My Letters to All Lead Pastors in ARBCA to Investigate the Past Cover Up of Tom Chantry’s Sins & Alleged Crimes

I recently wrote two letters to all the lead pastors in the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches in America (ARBCA) encouraging them to pursue the truth without bias or partiality regarding the cover up of Tom Chantry’s past sins and alleged crimes.
In response to my first letter, I received a caustic denunciation from one of the pastors [Chuck Rennie] emphatically stating “There is nothing here for you to ‘expose.’” That prompted me to write my second letter and share more of the information in my possession regarding the cover up. Here are the letters.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Monday, December 12, 2016 2:20 PM
To: Steven Wilfert (; Jerry Slate (; Larry Smith (; Jason Walter (; Nathan White (; Douglas VanderMeulen (; Bill Francise (; John Miller (; Dave Randall (; Ralph Anderegg (; Thomas Waters (; Bob Curly (; Jason Montgomery (; Fred Malone (; John Daniels (; Guy Smith (; Mark Santiago (; Murray Brett (; Thomas Winn (; Tom Richwine (; Craig Harris (; Cliff Cooper (; David Dykstra (; John Giarrizzo (; Fred Pugh (; Jim Dundas (; Mark Raines (; Dale Smith (; Adam Osworth (; Ron Baines (; Jeff Oliver (; Rich Barcellos (; Sam Waldron (; Earl Blackburn (; Mike Renihan (; Larry Vincent (; John Yoder (; Rich Jensen (; Dane Carlson (; Michael Kelly (; Jon Cochran (; Robert Minto (; William Avants (; Tom Lyon (; Eric Freel (; Jeffrey Massey (; Van Loomis (; Martin Nish (; Charles Fitzpatrick (; Frank Urquidez (; Dave Hendrickx (; Steve Marquedant (; Chuck Rennie (; Dale Crawford (; Arden Hodgins (; Brandon Smith (; Don Lindblad (; Rob Cosby (; Todd Gill (; Ben Scofield (
Subject: God's Smiling & Frowning Providence
Dear Brothers,
I write in hopes the frowning providence of God becomes the smiling providence of God and mercy breaks in blessing upon your head.
God Moves in a Mysterious Way
William Cowper, 1774
God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants His footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.
Deep in unfathomable mines
Of never failing skill
He treasures up His bright designs
And works His sov’reign will.
Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense,
But trust Him for His grace;
Behind a frowning providence
He hides a smiling face.
His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flow’r.
Blind unbelief is sure to err
And scan His work in vain;
God is His own interpreter,
And He will make it plain.
Tom Chantry has now been credibly charged with crimes by multiple [five] witnesses (victims) and law enforcement officials after a year-long investigation. It is therefore right and necessary for the state to act in keeping with the law and Romans 13:1-5. This action by the state, however, does not absolve you from also acting in keeping with Scripture.
1 Timothy 5:19-22, 24 (ESV) [19] Do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses. [20] As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear. [21] In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality. [22] Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure. … [24] The sins of some people are conspicuous, going before them to judgment, but the sins of others appear later.
These are extremely solemn words. I will not take the time to exegete their meaning being assured you are learned men. The challenge is not in understanding the text, the challenge is in applying the text without partiality and favoritism when it concerns friends and well known fellow leaders.
In 1982, I helped start a ministry and served on its Board of Directors for 25 years. The ministry grew and found favor with evangelical and Reformed ministries around the nation. That same illustrious ministry is now a reproach and its top leaders are characterized by hypocrisy and corruption. What happened? They stopped obeying Scripture and started covering up sin of a serious nature including the sexual abuse of children out of concern for their pretentious reputation.
Yet, God in his faithfulness, exposed them time after time. This was a great kindness but it did not lead them to repentance. Instead they hardened their hearts. As a result, half the people in the denomination left harmed and disillusioned. God’s frowning providence abides over the ministry. I pray the exact opposite for you.
This is a time of testing for you as leaders and as an association. Not only must you deal with Mr. Chantry’s sins, you must deal with the sins of leaders who covered up his sins. I therefore submit these documents to you hoping you act in keeping with Scripture for the greater glory of God with no thought of self-serving preservation. The reputation of Christ, not men, should be your only concern. After that, I hope you will do all in your power to care for those who have been abused and victimized.
