The Day the Devil Came Knocking on My Door. My Face to Face Confrontation of Charlie & Greer Llewellyn for the Horrific Abuse of Their Nine Children.

Charlie and Greer Llewellyn have nine children. According to their three oldest children (Brieta Allison, Olivia Llewellyn, Margaret Koon), all nine were physically and sexually abused by their parents.
I came to know Olivia rather well over a period of 7 months. She reached out to me and asked me to write this article about her father in 2013.
The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church
Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at 5:18PM
Recently, I wrote these additional articles because the Global Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches continues to tell congregations that Olivia is a liar and C.J. Mahaney knew nothing about her father’s crimes against her.
Olivia Llewellyn “Recants” Story of Sexual Abuse by Father Under Extreme Duress to Save Her Life. Sovereign Grace Uses to Discredit Lawsuit & Call Victims Liars.
Friday, June 4, 2021 at 3:57PM
Never Released Before Correspondence with Olivia Llewellyn Provides Additional Evidence of Abuse by Her Parents & Its Cover-Up by C.J. Mahaney & Joshua Harris
Friday, June 4, 2021 at 4:49PM
This third article builds on ones above. A fourth in the series will follow. It concerns my interaction with a retired homicide detective from Washington D.C.
The Day the Devil Came Knocking on My Door
Six months after my last email to Olivia (Dec. 4, 2014), her parents, Charlie & Greer showed up on my door step in Charlotte, North Carolina at 8:15 in the morning. It was June 19, 2015. They traveled six hours from the Washington D.C area.
Jenny and I were packing the car that summer morning to spend the weekend with my oldest son and his wife at Smith Mountain Lake in southern Virginia. It was unpleasant interruption but part of God’s sovereign plan. For the next 45 minutes, I engaged Charlie and Greer in an intense conversation on my front stoop.
As soon as they left, I dictated all my recollections of the conversation onto my digital voice recorder as precisely as possible. Later, I transcribed them. Here is an account of that conversation.
The first thing Charlie pointed out was how long a drive it was for them. They left Frederick, Maryland around 2:00 AM. That was to impress me with their heroic attempts to express their “condolences” for the loss of friendship with C.J. Mahaney. The con was on (but not for long).
Then he told me Bo Lotinksy had given him my address and he knew Bo was in my wedding. Yes, Bo was my best man and the administrator for Sovereign Grace Ministries from 1989-2003. He also said some people thought it was unwise for him to visit me. I did not ask who.
Additionally, he flattered me. He said I was a great Bible teacher. He also told me he was not wearing a wire to record our conversation.
Then he proceeded to his next point. His reason for coming was to say he and Greer were sorry for what happened between C.J. and me and SGM. He repeatedly said he was sorry for the breakdown of my friendship with C.J. I immediately knew this was all about manipulating me. I let him talk.
The next point was the clincher. He said he understood why I was angry and taking it out on C.J. in articles like the ones I wrote about him. In other words, I was taking Olivia’s allegations about him in the lawsuit and using them to make a case against C.J.
At that point, my silence ended. I immediately confronted him and told him my articles about his physical and sexual abuse of his children had absolutely nothing to do with C.J. It had to do with his guilt and the abundance of evidence in my possession. I also stated they were here to manipulate me but it would not work.
Charlie also tried to impress and intimidate me in various ways. For example, three times he boasted about his graduation from the West Point Military Academy and one time pointed out how he was trained to kill with his bare hands.
Charles P. Llewellyn
He was also abusive to his wife, Greer. On five occasions, she tried to speak. Each time he told her to be quiet per their prearranged agreement that she would say nothing, literally. I confronted Charlie on silencing his wife and invited Greer to speak freely. I thought to myself, this is more evidence the man is an abusive tyrant.
Throughout the conversation he lied. For instance, he told me, “I am not a rich man.” I pointed out his ownership of their home and large spread of farmland in beautiful Frederick County, Maryland. Stupidly, as though to boast, he revealed the farmland was worth 2 million dollars. I confronted him for lying. He did not deny it.
He had also sold his large real estate firm, Llewellyn Realtors to Long and Foster two years earlier in June 2013. It had to be worth millions. He had over 80 agents working for him in Montgomery County, Maryland, one of the richest counties in the U.S.. Yet, he told me he only had 10k in savings and owned no stocks.
Then I confronted Charlie on his abuse of Olivia. He did not outright deny it. Rather, to somehow demonstrate his innocence, he claimed he never read the lawsuit or any of my blog articles and never hired a lawyer. In other words, he was totally unconcerned because he was innocent. I have no doubt these were all lies.
He also added that he sent C.J. Mahaney and Gary Ricucci (but supposedly not Grant Layman) on an expensive vacation to the Kiawah Island in South Carolina in 1997 (as stated in the lawsuit) but solely out of appreciation for their pastoral care, not “in exchange for the conspiracy of silence.”
