Will Tom Ascol & Founders Ministries Sever Ties With ARBCA & Remove Fred Malone & Tom Hicks from Ministry Team for Covering Up Tom Chantry's Crimes

Founders Ministries is well-known in Presbyterian, Reformed Baptist, and Southern Baptist circles. They share a close relationship with the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA). Its ministry Team is comprised of six men: Tom Ascol, Jared Longshore, Fred Malone, Tom Hicks, Jon Lee, and Tom Nettles. Ascol is the President. Longshore is the Vice President. I wrote both men a couple of weeks ago concerning Malone and Hicks. I have not heard back from them yet.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2019 1:25 PM
To: Tom Ascol barbreisinger@mac.com; Jared Longshore barbreisinger@mac.com
Subject: Read Ten-Part Series / Addressing ARBCA & Fred Malone
Hello Tom and Jared,
Would you please read the ten-part series I have attached given your close association with ARBCA and then give me a call to talk about how you plan to address the situation including Fred’s role on the Founders Ministry team. 704-497-7986.
Would you also forward this material to Jon Lee and Tom Nettles. I have already sent it to Tom Hicks and Fred [Malone].
Thank you.
Fred Malone is a close friend of Walt Chantry. Walt visited Fred in Clinton, Louisiana after the 2000 ARBCA investigation of his son, Tom Chantry for child abuse. Malone is part of the extensive cover-up by ARBCA of Chantry’s crimes. Here’s an excerpt from his biography.
“Fred A. Malone has served as pastor of First Baptist Church, Clinton, Louisiana, since 1993, having previously served eleven years as founding pastor of Heritage Baptist Church, Mansfield, Texas. … He has served as a Trustee for The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky, for the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies, and for Louisiana College, Pineville, Louisiana. He has served on the Administrative Council of the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches in America and is Senior Fellow of the Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies at Westminster Theological Seminary in Escondido, California.”
The Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies (IRBS) is the ARBCA seminary. Westminster Theological Seminary in California has cut ties with IRBS. They also removed Dr. James Renihan as a Visiting Professor. Renihan is the President of IRBS.
Fred Malone was the senior pastor at First Baptist Church (FBC) until Tom Hick’s assumed those responsibilities around 2016. Malone remains on staff.
Hick’s told FBC on October 15, 2017 that Malone had no knowledge of Chantry’s crimes. He was either deceived by Malone or lied on behalf of Malone. In either case, he needs to correct the record, reprove Malone and commend the former members who exposed Malone.
Here’s the correspondence I sent Tom Hicks to make my case. He has been totally unresponsive. The refusal to deal with Fred Malone’s documented corruption continues. Tom Ascol should remove both men from Founders Ministries Team. Otherwise, he is endorsing two men who refuse to repent for defending and promoting a known child abuser at the expense of his victims and their families. That cannot be tolerated.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Saturday, May 25, 2019 12:36 PM
To: Tom Hicks <tomhicksjr@gmail.com>
Subject: My Appeal to Correct False Statements/ Reprove Fred for Lying/ Speak Out Against Corruption in ARBCA
Hello Tom,
I wanted to follow up since sending you my ten-part series on May 15, 2019. I trust you have read the document and are prepared to take corrective action. This is important since you have made a number of false and misleading statements to First Baptist Church Clinton in the past.
For example, you must realize by now how utterly false your comments were to FBC on October 15, 2017.
“Fred (Malone) and this other man (Don Lindblad) then speculated (between the two of them) that maybe Tom Chantry had spanked a child too hard or something like that, however, they had no knowledge of that speculation. It was a mere speculation with no knowledge of facts of abuse at all. That is both Fred and this man’s testimony to this day. Also, another individual who was involved at the time has said that because of the way the proceedings took place, Fred couldn’t have had knowledge of the process or the findings of the council. He said Fred couldn’t have known anything.”
The evidence in court documents and primary source documents conclusively shows Don Lindblad knew all about the “facts of abuse” and he conveyed that information to Fred Malone. It was not in any way a “a mere speculation.” Lindblad’s knowledge was based upon oral reports and written documents from the parents, victims and Miller Valley elders.
This information was passed on to Fred from Lindblad if only orally. That is why Fred told Anthony Battaglia on July 28, 2017 that he knew about the “allegations of child abuse” having learned about them from Lindblad.
Here is what I wrote in my ten-part series.
Ten-Part Series
Page 126
In a similar way, Fred Malone, has also lied and covered up for Chantry and ARBCA. He too has been on the Administrative Council over the years and is a good friend of Walt Chantry. Anthony Battaglia was a deacon in his church. Battaglia has graciously worked for his repentance and that of his fellow elders, Tom Hicks and Mitch Axsom. Malone, like many other ARBCA officials and pastors, knew about Chantry’s child abuse and was part of the “investigation” in 2000 by his own admission.
Read, “Fred Malone’s Admission of Guilt” at http://arbca.org/tom-chantry-child-abuse-case/fred-malones-admission-of-guilt/ and other articles on Battaglia’s website.
