Important Statement from Victim James Roberts Regarding Third Trial of Nathaniel Morales

Nathaniel Morales was indicted on July 18, 2013 for “Sex Offense Third Degree” against James Roberts. The trial regarding this count was scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday. It was cancelled because Morales was found guilty on five counts in the first trial (May 12-15) regarding Samuel Bates, Brian Wolohan, Jeremy Cook and two counts in the second trial (May 19-2) regarding David Tapia Jr.
The maximum sentence for these seven counts is 120 years. In Maryland, that means he will likely be sentenced for approximately 60 years or half the time. He will never see the light of day and that was the goal for prosecutors.
Therefore, the State decided it was not in the interest of “judicial prudence” to proceed with the third trial (May 21-22) regarding James Roberts. The same is true for Daniel Bates. He became sick and could not participate in the first trial as planned.
Mr. Roberts furnished me the statement below. He wanted to face Morales in court but he understands the reasoning provided by Assistant State’s Attorney Amanda Michalski for not proceeding.
James Roberts’ Public/Media Statement
There has seemed to be much confusion as to why my case in particular (MD vs Morales 123155C) was not tried. Let me be clear; it was not due to a sudden fallacy, or the merits of my case against Nathaniel Morales. Mr. Morales was indicted for “sex offence III” by the State of Maryland and my case remains active today. I want to make it perfectly clear that I stand behind my statements with regard to both my criminal case against Morales, as well as my civil case.
Because both the criminal and civil cases are active, I need to be wise with my words so please accept this brief explanation. The State Attorney’s office has explained to me that they will be following “Judicial Prudence” with regard to my case, and will await the outcome of the August sentencing (possible 120+ years) for the cases which Morales has already been convicted and found guilty of. The prosecution has their reasons & strategy for this.
It is ultimately their (the State of Maryland’s) decision when to proceed with trying the case. My case is also linked to other active and ongoing investigations that could see the courtroom in the future. I want to clearly state that I have every confidence in the justice system, particularly in ASA Amanda Michalski who tried the first two Morales cases. These men & women know what they’re doing and though I cannot comment in further detail, I see the wisdom in them making this call.
As a side note, I would like to encourage other victims to continue coming forward. It is crucial to report your sex abuse, not only for you, but for the victims who may come after you. You just might save a life. And please, please, please report your abuse to the police first, not your pastor. I can’t even begin to describe how healing it’s been just to report what happened to me!
Thank you all so much for your love, support, and prayers. Nate Morales will never be able to hurt another child ever again, and that has been my driving force in all of this. Let’s continue to pray for justice to be done in all of the other cases that will be coming.
Finally I would like to humbly ask that you respect the fact that I cannot comment further and understand that is why I have declined the many numerous media and interview requests. Thank you for understanding that. God bless you all & I am confident that all of these evil deeds will be brought into the light for there is no longer a dark place for this evil to hide.
James Roberts
Mr. Roberts has worked closely with the State. He has reliable information. Take note of these words.
“My case is also linked to other active and ongoing investigations that could see the courtroom in the future. … Let’s continue to pray for justice to be done in all of the other cases that will be coming. … God bless you all & I am confident that all of these evil deeds will be brought into the light for there is no longer a dark place for this evil to hide.
I’ve interacted with victims in this case and other cases. All of them are so glad they came forward though probably the hardest decision of their lives. Take note of these words.
“As a side note, I would like to encourage other victims to continue coming forward. It is crucial to report your sex abuse, not only for you, but for the victims who may come after you. You just might save a life. And please, please, please report your abuse to the police first, not your pastor. I can’t even begin to describe how healing it’s been just to report what happened to me!”
I was greatly disappointed when I first heard the State was not going forward with the third trial regarding James Robert’s case. Why? Because more evidence of a conspiracy would have come out. Let me briefly add, more evidence came out at the second trial concerning Tapia. In that trial, like the first trial, Grant Layman was called to the stand and provided additional evidence of a conspiracy. There are good reasons to believe Mr. Layman is now cooperating with law enforcement.
Last July, I wrote “Grant Layman & the Conspiracy Surrounding Nathaniel Morales.” Here is the section dealing with James Roberts. These factual allegations or complaints provide further evidence of a conspiracy.
Plaintiff James Roberts
James Roberts joined the lawsuit against Sovereign Grace Ministries and other Defendants in the Second Amended Complaint filed on May 14, 2013. He alleges two abusers. David Adams in Complaints 32-35, 44 and Nathaniel Morales in Complaints 36-39. I deal with Morales in this post.
Victim: James Roberts
Complaint: 36
Location: Covenant Life Church (Magruder High School) - Dressing Room
Timeframe: 1986/1989
Age: 12/15
Alleged Abuser: Nathaniel Morales
36. During 1986/1989 timeframe, during Plaintiff Roberts’ middle school years, Plaintiff Roberts was molested again on church premises, this time by a man named Nathaniel Morales who was involved in youth ministries. At that time, the CLC church services occurred at Magruder High School. Morales pulled Plaintiff Roberts into one of the dressing rooms off the side of the stage, and began to profess his love for Plaintiff Roberts. Morales began hugging Plaintiff Roberts and manually manipulating his penis. Plaintiff Roberts escaped but did not initially report the molestation because he feared being forced to sit and “reconcile” and “forgive” Morales for the molestation.
Roberts was “molested again” during his “middle school years.” This time by Nathaniel Morales. His first alleged molestation occurred during his elementary school years at the hands of David Adams. (cf. Complaint 32).
