”. Like I previously mentioned, he was always sure to wear his heaviest jeans on days he would go to tutoring.
[Note: Chantry’s control over his victims was total. “Play spankings” were another clear indication of sadism.]
Daniel was very depressed. He didn’t want to go to school or church. This is totally uncharacteristic for him as he is so easygoing. Two of his teachers had commented how very quiet Daniel was and didn’t socialize with the other kids. His Math teacher even moved him from the front of the room where his assigned seat was to the middle of the room in hopes that he would begin to socialize.
[Note: Daniel’s dramatic change in social behavior and the commensurate depression was symptomatic of physical and/or sexual abuse. This should have been evident to the Informal Council, et al.]
I spoke briefly with Eric Owens one Sunday morning (in the beginning of September) after Worship Service regarding Daniel’s depression. At that time I was convinced that it was because of being made fun of and bullied around in school. Eric offered to go to the school with me and talk to the administrators and teachers if I wanted him to. I declined the offer at that time as I had been in contact with all his teachers during personal meetings or by telephone. Eric then offered to pray and do anything he could to help us.
[Note: Eric Owens was a non-vocational lay elder.]
On October 17, 2000 I was having a conversation with my niece, Harriet on the phone about Ladies Bible Study. I didn’t like leaving Daniel home alone so I could go. It wasn’t a time when I felt comfortable leaving him when I needed to be with him and encourage him as much as possible. That is when in passing I told her about Daniel’s depression. I said I didn’t know the reason for it although I thought it was because the kids at school were bullying him, and it might be the tutoring on top of all the other school pressures. I then stated he never wanted to go and that he was getting spanked. She said “Tom is spanking him?” to which I replied “yes”. That was the end of the conversation and all that was said about the subject. We then wished each other good night and hung-up.
[Note: Harriet’s son, Joseph was also being assaulted and molested though it was not known to her in 2000. Joseph came forward and reported to police in July 2015. That is what started the investigation of Chantry leading to his arrest in July 2016. He was a sixth victim.]
The next day [Oct. 18, 2000] at work I received a telephone call from Richard Howe. He said he had a disturbing telephone conversation with Harriet. He asked me a few questions to verify what he had been told [about Daniel by Harriet] and expressed to me that it was a serious matter that needed to be dealt with. When I went home that evening, he called and said that the Elders were going to have a meeting with Tom after Prayer Meeting that night.
[Note: Rich Howe was the other non-vocational lay elder in Miller Valley Baptist Church in 2000.]
They did meet with Tom and discuss the situation about Daniel. Tom immediately called me when their meeting was over. He stated that he shouldn’t have been spanking Daniel without my permission. He also stated that he was wrong to assume he knew what would be better for Daniel than I did. Richard Howe called me when he arrived home and told me that Tom would be giving me a call. I told Rich “he already had called” and filled him in on the conversation.
[Note: “Tom immediately called.” He was doing damage control. Child molesters know how to use “confession” to cover their tracks when caught. They will acknowledge the bare minimum (i.e. paddling without permission due to pride) but not their assaults and molestations. They pretend to be humble but are actually conning and manipulating people to avoid getting caught.]
Eric Owens then called me on Friday, October 20th, to set up an appointment for the three of us to sit down and discuss this. We set up an appointment for the next day, Saturday around noon. My nephew, Jack Laver, Daniel and I all sat down in the living room with Tom and Eric when they arrived. Tom began by saying that this was an awful awkward situation for all of us. (We all agreed with that.) He once again stated that he shouldn’t have been spanking Daniel without my permission. He also stated that same thing to Daniel directly. He said it was “pride” on his part to assume he knew what would be better for Daniel than I. Jack spoke up and asked Tom to make it clear to Daniel that this was in no way Daniel’s fault. (for telling) Tom did state that very briefly. Eric then asked each of us if we had anything to say and Daniel said “no.” I made a comment about how hard it was to accept this from him because of the situation with the Laver men. That was all I said and I regret saying that. (this had nothing to do with our past.) During this meeting Tom never asked to be forgiven. He was stating in a matter-of-fact tone what he thought he had done wrong, but never asked for forgiveness from Daniel or me. Tom stated several times it was his “pride”. I wondered what he meant by that. Eric lead in prayer and they left. I was just numb. Daniel didn’t know what to say, think or react; he just sat there on the sofa. Jack was very upset over the whole situation. I asked him if he thought Tom was sincere. He said he thought so and asked me the same question. I said I didn’t know for sure but his statements did not seem heart felt.