At that point, I told him I did not believe his weak, indirect denials of abuse because of all the evidence in my possession. He had no idea! I told him I was “not pulling something out of a hat” and began to make my case. I referred to Olivia’s formal deposition for the lawsuit, her book about the abuse, and the report by Child Protective Services which were all in the possession of detectives.
I told him the criminal case being made against him was not based on the testimony of Olivia alone. That it included the testimony of his daughters Brieta and Margaret. They were talking to law enforcement. I also told him about the emails between Brieta and Joshua Harris and Grant Layman regarding his abuse and proving the cover-up. To this Greer said, “Anyone can make up fake emails.” I confronted her duplicity.
Charlie responded that Brieta “will not do anything” meaning she will not press charges. It was a clear acknowledgement of guilt! He was alarmed about Margaret, however, because she “was not talking to them.” In other words, he did not know if she was cooperating with law enforcement because their relationship with her was severed. I also referenced his brother and sister-in-law, Victor and Patricia Llewellyn and their knowledge of his abuse.
Tragically, what he claimed about Brieta was true. She refused to prosecute or “do anything” even though her husband Drew is a police sergeant and SWAT team member. I wrote about it and more in this article.
Brieta Llewellyn-Allison Calls Out Joshua Harris for Covering Up the Sexual Abuse of Children at Covenant Life Church Based on First-Hand Knowledge
Tuesday, November 19, 2019 at 2:02PM
At this point, Greer began to attack Olivia’s credibility despite the demand of her husband to be silent. She called her a liar. In the lawsuit, Olivia said the following: “Grace Goe’s father also repeatedly sexually abused her, making her rub his feet, which he then inserted into her vagina” (Paragraph 154). Greer asserted it was impossible to insert a man’s foot into a woman’s vagina.
Thankfully, this was not the first time I heard this outrageous lie. I had sorted it out already. Bo Lotinsky, who was chairman of the Covenant Life Church elder board at the time, was telling people in CLC the same thing. One person he talked to contacted me. That person believed the lie was true. I explained that was not Olivia’s meaning. She was NOT claiming Charlie inserted his entire foot or feet into her vagina. Charlie and Greer used this deceptive embellishment to make her out to be a liar and lunatic. People like Lotinsky believed them.
At that point, I confronted Greer on her damnable deceit and explained Olivia’s obvious meaning that the penetration was partial not entire. She shut up and did not protest my explanation.
Then I strongly confronted her on own her physical and sexual abuse of the children especially the boys as explained to me by Olivia. Like Charlie, she did not deny it. I also told her about my email correspondence with Olivia which included her manipulative letter trying to get Olivia to drop the lawsuit. I pressed the point that she incriminated herself in the correspondence to which she had no reply.
At NO TIME in our conversation, did Charlie or Greer ever protest their innocence. In other words, they never once said they did not physically and sexually abuse the children when I confronted them on their heinous crimes. I told them I hoped there would be a criminal trial and I looked forward to testifying against them including the use of Greer’s insidious correspondence with Olivia.
At this point, Charlie had to reveal his victory over Olivia in his arrogance. He told me Olivia moved back into their home “five months ago.” He called her “an alcoholic for the past 5 years.” Then he denied it when I quoted him. He changed it to a “drinking problem.” Then he claimed, “She is doing well.”
He also said he “told Olivia she can’t have it both ways – her book about the abuse and what she is saying now.” In other words, taking her into the home was contingent on her renouncing as a lie the account of Charlie’s abuse in her book. They coerced her into “saying now” the book was untrue.
Olivia’s life was a wreck. She and Jeff divorced. Jeff had custody of the children. Charlie told me “Jeff’s lawyers won’t let them see the grandchildren.” Olivia had no money of her own. She was battling addictions and severe depression. Charlie and Greer took advantage of her and worked out an agreement to provide for her if she withdrew from any future lawsuits and changed her story.
Olivia moved back into Charlie and Greer’s home in January 2015. Less than two months earlier on October 26, Mark Mitchell told Covenant Life Church, “We’ve recently learned that Grace Goe has withdrawn as a complainant in any potential future lawsuit.
The battle was won. Charlie and Greer conquered Olivia with their extraordinary evil. She was the only one willing to speak out at great cost. Brieta was stopped from “doing anything” and so was Margaret. They allowed their wicked parents to prevail!
The last enemy to conquer was me. That was the reason for their diabolical visit.
One day, I hope and pray Olivia is strong in the grace of God, overcomes the devil, and speaks out again! So too her sisters, Brieta and Margaret.
Here is an excerpt from an email to Brieta and her husband in 2018. I copied it to Rachael Denhollander and Boz Tchividjian. It can be read in entirety here.
