The Books that Brought Joshua Harris Fame and Fortune

Joshua Harris has written six books, including I Kissed Dating Goodbye, that have sold over 2 million copies and generated royalties of roughly 2.7 million dollars. All his books have been published by Multnomah. Several were retitled, expanded and updated and several study guides were produced.
“Multnomah publishes Christian books that proclaim the Gospel and equip followers of Jesus to make disciples. We seek timeless messages from trusted Christian voices that challenge readers to approach life from a Biblical perspective. Our bestselling authors include Steven Furtick, Mark Batterson, Shaunti Feldhahn, Brennan Manning, David Platt, John Piper, Joshua Harris, Randy Alcorn, Sheri Rose Shepherd, and Andy Stanley.”
I’ve listed his books in chronological order and included the names of endorsers and official descriptions. God gave Josh great grace to write these books. He also gave him the best of editors and assistants to help. These books have benefitted millions of believers in the United States and around the world.
Joshua renounced these book on July 26, 2019 which was the same day he renounced Jesus Christ and the Bible. That is a great tragedy. The books are grounded in the teaching of Scripture and filled with godly wisdom. Josh will have to give an account to God for exchanging the teachings of Jesus, et al. for the doctrine of demons (1 Tim 4:1).
I Kissed Dating Goodbye (1997, 2003 Expanded & Updated)
Joshua Harris
Elisabeth Elliot
Rebecca St. James.
Joshua Harris’s first book, written when he was only 21, turned the Christian singles scene upside down...and people are still talking. More than 800,000 copies later, I Kissed Dating Goodbye, with its inspiring call to sincere love, real purity, and purposeful singleness, remains the benchmark for books on Christian dating. Now, for the first time since its release, the national #1 bestseller has been expanded with new content and updated for new readers. Honest and practical, it challenges cultural assumptions about relationships and provides solid, biblical alternatives to society’s norm.
Tired of the game? Kiss dating goodbye.
Going out? Been dumped? Waiting for a call that doesn’t come? Have you tasted pain in dating, drifted through one romance or, possibly, several of them?
Ever wondered, Isn’t there a better way?
I Kissed Dating Goodbye shows what it means to entrust your love life to God. Joshua Harris shares his story of giving up dating and discovering that God has something even better—a life of sincere love, true purity, and purposeful singleness.
I Kissed Dating Goodbye Study Guide (1999)
Joshua Harris, Nicole Mahaney-Whitacre, Shannon Hendrickson-Harris
Boy Meets Girl – Say Hello to Courtship (2000, 2005 Updated)
Joshua Harris
Purpose Driven Romance The last thing singles want is more rules. But if you’re looking for an intentional, God-pleasing game plan for finding a future spouse, Joshua Harris delivers an appealing one. A compelling new foreword, an all-new “8 Great Courtship Conversations” section, and updated material throughout makes this five-year revision of the original Boy Meets Girl a must-have! Harris illustrates how biblical courtship - a healthy, joyous alternative to recreational dating - worked for him and his wife. Boy Meets Girl presents an inspiring, practical example for readers wanting to pursue the possibility of marriage with someone they may be serious about.
Not Even a Hint (2003)
Joshua Harris
Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is) – Sexual Purity in a Lust Saturated World (2003, Revised Title)
Joshua Harris
Nancy Leigh DeMoss
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Rebecca St. James
John Piper
Jeremy Clark
C.J. Mahaney
Eric & Leslie Ludy
Randy Alcorn
Jerry Bridges
Lust isn’t just a guy problem – it’s a human problem. And unless we honestly confront it, lust will destroy our relationships and our lives. Joshua Harris, author of the runaway bestseller I Kissed Dating Goodbye, calls a generation bombarded with images of sexual sin back to the freedom and joy of holiness. This “PG-rated” book - straightforward without being graphic - speaks to those entrenched in lust or just flirting with temptation. Honestly sharing his own struggles, Harris exposes lust’s tactics and helps readers create a personal plan for fighting back. Men and women will find hope in God’s grace and learn the secrets to lasting change.
Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is) – A Study Guide for Men (2004)
Joshua Harris with Brian Smith
Sex Is Not the Problem (Lust Is) – A Study Guide for Women (2004)
Shannon and Joshua Harris with Brian Smith
Stop Dating the Church – Fall in Love with the Family of God (2004)
Joshua Harris
Why Church Matters – Discovering Your Place in the Family of God (Revised Title)
Joshua Harris
“Christians belong in churches--the only places where we can thrive and grow spiritually. In Why Church Matters, Joshua Harris makes this case with wisdom, clarity, and graciousness.”
--Charles W. Colson
Putting in their hour or two on the weekend, many Christians take the rest of the week off, neglecting the church and her needs. It’s not a serious relationship. Some shop around, looking for a church that suits their lifestyle. It’s dating, with no assurances, no obligations. Bestselling author Joshua Harris calls Christians to stop playing the field and commit, just as Christ is committed to us, His bride. In his new book, Harris explores the ramifications of Ephesians 5:25-32, which proclaims the intensity and the breadth of Jesus Christ’s love for His church. God has designed us to build our lives around a local church; we cannot be indifferent or uninvolved. Rather, we must be in love with and committed to God’s plan and purpose through the church. Are you dating the church, or are you committed?