Morales was not employed by Covenant Life Church but he “was involved in youth ministries.” For example, he conducted Bible studies and hosted sleepovers for boys from the youth group. He also taught at Montgomery County Covenant Academy. The school was unaffiliated with Covenant Life Church but kids from the church attended there.
This alleged molestation occurred on a Sunday morning “in one of the dressing rooms off the side of the stage” in Marauder High School. Morales hugged and professed his “love” while trying to masturbate Roberts. Roberts escaped like he did with David Adams (cf. Complaint 32).
Roberts tells us why he did not report this second alleged molestation to Principal Loftness or anyone else. “Plaintiff Roberts…did not initially report the molestation because he feared being forced to sit and ‘reconcile’ and ‘forgive’ Morales for the molestation.” This harkens back to how he was handled by Loftness in Complaint 34. “Instead, Defendant Loftness required Plaintiff Roberts, a child, to attend a meeting with himself and David Adams. Plaintiff Roberts was directed by Defendant Loftness, the principal of his school, to ‘forgive’ Adams for the molestation.”
This account describes Loftness using forgiveness as a means to silence and manipulate an 8-10 year old boy who was just abused by David Adams. I will say more about this in the future.
Victim: James Roberts
Complaints: 37-39
Timeframe: 1990/1994
Age: 16/20
Alleged Abuser: Nathaniel Morales
Alleged Conspirators: Chris Glass, Grant Layman, Individual Defendants
Complaint 37
37. During 1990/1994 timeframe, as Plaintiff Roberts reached high school, he continued to engage in self-help by avoiding Morales. He knew others had been molested by Morales, as his molestations were well known. During one youth group discussion group about being “pure,” some of the teenage boys expressed dismay that it was “too late” for them to be “pure.” Plaintiff Roberts then openly referred to Morales’ ongoing molestation of boys, stating words to the effect, “yeah, Nate got me too.” This discussion group was headed up by Chris Glass, who reported directly to Defendant Layman. After Plaintiff Roberts was questioned about what he meant, and disclosed that Morales molested boys, Chris Glass cautioned him and the other boys against talking about the facts. Plaintiff Roberts learned that Chris Glass informed Defendant Layman about what had transpired immediately after the discussion closed.
Roberts is now in high school. He tells us the molestations of “Nate” Morales “were well known.” That is true. Grant Layman already knew about some of Morales’ molestations at this time according to police reports.
The reference to “some of the teenage boys” includes Samuel Bates, Daniel Bates, Jeremy Cook, and Brian Wolohan. They are each named as victims in the December 13, 2012 indictments which are a matter of public record. I applaud their bravery. Other “boys” have also told investigators they were molested by Morales. I know all the families affected by these molestations except for one. The evidence against Morales is rock solid. So is the evidence against Grant Layman regarding the conspiracy.
Chris Glass worked for Grant Layman. He immediately reported the “youth group discussion” to his superior. Grant Layman worked for C.J. Mahaney. He too would have immediately reported because Defendant Mahaney was the senior pastor and required anything of this magnitude be brought to his attention. Layman is also Mahaney’s brother-in-law. Moreover, Mahaney knew Morales and was friends of the victims’ parents. In some cases, close friends! Not only did Mahaney know all about Morales' molestations, he was the one advising Layman not to involve law enforcement.
According to the factual allegation, “Chris Glass cautioned [Roberts] and the other boys against talking about the facts.” This will be easy to prove at the up-coming jury trial on November 18. Glass was simply following the training he received from Layman and Mahaney. He is now a Captain in the United States Navy. I hope he is cooperating with law enforcement.
Complaint 38
38. The Individual Defendants conspired to cover up Morales’ ongoing molestation of boys at church events, and conspired to violate their mandatory obligations to report. Wholly apart from and without any help from Defendants, law enforcement years later investigated and indicted Morales for sexually abusing children.
God knows how many children have been sexually abused by Nathaniel Morales since 1979 when one indictment says his first reported offence occurred. Morales will stand before God and give an account but so will C.J. Mahaney, Grant Layman, Robin Boisvert and anyone else who knew about his heinous crimes but did not report them to law enforcement. Once these men became knowledgeable, they were required by law to report these sex crimes.
It is incomprehensible that these pastors didn’t do everything in their power to make certain Morales was locked up so he couldn’t destroy any more young lives! He needed to be stopped. Instead they let him go and did not track his whereabouts. This enabled him to become a pastor at the Las Vegas Valley Christian Church in Nevada. Is anything more irresponsible? We are not talking about a wolf in sheep’s clothing, we are talking about the likelihood of a wolf in shepherd’s clothing!
Mahaney, Layman, et al. are guilty of criminal neglect if any minors were molested by Morales after these “shepherds” were made aware of his crimes. Jail time is appropriate. Furthermore, these men need to be held accountable by Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville.
None of the victimized boys (now grown men) referenced in the December 13, 2012 indictments and police reports are Plaintiffs in the Second Amended Complaint. All of them could be awaiting a guilty verdict in a criminal court before suing for damages in a civil court. Sovereign Grace Ministries wants everyone to think all is well since the May 17 dismissal of the lawsuit. Nothing could be further from the truth.
To the best of my knowledge, C.J. Mahaney and the pastors of Covenant Life Church have never notified law enforcement of suspected or actual child sexual abuse since its inception in 1977 to the Second Amended Lawsuit in 2013. That is certainty true in the case of Plaintiff Grace Goe and it is certainly true with Nate Morales. The Plaintiffs’ lawyers note, “Wholly apart from and without any help from Defendants, law enforcement years later investigated and indicted Morales for sexually abusing children.”
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