Did Reformed Baptist Leaders Cover Up Tom Chantry’s Alleged Sex Crimes & Serious Physical Injury of Children (Dec. 10 2016)
Brent Detwiler
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 1:51 PM
To: Steven Wilfert (; Jerry Slate (; Larry Smith (; Jason Walter (; Nathan White (; Douglas VanderMeulen (; Bill Francise (; John Miller (; Dave Randall (; Ralph Anderegg (; Thomas Waters (; Bob Curly (; Jason Montgomery (; Fred Malone (; John Daniels (; Guy Smith (; Mark Santiago (; Murray Brett (; Thomas Winn (; Tom Richwine (; Craig Harris (; Cliff Cooper (; David Dykstra (; John Giarrizzo (; Fred Pugh (; Jim Dundas (; Mark Raines (; Dale Smith (; Adam Osworth (; Ron Baines (; Jeff Oliver (; Rich Barcellos (; Sam Waldron (; Earl Blackburn (; Mike Renihan (; Larry Vincent (; John Yoder (; Rich Jensen (; Dane Carlson (; Michael Kelly (; Jon Cochran (; Robert Minto (; William Avants (; Tom Lyon (; Eric Freel (; Jeffrey Massey (; Van Loomis (; Martin Nish (; Charles Fitzpatrick (; Frank Urquidez (; Dave Hendrickx (; Steve Marquedant (; Chuck Rennie (; Dale Crawford (; Arden Hodgins (; Brandon Smith (; Don Lindblad (; Rob Cosby (; Todd Gill (; Ben Scofield (
Cc: Chris J. Marley (
Subject: Encouragement to Press On in Pursuit of Truth
Dear Brothers,
Given the response of Chuck Rennie to my December 12 correspondence, I felt it necessary to follow up with you. I fear he may be representative of those who hold power in the association. If so, I have no confidence an open, impartial and fearless investigation will be done and then reported upon to the churches. Mr. Rennie should be reproved.
Nor do I have confidence, sinning elders will be publicly rebuked and removed from positions where required. Overseers must be above reproach. They must also be trustworthy. All the facts in my possession indicate the top leaders in ARCBA covered up severe physical violence done to children by Tom Chantry. They did not impose discipline and they did not report it to police in keeping with the law. Further, they allowed him to teach in an elementary school and then enter into pastoral ministry again.
Therefore, I provide the following information to all of you so all of you are better positioned to pursue the truth and hold accountable those who are guilty of corrupty covering up Tom’s egregious sins and not reporting his alleged crimes to law enforcement.
The first allegation of child sex abuse was filed by a victim in July 2015. The Prescott Police Department did a one year investigation before arresting Tom in July 2016. You need to get the police offense reports and read them. These should be made available to all the lead pastors. They are not gossip or slander. They are the testimony of multiple victims and witnesses.
ARBCA put together a mediating council to investigate the physical abuse of children at Miller Valley Baptist Church. They produced a written report in 2001. You need to get it and read it. You also need to interview Chris Marley, the current pastor at MVBC.
The mediating council wanted the results of their findings communicated to the association of churches in 2001. That was blocked by the administrative council back then. You need to interview Walt Chantry and the men who were involved in stopping the report and who refused to publicly rebuke Tom.
Tom also failed to follow the advice and counsel given him by the mediating council. They laid out steps for repentance which he refused to follow. He fled to Tacoma, Washington and where he joined Tom Lyon. Tom should be interviewed, investigated, and held accountable for any sinful actions.
I have sent correspondence to Christian Liberty Academy where Tom Chantry worked as an elementary school teacher for four years. It appears they were never told about Tom’s physical abuse of children. They should be contacted. Sources tell me they would never have allowed Tom to work there if they had been informed of his violence toward children.
Tom Chantry’s church joined ARBCA earlier this year. This was protested by Chris Marley and MVBC. They informed the current administrative counsel that Tom would likely be arrested and prosecuted on more serious charges than the physical abuse that occurred at MVBC. The administrative council did not listen and accepted Christ Reformed Baptist Church into ARBCA despite this information. MVBC left ARBCA as a result.
What I have presented is a broad outline. I have more details in my possession. For the sake of Christ and the good of his church, you need to take courageous action in addressing all of the above in an open, honest and transparent fashion.
These matters and much more will come out in the trial. I don’t mention that to leverage you. Repentance can’t be imposed. It’s must come from the heart because the heart has been convicted by the Holy Spirit, the Word of God and conscience. Please practice what we all preach – soli Deo gloria. This might involve a fight for truth and righteousness. If so, don’t be deterred by those who seek to silence you or marginalize you.
Lastly, you must make certain that the various interviews and investigations are done by men of integrity that will not be partial or show favoritism to anyone.
You remain in my prayers. Have a blessed holiday celebrating the incarnation of God in Christ.
Brent Detwiler
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