Todd Pruitt Lies about His Knowledge of C.J. Mahaney’s Guilt in Order to Appear Neutral

Story Highlights
While interacting with Phil Johnson (John MacArthur’s executive director) on his Facebook page in April, Todd Pruitt from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals chimed in and claimed he had no knowledge, even second hand knowledge, of C.J. Mahaney’s guilt or innocence. He put forth this lie to thousands of readers so he could justify his claim of moral neutrality toward Mahaney.
When I asked Pruitt how this could be true, he refused to answer and retorted, “I don’t like strangers making demands of me. What gives you the authority to make such demands?” This was an attempt to intimidate and silence me. I then provided the evidence from his own writings that exposed the lie that he was ignorant. In fact, he had abundant knowledge of Mahaney’s guilt. This is a classic illustration of deceit, arrogance, and contempt for accountability by a national leader.
Three days before the mega biennial conference began, Todd Pruitt from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals made An Appeal to the Organizers of Together for the Gospel to remove C.J. Mahaney from the organization and as a speaker. He also called upon Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, and Al Mohler to stand with the victims of sexual abuse in Sovereign Grace Ministries and humbly ask forgiveness for not removing Mahaney sooner. He wrote in part,
“All of this leaves me asking in stunned wonder: “What are they thinking?” How can the organizers of T4G [Dever, Duncan & Mohler] allow CJ Mahaney a place on the platform this year? … I appeal therefore to the organizers of T4G to remove C.J. Mahaney not only from the roster of speakers but also from the organization itself. … Of course, at this point to remove Mahaney from the T4G platform at this late date would do nothing to satisfy most of the critics. … It would require a humble statement asking forgiveness for not acting sooner. It would mean taking in no uncertain terms a posture of solidarity with the victims of the abuse in SGM churches. It should never have reached this point.” (Todd Pruitt, An Appeal to the Organizers of T4G, April 9, 2016)
Of course, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan and Al Mohler did the exact opposite. The organizers featured C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries like no other ministry represented at the conference. There only solidarity was with Mahaney, not with the victims and families of victims protesting outside T4G 2016. They even allowed Mark Prater, the Executive Director, to promote SGM in a break out session. This despite the fact, I had sent them Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused two weeks before T4G began. I pointed out the following to Dever, Duncan and Mohler and provided them conclusive evidence to back it up. It didn’t matter.
“Two years ago a “hush fund” masquerading as a benevolence fund was deceptively set up by Mark Prater (Executive Director for SGM), Paul Buckley (Chairman of the SGM Board), and Tommy Hill (Director of Finance & Administration for SGM) in order to surreptitiously meet the demands of a SGM pastor whose son was sexually abused by the son of another SGM pastor in the same church. … This plan was approved by C.J. Mahaney and the SGM Board of Directors and implemented by Mark Prater.”
Pruitt’s based his appeal for action upon 1 Timothy 3:2, 7 and Titus 1:6, 7 which requires that an overseer be above reproach and of good reputation before a watching world. See “Well Thought of by Outsiders” (1 Tim 3:7) – What the Media Is Saying About C.J. Mahaney from April 30, 2016 for examples.
“I do not know C.J. Mahaney. He may be an honorable man who is truly innocent of every one of the many charges that have been made against him. But to whom much is given, much is required. Mahaney is a pastor. He is and has been for years a spiritual overseer in the church of Jesus Christ. And as we know from Scripture an overseer must be above reproach and have a good reputation with those outside the church.” (Todd Pruitt, An Appeal to the Organizers of T4G, April 9, 2016)
In my post on the matter the next day, I expressed agreement with Pruitt that Mahaney should be removed and the organizers should make a humble confession. I disagreed with him that Mahaney “may be an honorable man who is truly innocent.” I wrote in part the following.
Todd Pruitt from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Calls for C.J. Mahaney’s Removal from Together for the Gospel
Brent Detwiler
April 10, 2016
Unfortunately, Pruitt also makes a point with which I strongly disagree. He says, “[C.J.] may be an honorable man who is truly innocent of every one of the many charges that have been made against him.” I charitably assume Pruitt has not read the thousands of pages of evidence against C.J. from the past six years demonstrating the charges are true.
He must also be unaware that C.J. did great harm to his home church when he fled in anger never to return. Nor that his divided an entire movement. Forty churches left Sovereign Grace Ministries including Covenant Life Church. So did hundreds of leaders and half the people [in SGM - approximately 12,000]. If he knows this than his comment is pure spin and must be mortified!
C.J. is not above reproach nor of good reputation because of long standing patterns of serious sin that have harmed thousands. Covering up the sexual abuse of children is but one example of his sin and deceit.