From: Brent Detwiler
Sent: Monday, March 5, 2018 5:29 PM
To: Brieta Allison;
Cc: Rachael Denhollander; Boz Tchividjian
Subject: An Appeal for You to Prosecute Your Father and Speak Out Against the Conspiracy
March 5, 2017
Charlie presents a danger. I’d ask that you, Olivia and Margaret faithfully prosecute him in keeping with the teaching of Romans 13:1-5 and many other passages of Scripture. As professing Christians, you have an obligation to do so. He should be in jail, and if he ever got out, he’d be on the registry list for sex offenders, so the public could be warned.
You know this is true. Your husband, Drew, is a police officer. It is his job to arrest and help prosecute men like your father. Why are you covering up for your father? Why are you protecting him from the law? The case against him was easy to make with your testimony and that of Olivia and Margaret.
Honestly, you should be doing all in your power to bring him to justice. You don’t get to choose which societal laws are enforced. I wish you were far more concerned for justice rather than the Llewellyn name or your name appearing in one of my articles.
Furthermore, he should be known as an unrepented Christian and not be allowed fellowship in the Body of Christ. Anywhere he goes he should be treated like an unbeliever and called to repentance. If he repents, he will turn himself into law enforcement. …
I outed your father and had permission from Olivia to do so. She knew you would never agree. I find that lamentable. She should have had your support. It needed to be done.
Charlie and Greer are both a danger and they were damning Olivia and lying to everyone in Covenant Life Church and Llewellyn Realtors. They continue to lie and deceive. They even managed to manipulate Olivia into recanting her story last year because she was desperate for their material support.
As a result, the pastors at CLC are telling people her story was a complete fabrication. That is unbelievably wicked. I will not stand for it! Your parents and the pastors took advantage of her frailty, addictions and brokenness. Thankfully, we have Olivia’s sworn deposition and her book and my correspondence. She can recant but we know the truth and can prove it.
Let me share an illustration of their willingness to deceive. I discovered Bo Lotinksy, a non-staff pastor (and formerly close friend) is telling others she lied because of Complaint 154 in the lawsuit.
“Grace Goe’s father also repeatedly sexually abused her, making her rub his feet, which he then inserted into her vagina.”
Lotinsky claimed she was lying because it is impossible for a foot to be fully inserted into a vagina. Of course, that was not her meaning. He got this wicked lie from your father and mother. But it is one that has been widely spread. More later. …
I sent law enforcement 91 pages of evidence against your father and the CLC pastors who covered up his crimes. It was a slam dunk case but because you and Margaret would not prosecute their investigation was genuinely “impeded.” I am aware others also refused to participate like your Uncle Victor and Aunt Patti who knew about the physical and sexual abuse.
I really hope you change your mind Brie and do what is right. Come forward like Rachael. In fact, come forward like Olivia did at first. Your father should be prosecuted and you can easily prove the conspiracy to cover up his crimes by Covenant Life pastors. You and your siblings could bring a quick end to all the lying and propaganda being put out by SGC.
For instance, you should release to the press the letters between you and Joshua Harris and Grant Layman that prove their role in the conspiracy to cover up your father’s physical and sexual abuse.
I also confronted your parents in person in June 2015 when they tried to con me. It was one audacious lie after another. For instance, your mother said Olivia was a liar because she accused your father of putting his foot in her vagina. I immediately confronted her duplicity. She had no response.
They had no idea all the evidence in my possession. I laid out some of it against them. I told them about your statement [to law enforcement] that you had been abused. To that your father said, and this is an exact quote, “Brieta will not do anything.” I also told them of Margaret’s statement [to law enforcement] that she was likewise abused. They were unaware. It scared them. They didn’t know she was talking.
Never once did they deny any of the evidence I presented. I forcefully confronted both of them. Your mother for the sexual abuse of the boys. Your father for the sexual abuse of the girls. They didn’t deny any of it because they knew I had the evidence.
And I confronted them on their incomprehensible greed. Through my interaction with Olivia, I knew they did everything in their power to pressure her out of the lawsuit for one reason. They didn’t want to lose the farm and their fortune!
For instance, I have a lengthy letter from your mother to Olivia. Never once did your mother even allude to the fact they were innocent as a basis for Olivia not suing them. She knew they would lose the lawsuit if it ever went to court. She was ONLY concerned about their fortune. It was the most manipulative letter I have ever read. I told Charlie and Greer about it and told them I looked forward to presenting it and other evidence against them in a court of law.
My heart goes out to Olivia. She was the only one willing to do what was right. For that she was crushed by her evil parents and betrayed by C.J. Mahaney and the Covenant Life pastors. She continues to be damned by the Leadership Team of Sovereign Grace Churches.
The Most High has taken note. He has and will act in judgement.