I also wrote the following. “The list” refers to the seven men approved by Tom Chantry on November 28, 2000 to be “an arbitrating group to investigate and make recommendations.” It included Fred.
Ten-Part Series
Page 140
Fred Malone of First Baptist Church of Clinton, Louisiana is on the list. He knew all about the investigation of Chantry as a child abuser in 2000 even though he was not selected to be on the Informal Council and was not on the 2000-2001 AC. This is very important to note since the AC Report – Part I and AC Report – Part 2 deceptively claim no one knew Chantry was alleged to have committed crimes except for the Informal Council and MVC elders. That is blatantly untrue.
This transcript comes from a phone conversation between Anthony Battaglia and Fred Malone on July 28, 2017. Malone, like Giarrizzo, has repeatedly lied, in an attempt to coverup his knowledge of Chantry’s crimes which he did not report to law enforcement.
See “Tom Chantry Child Abuse Case” at http://arbca.org/ for more documentary evidence.
Fred Malone’s Admission of Guilt
Battaglia: Did ARBCA know about the allegations of child abuse back in two thousand?
Malone: Yes we sent three men to investigate it.
Battaglia: Did you know about the allegations of child abuse?
Malone: Of course I was on the investigation.
Battaglia: You went to Arizona?
Malone: No on the phone [with Don Lindblad].
Fred Malone was not technically on the investigation, like Bob Selph was not technically on the investigation, but he knew all about it from Don Lindblad and others like Walt Chantry who visited him in Louisiana after the IC reports came out on December 16, 2000. Walt and Fred were close friends. Fred was part of the coverup. He did not report the alleged crimes.
This conversation between Fred and Anthony took place 3 months BEFORE your comments to FBC on October 15, 2018 when you adamantly asserted he and Lindblad had “no knowledge of facts of abuse at all.” That was entirely untrue.
I also refer to Walt traveling from Pennsylvania to Louisiana after the investigation was completed in 2000 to fill Fred in on what transpired. You know all about this visit from Jon Moyers. Here is what Jon wrote me.
“On September 5, 2017 Fred Malone on a Wednesday night sat with me on the front pew of First Baptist Church Clinton, Louisiana. We were discussing the three-man investigation team. He told me that after the investigation in 2000, Walt Chantry came to Louisiana to talk to Fred about what had transpired. … Fred said that he was in contact with Don Lindblad who was Tom’s advocate during the investigation.”
As we know, Lindblad was first told about the allegations of child abuse on November 14, 2000 when he, Earl Blackburn, Steve Martin and Bob Selph met with the MVBC elders, Rich Howe and Eric “Shorty” Owens. We also know Lindblad was given the letters from the parents and a victim documenting the abuse. He was also given the November 21, 2000 letter from the elders to Walt Chantry stating Tom was guilty of child abuse for which he was criminally liable.
Furthermore, Lindblad was given the two sealed reports from the Informal Council. We also know he gave all this information to Earl Blackburn and others. This has been conclusively proven in the letters I sourced between Lindblad and Blackburn. Yet, all these men lied, including Fred, claiming they did not know about the allegations of abuse or have any evidence of abuse in their possession.
Here again is the disinformation you have advanced.
“Fred (Malone) and this other man (Don Lindblad) then speculated (between the two of them) that maybe Tom Chantry had spanked a child too hard or something like that, however, they had no knowledge of that speculation. It was a mere speculation with no knowledge of facts of abuse at all. That is both Fred and this man’s testimony to this day. Also, another individual who was involved at the time has said that because of the way the proceedings took place, Fred couldn’t have had knowledge of the process or the findings of the council. He said Fred couldn’t have known anything.”
You also refer to “another individual who was involved at the time” who said “Fred couldn’t have had known anything.” I think you are referring to Earl Blackburn. He was Chairman of the Administrative Council in 2000-2001 and 2001-2002. He made this claim of ignorance in reference to himself when writing the Miller Valley elders on February 13, 2002 and ever since. It was an outrageous lie but one he created to cover his tracks. He had all the evidence. It was given to him by Lindblad. It was the same lie used by other officials in ARBCA to deny knowledge of Chantry’s crimes. I exposed this tactic in my Part 4 article.
Tom, I have read all your correspondence with Jon Moyers. You have been wrong about a great many things. I trust you realize it now based upon a reading of the evidence. Your errors need to be corrected. You need to address the church and those beyond the church you have misled.
Fred clearly lied to you, and everyone else in First Baptist Church Clinton, just like Don Lindblad lied to all of ARBCA. Fred needs to be brought before the church and reproved. Are you going to address his deceptive behavior or will you treat him with favoritism? There is no question he knew about the allegations of abuse and was part of the long term coverup. He is not a man above reproach. Therefore, he should be removed as a pastor, a professor at IRBS, and from the Founders Ministry.
Furthermore, you should invite Anthony and Candy, along with Jon and Amanda, to a special meeting of FBC where you can ask their forgiveness and thank them for their heroic efforts.
After your October 15, 2017 remarks to FBC, you wrote Jon Moyers the following.
