Supporter(s) of Covenant Life Church & Sovereign Grace Ministries Seek to Frame Me Again

UPDATE: I wrote this post on Sunday, April 3. On April 4 and 5, I received two separate confirmations from knowledgeable sources that "Subject: Cover-up of Sin – Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S" was NOT written by an impostor seeking to frame me. It turns out I was wrong in my judgement. I also received correspondence from the "team leader" confirming his identity. What was written by him below regarding the Covenant Life pastors is unquestionably authentic.
Covenant Life Church and Sovereign Grace Ministries have never attempted to discredited the truthfulness of my writings but some of their supporters have sought to feed me false information in hopes I publish it so they can discredit my work by saying I’ll print anything. It is diabolical scheme but they are desperate to keep me from publishing the truth.
Those of you who read my blog know there was a sophisticated attempt to frame me in April 2014 before the Nathaniel Morales trial. See Supporters of Grant Layman Seek to Frame Me and Silence Me. Well, it happened again a few weeks ago.
Like before, this individual(s) fed me false information in hopes I would believe it and/or publish it contrary to an agreed upon confidence. Whatever their end game, it was designed to extort my silence or discredit me by showing I’ll act upon false information. This was done by an individual(s) closely connected to Covenant Life Church with obvious insider knowledge.
Because I almost never write about them, people don’t know about the many attempts to threaten me, silence me or intimidate me since I sent out The Documents in July 2011. To date, however, no one has sought to discredit the truthfulness of my writings. Therefore, they must discredit me or attempt to extort my silence. Well, they have been successful at the former but not the latter.
It’s the weekend. People need a little comic relief so maybe you will find this account entertaining or even humorous. I have redacted identifying details.
From: [Redacted]
Sent: Saturday, March 12 2016 6:07 AM
Subject: Cover-up of Sin – Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S
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RE: Cover-up of Sin - Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S
Dear Brent,
Perhaps you have noticed that [redacted] name and picture have been redacted from the CLC website.
If you ask the CLC pastors the reason for this, they will probably tell you that it was done at the request of the missionaries with whom he had served in the [redacted] world - a step that was taken so that by association those still in the field cannot be traced to a Christian organization in the US. If you ask why [redacted] returned to CLC after only a little more than a year in the field, they will probably tell you that it was because of a doctrinal disagreement he had had with the team leader.
Both of those are the explanations they have heretofore offered publically. And both of those statements contain truth. But both of them are only a small fraction of the truth. Here again is an instance of the CLC pastors disseminating self-serving partial truths, spun to hide their own failings and sin.
The whole truth includes the fact that the CLC pastors are covering up another scandal. And that scandal involves another allegation of pedophilia, this one on the mission field, which pre-dates the 2012 lawsuit. While it should be emphasized that it is only an allegation, what [redacted] did in the field was wrong and it was sinful and it was serious. It did damage to the testimony of Jesus, seriously harmed the work, and placed believers at risk. And Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Somerville, Mayo and others have known it since April 30, 2013, and have lied to cover it up.
I know this to be true. I am a long-term missionary working in the [redacted] world. I know why [redacted] left the mission field. And I know why the CLC website was purged of his identity. Both were done at my insistence. I was his team leader.
Yet, I have been very hesitant to allow the facts of this to be made public. We live in the internet age. And part of being as wise as serpents while working in this field is factoring that into our communications. ISIS has a significant presence here and they are very media and internet savvy. I am concerned about further damage to the name of the Lord and risk to believers should this issue become an open topic on the internet. This concern is compounded by both the significant international publicity that SGM and CLC continue to have about the issue of sexual abuse of children and the scandalous reputation [redacted] has in the field involving similar allegations.
In addition to that concern, there are other reasons for my caution about this becoming an issue on the internet. One is that dealing with the false accusations, personal attacks, lies, and deceptive tactics that CLC/SGM use to deflect the truth about their sin would be a terrible distraction from the work of preaching the gospel to these unreached people.