[Note: Rich Howe did not participate in this meeting. He left that day for a ten-day trip to Israel. This situation was poorly handled by Eric Owens. Eric should have confronted Chantry on his known assaults. Instead, “Eric then asked each of us if we had anything to say and Daniel said ‘no.’” Daniel was terrified. Eric should not have let Chantry get away with the shallow confession for “spanking Daniel without permission” due to his “pride.” This was a phony confession intended to appear humble. Yet, “Tom never asked to be forgiven” for his arrogance.]
On Tuesday, October 24th, Eric called me before I went to work and asked me if I thought I could call Tom and tell him what was on my heart. I hesitated, but I told him I would. I left work and came home to call Tom around 9:00 am. His secretary said he had stayed home that day, so I hung up and called his home. I explained that I forgave him for spanking Daniel without my permission and that I really didn’t know how Daniel felt, but I was not going to ask Daniel to call him or have another conversation about this subject. He said “whatever you think is best”, to which I replied I think that is what’s best. I told him I would talk to him when he came back from Washington where he was scheduled to be for the next two weeks. I said we all needed to pause and take a deep breath and pray about the situation. I told him to have a nice vacation (break). He thanked me for calling him and we said “good-by”. I returned to work.
[Note: Eric should not have asked Connie to call Chantry “to tell him what was on [her] heart.” He should have confronted Chantry with her. Connie “forgave him for spanking Daniel without [her] permission” but that was not the issue. Though she should have had assistance, I don’t know why she didn’t confront him on the assaults. Chantry manipulated all of them: Eric, Connie, Daniel and Jack.]
To the best of my ability—these are the true facts of the events and conversations regarding this situation over the last seven weeks or so.
Respectfully and In His Name,
Connie Laver
Tyler Walsh
December 7, 2000
[Note: This letter contained long paragraphs. I have broken some of them down into smaller paragraphs to insert proximate notes.]
December 7, 2000
To: Rich Howe and Eric Owens. Elders. Miller Valley Baptist
Dear Rich and Eric,
As requested, this is the account of events that took place last year while we had Tom tutor our children.
Last summer, about mid July 1999, Patty and I had Tom over for dinner. The discussion came up that Wayne and Jane would not have an afternoon baby-sitter for the remainder of the summer due to the girls that were taking care of them had other obligations or were going to be out of town. Another portion of our conversation had been that we had been discouraged with the education that our children were getting in [redacted] elementary school. After a while the discussion turned to the possibility of Tom watching the kids for a couple of hours a couple afternoons a week after our other babysitter watched them in the mornings. Patty’s parents watched them most of the time on the other afternoons. We thought since Tom had tutored Mark Joppa and was tutoring Daniel Laver, we felt comfortable asking him to work with our children in the area of multiplication tables. We thought this would be a win/win situation.
[Note: Wayne and Jane, Mark Joppa and Daniel Laver were all abused while tutored.]
Tom said he would be glad to tutor them and watch after them the days of the week that we would need him to except on Mondays since he had piano lessons then. But before the evening was over Tom did ask us about discipline. I asked him what he meant, but his answer was vague. I asked him what discipline would be needed since the children would be there for such a short time. And his answer led me to believe putting them in the corner or some such type of discipline. Anyway, he left for home with the understanding that he would be watching our children the next week.
[Note: Chantry was “glad to tutor them and watch after them.” He pretends to be a cheerful servant. He hoped to get permission to spank the Wayne and Jane. That comes in handy if the children tell their parent’s later as he has learned. Tyler is not keen to the idea. Chantry backs off.]
After he left, Patty asked me if he was implying that our children were going to get a spanking if he thought they needed one. I told her that wouldn’t be the case and that I would get in touch with him to clear that situation up by phone the next day. Patty further told me her feelings on the matter. First that she didn’t want anyone else disciplining her children other than us and that in this scenario there should not be a need for Tom need to spank our children if he only was going to have them for a couple of hours. Now another situation that even led us to ask Tom to do this tutor/watching our children was that we both work and our normal babysitter, [redacted], could only watch the children to around 1 PM since she had to work the evening shift at Baskin Robbins.
I never did call Tom, to much of my regret now.
The following week came and Tom began watching the children. It was not but after a couple of days that we went to pick up the children, after meeting each other at home after Patty got off work. When we went to get the children, Tom said a quick goodbye and then took off towards his house. Not saying that he had to “discipline” our children or anything. Just going back to his house.
[Note: Obviously covering up.]