I’m glad Pruitt was willing to speak out but his argument for removing Mahaney is unconvincing. Dever, Duncan and Mohler are not going to remove him from Together for the Gospel. Nor are they going to ask forgiveness. No, they will continue to prop him up as an “honorable man who is truly innocent.” Pruitt gave them license to do so.
Five days later during an exchange with Phil Johnson on his Facebook page about sexual abuse in SGM, I tried to find out from Pruitt how much he knew about the extent and seriousness of C.J.’s sins. Pruitt responded, “Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.” That turned out to be untrue. Phil Johnson, by the way, is John MacArthur’s Executive Director for Grace to You ministries.
A couple of weeks later, I made the following statement in a related post.
Kevin DeYoung’s Lack of Integrity Obvious in Reproof of Todd Pruitt & Defense of C.J. Mahaney as Above Reproach Like Jesus & Paul
Brent Detwiler
May 1, 2016
Pruitt did a poor job making his case. He took a neutral position regarding “the many charges that have been made against him.” From Pruitt’s perspective, C.J. may well be “truly innocent of every one.” Pruitt was unwilling to call for C.J.’s removal because of disqualifying patterns of sin that have brought reproach upon him.
Pruitt received a lot of push back from both sides of the isle so he tried to clarify his position. He was not successful, however, because he continued to take a morally neutral stance. “I do not know if C.J. Mahaney is guilty.” Of course, anyone who has followed the evidence the last five years knows C.J. is guilty of a myriad of serious charges. That is indisputable.
During this time, my wife and I were walking through some extremely difficult trials. She just had major surgery and developed serious complications in the aftermath. It was not until May 20 that I was able to follow up with Pruitt via email regarding his “morally neutral stance” and the assertion he did not have any “first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.” When I did he responded, “I don’t like strangers making demands of me. What gives you the authority to make such demands?” and “Consider this our last communication.”
Here is our interaction from May in entirety. It is a classic illustration of deceit, arrogance, and contempt for accountability.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:44 AM
To: Todd Pruitt
Subject: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
Importance: High
Hello Todd,
I wanted to follow up on your comment on Phil’s Facebook page when you said, “Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.” That statement totally perplexed me since I have put forth thousands of pages of evidentiary documentation over the last five years clearly demonstrating C.J.’s history of lying, deceit, hypocrisy, arrogance and spiritual abuse.
Given your statement, I asked a couple of follow-up questions about what you read in terms of the evidence and when you read it. You didn’t answer. Here’s the Facebook conversation in context [on Phil Johnson’s FB page].
Brent Detwiler Phil Johnson I leave you [Phil] with one correction. For over ten years, starting in 2000, I worked with other leaders in trying to help C.J. see long term patterns of serious sin in his life. The effort failed. In July 2011, I had no choice but to send The Documents to the pastors in SGM when C.J. continued to lie and deceive. From there, someone posted them on the internet. During that decade long effort, we followed the first and second steps of Matthew 18:15-17 countless times. C.J. remained unrepentant and his sins worsened. It finally became necessary to “tell it to the church” and in C.J.’s case that was SGM which he headed.
C.J. should not be a part of T4G, but more, he should not be in ministry if the qualifications of 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1 mean anything. You often reference, 1 Tim 5:19 about the need for “two or three witnesses” before accepting an accusation against an elder. In C.J.’s case, there are literally two or three thousand witnesses and that is not hyperbole. You can’t image the devastation he has wrought. I’d be glad to talk you in person. Just drop me a line and we can set it up. You can read about our early efforts to confront C.J. in “Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine.” Start on page one.
Like · Reply · 2 · April 15 at 9:32am · Edited
To this you replied.
Todd Pruitt Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence. We have certainly heard a lot of troubling reports (thus my series of blog posts). But I trust you will understand why some of us will not publically call CJ guilty until that is proven.
Like · Reply · 2 · April 15 at 9:15am · Edited
I was unable to meaningfully respond to your comment because I was on the way to the hospital to care for a loved one [my wife]. Therefore, I left a brief note about wanting to engage your “neutrality” about C.J.’s guilt or innocence. I didn’t know you were good friends with Phil [Johnson] and following the discussion on Facebook. I was glad you “chimed in.”
Brent Detwiler Todd, I meant to refer to Phil above. I made the edit. I am on the way to do a hospital visitation but I will get back to you later. I’m glad you chimed in. It gives me an opportunity to address your “neutrality.”
Like · Reply · April 15 at 9:52am
Todd Pruitt “excellent.”