Description (Updated)
Church isn’t where we go. It’s who we are.
We were never meant to live our faith in isolation. The church is the place God uses to grow us, encourage us, and use our gifts for His glory. In this honest, personal, and practical book, Joshua Harris shows you why it’s time to say yes to church and how to find the right one for you--the place where you can fall in love with the family of God.
What you miss when you miss church
Ten questions to ask before you join
How to get more out of the best day of the week
What Readers are Saying:
“This book shows the place of great honor that church holds in Christ’s heart and encourages us to value what He values. I’ve bought multiple copies to give away.”
--Mike Neglia; Cork, Ireland
“Josh Harris does an excellent job of addressing our impulse to church hop.”
--Garrett Watkins; Atlanta, Georgia
“When our family was in the midst of a transition, Why Church Matters helped us find the right local church. It will do the same for you.”
--Andrew Hall; Ilderton, Ontario
Dug Down Deep – Building Your Life on Truths that Last (2010)
Joshua Harris
Dug Down Deep – Unearthing What I Believe and Why It Matters (2011, Revised Title)
Joshua Harris
Joni Eareckson Tada
Donald Miller
John Piper
J.I. Packer
Mark Dever
Alex & Brett Harris
Ted Slater
What are you going to build your life on?
Dug Down Deep is systematic theology like you’ve never seen it before. Readable. Relevant. Powerful. As best-selling author Joshua Harris shares his own journey from apathetic church-kid to student with a burning passion to truly know God, you’ll be challenged to dig deep into the truths of God’s word.
With humor, conviction and compelling insight Dug Down Deep covers the basics of faith—God, scripture, Jesus, the cross, salvation, sanctification, the Holy Spirit and the church. Don’t settle for superficial faith, dig deep.
‘"If you’re looking for ‘that one book’ that will push you farther down the road to faith than you’ve ever journeyed before, Dug Down Deep is it. I highly recommend it!” —Joni Eareckson Tada
“…a humble, helpful, courageous testimony to biblical truth.” - John Piper
“I can probably count on one hand, the number of books of which I’ve read every word from cover to cover in one sitting. Dug Down Deep is one of them.” – Adam Young (Owl City)
“Dug Down Deep is an incredible book! It’s a tangible and incarnate look at theology. I would give it to any young Christian who wants to understand their faith.” – Lecrae, hip-hop artist
“A humbling, compelling, invigorating read.” - J. I. Packer
Description (Updated)
What will you build your life on?
With startling transparency, Joshua Harris shares how we can discover the relevance and
power of Christian truth. This is book shows a young man who rose quickly to success in the Christian evangelical world before he realized his spirituality lacked a foundation—it rested more on tradition and morality than on an informed knowledge of God.
For the indifferent or spiritually numb, Harris’s humorous and engaging reflections on Christian beliefs show that orthodoxy isn’t just for scholars—it is for anyone who longs to know the living Jesus Christ. As Harris writes, “I’ve come to learn that theology matters. It matters not because we want to impress people, but because what we know about God shapes the way we think and live. Theology matters because if we get it wrong then our whole life will be wrong.”
Whether you are just exploring Christianity or you are a veteran believer finding yourself overly familiar and cold-hearted, Dug Down Deep will help you rediscover the timeless truths of Scripture. As Harris challenges you to root your faith and feelings about God in the person, work, and words of Jesus, he answers questions such as:
What is God like and how does he speak to me?
What difference does it make that Jesus was both human and divine?
How does Jesus’s death on the cross pay for my sins?
Who is the Holy Spirit and how does he work in my life?
With grace and wisdom, Harris will inspire you to revel in the truth that has captured his own mind and heart. He will ask you to dig deep into a faith so solid you can build your life on it. He will point you to something to believe in again.
Humble Orthodoxy – Holding the Truth High Without Putting Other People Down (2013)
Joshua Harris with Eric Stanford
Forward by J.D. Greear
D.A. Carson
Russell D. Moore
Tullian Tchividjian
Jason Meyer
We don’t get to choose between humility and orthodoxy. We need both.
Orthodoxy, for the faithful, evokes what’s cherished and beautiful and eternal. Yet in our day, orthodoxy is too often wielded like a weapon, used to bludgeon others with differing points of view. The word has become associated with behavior like argumentative, annoying, and arrogant.
It’s time for God’s people to demonstrate both right thinking and right attitudes. We are called to embrace and defend biblical truth. But that truth includes repeated commands to love our neighbor, love our enemy, and be clothed in gentleness and respect.
In Humble Orthodoxy, bestselling author Joshua Harris examines New Testament teachings about the calling of believers to a love-infused courage that ignores foolish controversies, patiently endures evil, and champions truth with generosity of spirit. Without this kind of humility, Harris asserts, we become like the Pharisees—right in our doctrine, but ultimately destroying the cause of truth with our pride.
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