After our children got into the car they couldn’t stand it and they had to tell us that they had to be disciplined while being at Tom’s that day. Jane told us what had happened, that they had put cokes on Tom’s living room table and evidently he had told them to use a napkin under them or to move the cans to another surface area. The children were not sure which, since they both got spanked severely and they weren’t sure of the order of events, when Tom got so upset for such a minor event, but evidently they didn’t listen well and therefore they were to be punished. Patty was livid and I was trying to get the facts straight. Here we had entrusted our Pastor to watch after our children for just a few hours in the afternoon and only into the first week and now he thought it was necessary to spank our children for not “listening” to him. I told Patty that I had not gotten to the point of calling Tom, blowing-off the situation rethinking it that Tom would not overstep his bounds. This went over like a brick, so I told Patty I would get in touch with Tom. Patty told me it was bad enough that it had happened to our children and hopefully it hadn’t happened to Daniel or any others.
[Note: A couple days after the tutoring begins, Chantry severely spanks both of the children for trivial reasons. It didn’t take long. He has an insatiable desire to inflict pain upon children. Patty is on to him. If their children are being “spanked” what about other children like Daniel Laver who was also being tutored.]
The next day I confronted Tom and asked him what happened, and asked why he didn’t tell us that he had spanked the children when we picked them up the previous evening. Then he told me that he didn’t think it was a big deal and he considered the matter resolved. At that point Tom got mad and turned the situation around, changing the subject, accusing us of not attending church regularly! I told him backup. He immediately apologized for that outburst since he was taken aback by being confronted and felt defensive. I told him he overstepped his bounds when he thought he needed to spank Jane and Wayne over such a trivial situation.
[Note: Chantry thought he could control Tyler. He uses anger and unrelated accusations to bully him. Chantry would never “back off” except for strategic reasons. He loves to lie and deceive and intimidate. It is all part of the fun for him.]
I also told him Patty was livid and this action of his was going to effect our relationship forever regardless of what he thought was right. Tom explained that he thought Jane and Wayne were lazy and not focused, and when necessary, a spanking or some such disciplinary measure would cure this defect in their personalities.
[Note: All the while ignoring the massive “defect” in his personality.]
I warned Tom that he should never take such liberties with our children or anyone else’s, regardless of the situation. Tom was quick in trying to smooth things over with me and apologized satisfactorily for the moment to at least placate me.
[Note: Predators know how to “placate” by apologizing “satisfactorily.” This is a common ploy. They are masters of manipulation. When caught, they will ask forgiveness for the bare minimum as a way to cover their tracks and avoid further scrutiny.]
But this would not fly with Patty and I told him so. Patty was especially angry that he would spank Jane. A little girl, a petite girl, of only 10 at the time. It was unbelievable that this had even taken place. I told Tom that he had usurped our authority that was never given to him. He told me that he had understood that he could discipline the children, so he did. I told him that he had not been specific enough and neither had I clarified it, but we couldn’t fathom what our children would do within a couple of hours time, that it would ever be necessary for them to have corporal punishment. Tom told me to tell Patty he was sorry, and I told him it was up to him to do that. (The apology to Patty never took place, and Tom skirted around sheepishly for quite some time.)
[Note: “Tell Patty he was sorry.” How pathetic. Thank God, Chantry was convicted on August 21, 2018 for his aggravated assaults upon Wayne and Jane. At the trial, Jane testified “that the spanking was harder than anything she had ever experienced and literally knocked the wind out of her. She was unable to even cry out. … [She] lived in fear of the Defendant.” Chantry awaits sentencing on October 19.]
Patty asked me to remove them from the situation and I told her it would still be O.K. believing that Tom was sorry. We were led to believe that this was an isolated incident, and Tom told us that he wouldn’t spank our children again, or any other children. Patty wanted to tell the Elders immediately, but I was satisfied with Tom’s apology, even though he never did apologize to Patty. I reasoned with Patty that we didn’t want to drag our children through a situation and also be a disturbance to our Church. We kept it to ourselves, telling no one, not even immediate family. Patty said she would trust me in this, but it would become a big problem since Patty was upset with me for not dealing more aggressively with the situation, and Patty was angry with Tom for even thinking that it would be necessary to discipline our children in the small amount of time that he would be with them. Tom had betrayed our trust.
[Note: Tyler made many grave mistakes. He knows it. We talked at Chantry’s trial. “We were led to believe that this was an isolated incident, and Tom told us that he wouldn’t spank our children again, or any other children.” This is another example of Chantry’s sociopathic lying. People who seek to live honest lives are extremely vulnerable to accomplished liars like Chantry.]
Over the next few weeks Tom became nervous since he never apologized to Patty and he didn’t gut it up and approach her to resolve the matter. Tom repeatedly requested additional moments to talk to me over the situation of Patty not talking to him.
They never did talk it over. I told Patty that she would have to forgive Tom anyway so she wouldn’t fall into sin, and I also told her to chalk the situation up to his immaturity. Patty eventually asked for me to have Tom come over to dinner some three months later.