“If I concluded they were in sin on the basis of sufficient evidence, I would press it through the appropriate committees, until there was resolution. I would not stop. And if we find any such clear evidence, I promise you, my brother, I will be 100% with you and I will be the first in line to create some (hopefully) constructive conflict in the association. If they did not repent, we would leave. I have no loyalty to an association that will not handle sin that is clearly evidenced among them.” (Oct. 24, 2017)
Tom, you have now been provided overwhelming evidence, not just sufficient and clear evidence, in my “Ten-Part Series on the Abuse of Children by ‘Pastor’ Tom Chantry and Its Cover-Up by the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America from 2000-2018.” The question is whether or not you have been “the first in line to create some (hopefully) constructive conflict in the association” and “press…until there was resolution.” For instance, did you take a stand at the recent General Assembly? I’ve heard nothing to that effect whether by committee or on the floor of the convention. How have you backed up these bold statements?
It is manifestly clear from the May 9 statement put out by the General Assembly delegates (of which you were one) that ARBCA has no interest in repenting. There is still no acknowledgement of any wrongdoing. Does that mean FBC will be leaving ARBCA given your promise? “If they did not repent, we would leave. I have no loyalty to an association that will not handle sin that is clearly evidenced among them.”
You also wrote the following to Jon in July 2017.
“To my thinking, the greatest issue at hand is whether men currently involved in ARBCA broke state or federal law or violated God’s moral law. The reason that’s the greatest issue is that it relates to our congregation and to our association with ARBCA. Frankly, the allegations against Chantry look terrible, but I want to withhold personal judgment until the court case is resolved. … I am absolutely willing to follow the evidence trail wherever it leads. I need to know the reporting laws in 2000/2001 and what was alleged in 2000/2001. I also need to know the exact information that was reported to ARBCA at the time.” (July 30, 2017)
You now have all the information you wanted and much, much more! It has been definitely proven a host of men like Fred Malone, Walt Chantry, Earl Blackburn, David Dykstra, Steve Martin, Don Lindblad, John Giarrizzo, Larry Vincent, Bob Selph, Marcus McKnight, Tedd Tripp, Rich Jensen, and others broke the law in not reporting Chantry’s criminal actions. Even Chantry’s first lawyer, John Sears, pointed this out in official court documents. And yet 2016-2017 Administrative Council knowingly lied when it said all laws were followed. There are scores of examples of corruption documented in my ten-part series.
You claim, “I am absolutely willing to follow the evidence trail wherever it leads” “but I want to withhold personal judgment until the court case is resolved.” Well, the evidence trail has produced six guilty verdicts and a third trial is in the works. This is the man ARBCA has protected and defended all these years despite overwhelming evidence of guilt. And some top ARBCA leaders are still telling church members they think Chantry is innocent of molestation. They do so to save face because they have staunchly defended him in the past. That is so evil!
Well, here are my final questions. When will you recant all your false and misleading statements to FBC? When will you reprove Fred and remove him from ministry for his lying and deceit? When will you publicly commend Anthony and Jon? When will you leave ARBCA as promised? When will you speak out against the corruption in ARBCA?
I really would like answers to these questions. Better yet, I would like action. I’d love to see you do what you have promised to do. That is my prayer. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
I did not hear back from Tom Hicks, so I wrote him again with more evidence. Still no response.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2019 6:00 PM
To: Tom Hicks tomhicksjr@gmail.com
Subject: RE: My Appeal to Correct False Statements/ Reprove Fred for Lying/ Speak Out Against Corruption in ARBCA
Importance: High
Hi Tom,
I’ve attached “Court Document - Exhibit 153 - Don Lindblad’s Review Report for Earl Blackburn (April 15, 2002).” It is more definitive evidence that Don Lindblad and many other ARBCA leaders knew about the allegations of child abuse against Tom Chantry.
Would you please get back to me by Friday afternoon about whether you plan to correct your statements, reprove Fred, and commend those who have been true friends before FBC [First Baptist Church]?
Here are several articles I recently wrote based on newly discovered evidence. ARBCA is so guilty! Why would anyone remain associated with them?
Don Lindblad’s Recently Discovered Review of Informal Council Investigation for Chairman Earl Blackburn Proves Intentional Cover-Up of Tom Chantry’s Crimes by Marcus “Mike” McKnight, Tedd Tripp and Rich Jensen
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 11:19AM
Newly Discovered Letter from Tom Chantry in 2000 Documents Widespread Knowledge in ARBCA of Accusations Against Him for Repeatedly Abusing Children & So Was Talk About Prosecuting Him
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:02PM
New Evidence Shows Miller Valley Baptist Church Secretary Told ARBCA Investigators in 2000 that Tom Chantry Would “Take People’s Children & Hurt Them Without Cause & Enjoy Doing It.”
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:25PM
Former Members of Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ask Probing Questions, Lay Out 16 Things ARBCA Must Confess, & Expose Pastor Tom Lyon for Covering Up Tom Chantry’s Crimes
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:42PM
ARBCA Seminary President Jim Renihan Fraudulently Promotes Faculty of Impressive Professors That Never Taught in His School. Westminster Seminary California Removes Renihan As Visiting Professor.
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 1:24PM