Like · Reply · April 15 at 10:20am
A few hours later I wrote you back from the hospital. I knew I wouldn’t have the opportunity to fully address your neutral position on C.J. but I did want to know if you had read any of the major documents which each contained a large amounts of evidence.
Brent Detwiler Todd Pruitt. I will be at the hospital all day. I hope to respond to you tomorrow. Briefly, did you read my three main documents, “Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine” (Mar 2010), “A Final Appeal” (Oct 2010) and “Concluding Remarks” (Jun 2011). If so, when did you read them?
Like · Reply · April 15 at 12:52pm · Edited
I also wanted to know if you read the lawsuit against C.J. and my blog post titled, “Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused.” The online article contained evidence that implicated C.J. and showed his top leaders (Mark Prater, Paul Buckley, and Tommy Hill) engaged in illegal activity.
Brent Detwiler Next, did you read the Second Amended Complaint (lawsuit) (May 2013)? If so, when? Did you read my piece on the hush fund (Mar 2015)? If so when?
Like · Reply · April 15 at 12:54pm · Edited
I was asking these questions because you said, “Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.”
I can understand your statement if you didn’t know about the evidence, or didn’t read the evidence. I can’t understand your statement, however, if your read Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine, A Final Appeal, Concluding Remarks, the Second Amended Complaint (i.e. lawsuit), and Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused.
These five documents contained a lot of first hand and second hand evidence against C.J. Therefore, would you please clarify for me? Did you read any of this evidence? If so, when did you read it? Perhaps, you didn’t read it until our FB exchange above.
In any case, I am left to conclude one of two things. One, you and many other leaders in your circle, never read the evidence. Therefore, your neutral stance. Two, you read the evidence, but somehow concluded it was irrelevant to C.J.’s guilt or innocence. Would you please explain?
From: Todd Pruitt []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:49 AM
To: Brent Detwiler <>
Subject: RE: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
Well, the man is determined…
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 9:58 AM
To: Todd Pruitt <>
Subject: RE: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
I’d just like to understand your comment that you had “no first or second hand information regarding C.J.’s guilt or innocence.” Is that true? Did you not read any of the evidence?
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 3:28 PM
To: Todd Pruitt
Subject: RE: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
It appears you are unwilling to be honest. What am I missing? These are simple questions. There is no reason not to answer them unless you have been untruthful about possessing no information. Please help me to understand.
From: Todd Pruitt []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 3:42 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
I haven’t been dishonest.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 3:45 PM
To: Todd Pruitt
Subject: RE: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
Great. Then answer my questions and explain your statement that you had “no first or second hand information regarding C.J.’s guilt or innocence.”
From: Todd Pruitt []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 3:59 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
I don’t like strangers making demands of me. What gives you the authority to make such demands?
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 4:31 PM
To: Todd Pruitt
Subject: RE: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
I don’t mean to provoke you but that is a very poor response. Would you please take some time to consider what is going on in your heart? I will follow up with you tomorrow.
From: Todd Pruitt []
Sent: Friday, May 20, 2016 4:39 PM
To: Brent Detwiler
Subject: Re: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
C’mon Brent. That is such a self-righteous response. I will not be joining your campaign. Consider this our last communication.
Pruitt claimed he was ignorant of all first hand and even second hand evidence against C.J. Mahaney regarding his guilt. That’s why I asked, “Did you read any of this evidence?” He could not answer the question truthfully without incriminating himself.
Instead, he ignored my questions with “Well, the man is determined…” Therefore, I asked again, “Did you not read any of the evidence?”
He did not answer so I pointed out the obvious. “It appears you are unwilling to be honest.” To this he responded, “I haven’t been dishonest.” That was not true. He was dishonest about his knowledge of the evidence against Mahaney (see below). Furthermore, he was “dishonest” by refusing to be honest and answer my questions.
For a third time, I asked that he answer my questions and explain his categorical assertion about having no first or even second hand information about Mahaney’s sins.
This resulted in an arrogant and belligerent response characteristic of pastors who spiritually abuse God’s people. “I don’t like strangers making demands of me. What gives you the authority to make such demands?”
I’ve come to realize Todd Pruitt is a bully pastor like Phil Johnson is a bully pastor like Mark Driscoll is a bully pastor – to mention a few. It doesn’t matter if you are a stranger or friend. It doesn’t matter if you are in authority or not in authority. You are not allowed to question them; let alone challenge them. They attack even when you ask legitimate questions in a respectful manner.
This too has been my consistent experience with C.J. Mahaney and his enablers over the past five years. Pruitt is just another example. It is why so many people have given up on the church. They can’t find shepherds who are honest, humble, and accountable.