[Note: Forgiveness of another person in the Bible is based upon that person’s repentance and asking of forgiveness. Luke 17:3, “If your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them.” Only when that is done, and the person repents, does forgiveness follow. Chantry needed to be rebuked in no uncertain terms for his lying, deceit and assaults. That would have helped Patty immensely. Understandably she was angry. Most people refuse to obey the first part of this verse - confronting the sinner. That is so important and actually helps to prevent a person from falling into sin when sinned against.]
We had Tom over on many occasions in the following months, up to the revelation of Daniel’s spankings. This opened up old wounds in our children after we asked again about the situation last summer of them being disciplined by Tom. We then found out that Wayne had been spanked separately in Tom’s office, and Wayne had never told us about until now. They were playing in the front yard and Tom asked Wayne to come to him. Wayne didn’t hear him because he, Jane, and Daniel were playing. Tom got angry because Wayne didn’t come immediately, so Wayne got spanked in Tom’s office. Also, that Daniel was spanked in front of them as well as him [Daniel] being there when they [Wayne & Jane] were spanked. Jane told us that she cried out loud so hard in hopes someone would hear her, the day she was spanked. Tom repeatedly threatened Jane, Wayne, and Daniel with an oar, a ruler, and his hand after telling me that he wouldn’t spank our children or any others. Our children told us his anger was terrible and scary. They did not trust him and were very afraid of him after being tutored that summer. They did not like him coming over to our house and were upset at us for making them go to his house that summer. Our hearts are grieved at not listening to our children more closely at the time and making the mistake of not letting, at least, our Elders know. Our concern for the time was since we thought the situation was one incident, why bother our Elders and start upsetting them and our church. Little did we know the pain and suffering we would be going through a year later. Also, that Daniel endured all he did for so long because of us not speaking up at the time. We feel immense guilt for this silence.
[Note: These were reportable offenses. Law enforcement should have been notified.]
Rich notified me late Sunday evening two weeks ago, that Tom’s sister, Judy [Rogers], would be coming to retrieve his possessions from the parsonage. I met Judy, for the first time, that next Monday morning [Dec. 4, 2000] at the church. I had wanted to go into the parsonage and get the oar Tom had spanked Daniel with. I had told Judy that the oar belonged to Bob Selph and I asked if I could have it. Judy asked me to wait while she made a call. After making the call she said she was told not to give it to me, but that I would have to take it up with Bob or Tom if I wanted it. I tried to get a picture of it, but by the time I went to my car to get my camera and went to the parsonage, the movers were wrapping it up in paper and it wasn’t going to be able to be photographed.
[Note: Tyler wanted to get the oar as evidence because it was used to assault three of the four children. Judy Rogers, Tom’s sister, was there to get his possessions because he feared being arrested if he returned to the scene of his crimes in Prescott, AZ. He quickly escaped to Seattle, WA on November 10, 2000. “After making the call she said she was told not to give it to me.” Guess who she called? Walt Chantry! How do I know? Tyler, the man writing this letter, told me at the July-August 2018 trial. Walt and his daughter, Judy were obstructing justice by stealing evidence that could be used against Tom. At the trial, Tom Chantry denied the existence of the oar and said he only had an ornamental toy paddle that was 12 inches long and ¼ inch thick made out of light wood without any holes drilled in it. What a lie! Walt and Judy knew he was using the oar to assault children. They got rid of it.]
We are saddened that Tom never felt the same care for us as we did for him. It is our fervent prayer that he would come to the realization of the gravity of this harm he inflicted on our children and families.
[Note: It is 18 years later and Chantry is only more hardened in his sin. Maybe 18 years from now in prison he will come to repentance, become an authentic Christian and ask genuine forgiveness. In any case, justice will soon be served and he will be righteously punished for the despicable harms he has inflicted on many innocent children and families.]
Tyler and Patty Walsh
Here is a summary of the article with quotes from the article.
The following ARBCA leaders knew Tom Chantry was abusing children based upon letters written by church elders, parents and a victim even before the Informal Council did their “investigation” during December 13-16, 2000 None of these men reported the crimes. All of these men covered up the crimes. All were top leaders in ARBCA.
- Walt Chantry
- Tedd Tripp
- Mike McKnight
- Rich Jensen
- Bob Selph
- Don Lindblad
- Earl Blackburn
- David Dykstra
- Steve Martin
Brent Detwiler
October 12, 2018
In this article, I want to establish the fact that everyone involved in 2000 knew Thomas Chantry was a child abuser even BEFORE the Informal Council from ARBCA did their investigation. That is proven by six letters written by one victim, four parents of victims, and the Miller Valley Baptist Church elders.
