We Are Taking Brent Detwiler's Allegations Seriously!

Dave Harvey just posted. Here is a fast and brief response. My comments are in blue ink.
What are we doing about the allegations against C.J.?
November 28, 2011 by Dave Harvey
That’s the big question, isn’t it? How is Sovereign Grace’s board handling the allegations that Brent Detwiler has brought against C.J. Mahaney? We know that you care about this a lot. We also care about this a lot, and we are taking Brent’s allegations seriously. We don’t want to ignore the many accusations that now sit in the public mind. We want to get this right. Brent’s documents require impartial examination and C.J. deserves a fair hearing.
The Board is totally ignoring the vast majority of my accusations. Around 95%. They are not examining my documents. They have tossed them aside. They are looking at approximately 5% of what I’ve written.
So with the help of Ted Kober from Ambassadors of Reconciliation and under the direction of an independent facilitator named Bryce Thomas, we’ve set up the following process (I realize that this is a lot of info, but we believe that it’s important, so please stay with me).
Three evaluation committees
Three committees have been formed, each one responsible for answering one key question established by the independent facilitator. The first committee will answer the question: Was Larry Tomzak’s departure from Sovereign Grace Ministries handled properly? The second committee will answer the question: Did C.J. Mahaney wrongly influence the dismissal of Brent Detwiler from his church in Mooresville, NC? The third committee will answer the question: Was C.J. Mahaney’s participation in fellowship in 2003 and 2004, including the giving and receiving of correction, in keeping with the teaching of Scripture?
These three questions are so limited. It is not even clear if the first question deals with C.J. and Steve Shank’s premeditated blackmail of the Tomczak’s. In my previous blog post, I dealt with the second question about my dismissal. The third question requires my participation; but I have been excluded. I have information no one else can provide. And the question should not be “in keeping with the teaching of Scripture” but in keeping with the teaching of C.J. and the practice of SGM.
Each committee has been directed to determine three things:
- What happened?
- What is the significance of what happened?
- What should the Sovereign Grace board do based upon the panel’s findings?
In their evaluation, each of the committees is able to look at any evidence and call any witnesses without restrictions. The facilitator will oversee each panel to certify that all evidence was heard and considered in accordance with standard rules of evidence.
The committees don’t know who to call as witness. Along with others, I should have been consulted.
Each of the committees will prepare a report that will contain recommendations for the SGM board. We will publish the unedited reports after the board has reviewed them and written its own response to them. Since the committees have until December 13 to produce the reports, the board will likely wait until January to release them.
Composition of the committees
Each committee is made up of two pastors from within SGM and one member of the SGM board. Both AOR and the facilitator recommended a panel of three and affirmed this composition. Under the facilitator’s direction, the board established the following qualifications for those serving on the review committees. Each member must:
- Be an ordained pastor in SGM
- Have at least five years of ministry experience
- Have demonstrated wisdom and discernment in the past
- Have a reputation for being trustworthy
- Have no prior involvement in any of the issues at stake
No member of the SGM Board is trustworthy given their consistent bias and deceit since July 6.
Additionally, the SGM board members serving on the committees were required to have board terms beginning in 2011, and to have not served on the previous SGM board.
That only excludes Joshua Harris. What a pity. I’d love for him to be on any panel, especially mine. He is the only one who has demonstrated any humility and honesty. I guess that disqualifies him.
Members of each committee were selected by the board in line with those qualifications.
Closing thoughts
Just a few thoughts. Is this a perfect process? No, of course not. We never could come up with a perfect process. But we believe that this is a fair, impartial process. The fact that it has been endorsed by both the independent facilitator and the team from AOR gives us confidence that the questions before each panel will be answered fairly and judiciously.
This is not a fair, impartial process. The scope of the investigation is altogether partial. In addition, no Board Member should be empaneled. They have been extremely biased from the beginning. See Dave’s July 13 blog post. Furthermore, I am excluded from question one and three. That is crazy if you are looking for justice.
Of course, ultimately our hope is not in a process, but in Jesus. He is more committed to truth and righteousness and justice than anyone else. We want the truth to be known. But if our hope is ultimately in a committee or in a process, we’re going to be disappointed. That’s why our hope is in Christ, who is building the church and will continue to build the church. So please pray with us he will accomplish much good for our family of churches through the work of these panels.
This is one point I agree with – Jesus will make the truth know in this life or in the life to come. I certainly don’t expect this from the SGM Board. The three panel approach is a sham.