However, as I have written to the CLC pastors, I am concerned that unless they repent they may not only do further harm in this field, but they will also do harm in other fields. I have evidence that suggests this is a valid and significant concern.
So I am torn between two positions: I do not want to be silent in the face of evil, neither do I want to be the cause of further harm here.
I have three questions for you:
1. Do you believe what happened here is relevant and significant and are you interested?
2. Parts of this story run pretty deep. I was in a number of highly confidential pastoral meetings at CLC when your documents were received by CJ and, after their publication, the breakup with SGM. However, as important as this is, I hope I have made it clear that there is a lot more at stake in this field than hurt feelings and lost incomes and reputations. Christians have been beheaded in this region. Believers here have been threatened. While I dislike secrecy, I need to have your word before the Lord that you will disclose the facts of this issue only when and to whom I approve. Can you agree to that before making any of this known to anyone?
3. Do you have any advice for me?
On a personal note, my wife too, has suffered with breast cancer. Please know that you and Jenny have our gratitude for your faithfulness and our prayers.
The grace of the Lord be with you.
Please DO NOT post any of the contents of this communication on any website, including Facebook, MySpace, Internet Blog, or Twitter without prior approval of the sender.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 2:21 PM
To: [Redacted]
Subject: RE: Cover-up of Sin - Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S
Hi [Redacted],
Thanks for writing. Before I respond could you provide some verifiable proof of your identity? For example, the correspondence you sent the CLC elders.
From: [Redacted]
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 2:41 PM
To: Brent Detwiler <>
Subject: RE: Cover-up of Sin - Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S
This communication is being sent through a secure channel that is encrypted. If you wish to respond to this communication, please do so using the “Reply” tab. Your response will be routed to the sender via the same secure channel through which it was sent. Please DO NOT post any of the contents of this communication on any website, including Facebook, MySpace, Internet Blog, or Twitter without prior approval of the sender.
Thank you for writing back, Brent. I completely understand your desire for proof of who I am. I would do the same.
Before I send more, can I have your word that what I communicate to you will be held in the strictest confidence until we agree on what action, if any, should be taken?
I am several hours ahead of you and will be traveling tomorrow. So it may take me a couple of days to provide you with something.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Saturday, March 12, 2016 3:24 PM
To: [Redacted]
Subject: RE: Cover-up of Sin - Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S
The simple answer to your question is no unless you are committed to follow the teaching of Matthew 18:15-17 in a timely fashion which requires a public disclosure to Covenant Life Church if [redacted] and the pastors do not repent after approaching them in private. Then, if the church is unwilling to confront the pastors, or the pastors block the church, further disclosure needs to take place. That can be done in a way that protects your identity and location if that is your preference.
There is a place for confidentially but that confidentially must be defined by Scripture. I can’t agree to unconditional confidentiality because it may put me at odds with Scripture and violate my conscience.
Since you are at your computer, take a moment and send me some recent correspondence with your sending church, hosting church or missionary agency so I can call them today for verification. You can black out anything confidential in the correspondence. Please identify the name of the church or agency. That way I can look them up on line and call them at an official telephone number, not a personal number. That is a quick and easy solution. I won’t talk to them about [redacted]. I will only talk to them regarding the confirmation of your identity. You are welcome to contact them in advance to let them know I’ll be calling.
Thanks for your understanding.
[Note: I received no response so I wrote again the following morning.]
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Sunday, March 13, 2016 9:17 AM
To: [Redacted]
Subject: RE: Cover-up of Sin - Harris, Maresco, Layman, Mullery, Mayo, Greg S
You are obviously an impostor seeking to frame me with your con and you are obviously a CLC and SGM insider. Your last attempt to extort me also failed. Supporters of Grant Layman Seek to Frame Me and Silence Me. I sincerely hope you turn from your criminal behavior and one day expose the corruption that exists in CLC and SGM rather than investing your life in trying to silence people who are bringing forth the truth.
I’ll be sending this evidence on to law enforcement.
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