Richard Howe & Eric Owens (Elders)
November 21, 2000
Tom was spanking a young boy he was tutoring after school with various objects (boat oar, whiffle-ball bat, ruler, hand) on numerous occasions, including one bare bottom spanking that left welts and bruises on the child’s rear end and leg. This had been going on for one year before the Elders were made aware of it. … We are hard-pressed to fathom all of this. The Elders and the parents involved are in the process of documenting all of these reports in writing. … It is still incomprehensible to us as to how these actions by Tom were justified. Legally, what Tom did would be considered child abuse and could be subject to prosecution. We hope someday to get answers.
Lois Jones (Mother)
November 14, 2000
Tom is a bold face liar who can and has manipulated situations to take full advantage innocent people and children. He has misused his office as Pastor and the trust and authority that comes with it for his own twisted pleasure. … My heart can’t handle reading first-hand how Tom Chantry abused my child. … I tried their whole life to protect my children from such monsters.
Luke Jones (Father)
November 19, 2000
Tom hit my son, Mitch (who was 12 at the time) in the jaw and knocked him to the ground and later denied recollection of it even though it was witnessed by at least one adult… Tom spanked [Mark] bare bottomed (with his underpants pulled down) for what Mark said was no reason at all. … He [Chantry] had actually abused one or more children in the church. … It is also important to me because these events not happen again. … The reputation of God’s church and the safety of other unsuspecting children and families are at stake…. It certainly appears that I have been deceived for years by a very convincing liar.
Mark Jones (Victim)
November 20, 2000
Quite frankly, the switch stung like hell. My natural reaction was to rub the part that hurt to relieve the pain. I did it with tears streaming down my face. What else could a 10 year old be expected to do? Chantry saw and punished me with three more swats because he said I was trying to cheat. … Chantry made me sit on his lap. There he explained that I could not try to relieve the pain, but he could if he chose to, and he almost always did. Yes, that does mean he rubbed my ass after spanking me. At the time I was too young to really understand what this meant. … I will say this clearly so that nobody will be able [to] misunderstand me. He took my pants off and bent me over his knee while he spanked me with his paddle. He told me that he wanted to see my buttocks turn red while he spanked me. There was nothing between his paddle and me. Even worse, nothing between his eyes and me. I felt sick. … Another thing that I did not mention that I feel is very important is the reason that he told me he began tutoring in the first place. … He said it was “Because I like you.” … Thomas Chantry is a sick, twisted monster.
Connie Laver (Mother)
December 3, 2000
Tom proceeded to take Daniel into his bedroom, have him pull his pants and underwear down around his ankles, put his head into a pillow so Tom (or anyone else for that matter) couldn’t hear Daniel if he cried out. He then began to spank Daniel ten times with a large, thick board. … He had severe bruises that were dark purple across his bottom about 4 inches wide- also 4 inches across his upper thighs on both legs. It was no wonder he could hardly walk.
Tyler Walsh (Father)
December 7, 2000
The children … both got spanked severely and they weren’t sure of the order of events, when Tom got so upset for such a minor event. …Jane told us that she cried out loud so hard in hopes someone would hear her, the day she was spanked. Tom repeatedly threatened Jane, Wayne, and Daniel with an oar, a ruler, and his hand after telling me that he wouldn’t spank our children or any others. Our children told us his anger was terrible and scary.
Brent Detwiler
October 12, 2018
Bear in mind, all of these letters were sent to the Informal Council comprised of Tedd Tripp, Mike McKnight, and Rich Jensen before they arrived in Prescott, AZ to do their investigation on December 13-16, 2000. The Informal Council confirmed everything in the letters and more. Tripp, McKnight, and Jensen knew without a doubt that Tom Chantry was a child abuser! ...
These letters were given to Walt Chantry, Tom Chantry, Bob Selph (the ARBCA Coordinator), and Don Lindblad (Tom’s advocate). In addition, they were likely shared with Earl Blackburn (Chairman of the Administrative Council), David Dykstra (Member of the Administrative Council & Chairman of the Membership Committee), and Steve Martin (Member of the Administrative Council). …
Let me also add that Blackburn, Lindblad and Martin, along with Selph, met with Rich Howe and Eric “Shorty” Owens in Escondido, CA on November 14, 2000. … This meeting occurred before the five letters were completed. During this time, Rich Howe and Eric Owens discussed the unwritten reports of abuse concerning Chantry. Blackburn, Dykstra, Martin and Lindblad knew all about the allegations of children abuse. Selph too. It was common knowledge.