I followed up with Pruitt about his conduct and used an abbreviated account of events.
From: Brent Detwiler []
Sent: Friday, September 2, 2016 9:00 AM
To: Todd Pruitt
Subject: Re: Follow Up to Conversation on Facebook
I asked some easy to answer questions about your statement,
“Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.”
In response you said,
“I don’t like strangers making demands of me. What gives you the authority to make such demands?”
To this I said,
“I don’t mean to provoke you but that is a very poor response. Would you please take some time to consider what is going on in your heart?”
You answered,
“C’mon Brent. That is such a self-righteous response. I will not be joining your campaign. Consider this our last communication.”
A few observations. First, I was not demanding in my approach to you. Second, though we are not friends that has no bearing on whether or not I may ask you a question in response to about a comment you made to me. Third, asking you a question does not necessitate being in a position of authority over you. These are abusive responses intended to insult and silence as you attempt to cover up your deceit.
Furthermore, there was nothing self-righteous about my response. I was kind, gentle, and respectful in noting your “very poor response” and encouraging you “to consider what is going on in your heart.” I was trying to help you as the Bible instructs me to do. That is my authority.
Todd, I’ve taken some time to do some research given your unwillingness to walk in the light. It is clear now, you lied to me on Phil’s Facebook page on April 15 when you said, “Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.” That is the reason you won’t answer my questions. It has nothing to do with me being a stranger, nor being in authority or being self-righteous.
You had plenty of first and second hand knowledge about C.J.’s guilt. That is why you would not answer my questions about whether or not you read Response Regarding Friendship & Doctrine, A Final Appeal, Concluding Remarks, the Second Amended Complaint and Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused. These five documents contained extensive information about C.J.’s guilt. No one could claim to be ignorant of all first and second hand knowledge if they read these documents.
Here is what you said on your blog.
An Appeal to the Organizers of Together for the Gospel
Posted On Saturday, April 9, 2016 By Todd Pruitt On 1517
When I first read the reports of spiritual abuse and cult-like control of members in SGM churches I dismissed them outright as the rantings of malcontents. And, as far as my own personal knowledge goes, that may be the case. … However, the revelations of sexual abuse of children and the cover up of those crimes within SGM churches forced me to reconsider my opinion of “the critics.” It is not my purpose to rehash what has already entered the public record. Suffice it to say, I have found much of the evidence quite compelling that certain leaders within SGM knew about and sought to cover-up the sexual abuse of children. If you are interested you can read more about the horrific situation HERE, HERE, and HERE. … The accusations, far from being exposed as lies, seem to have taken on greater credibility. I understand and value loyalty to friends. I understand that false accusations are made. But I also understand that loyalty has its limits. The details that have been revealed about the various SGM scandals show that there is indeed at least some fire behind the smoke.
You may not have any first-hand knowledge (i.e. experience) of Mahaney’s spiritual abuse but you do have a ton of second-hand knowledge of his abuse. You “read the reports of spiritual abuse and cult-like control of members in SGM churches.” I can’t help you foolishly “dismissed them outright as the rantings of malcontents.” I’d love for you to document these “rantings of malcontents.” I don’t think that was true of anyone raising concerns for C.J. (e.g. Joshua Harris, Grant Layman, Pat Ennis, Bo Lotinksy – all top leaders). In my case, I sent C.J. seven documents in private from March 2010 to June 2011 as a deeply concerned friend looking out for his good and the good of SGM. In all I wrote, I did not rant. No, I reasoned and respectfully presented evidence and appealed for his repentance. That is the record. Your reference to the “rantings of malcontents” is another wild and bizarre accusation like those that appeared on The Wartburg Watch.
In the quote above you say,
“Suffice it to say, I have found much of the evidence quite compelling that certain leaders within SGM knew about and sought to cover-up the sexual abuse of children. If you are interested you can read more about the horrific situation HERE, HERE, and HERE.”
Obviously you have knowledge of the conspiracy to cover up the sexual abuse of children that involved Mahaney. You reference three different articles above including The Sex-Abuse Scandal That Devastated a Suburban Megachurch in Washingtonian magazine which contained considerable evidence.
You also had “first-hand knowledge” from a family at Covenant Life Church.
A follow-up to my post on T4G
Posted On Monday, April 11, 2016 By Todd Pruitt On 1517
I have heard from a family impacted directly by the sexual abuse at CLC. It breaks my heart. I cannot imagine their pain and I hope that anyone who assisted in delaying justice or covering up the abuse will be exposed.
You should have been truthful and told everyone on Phil Johnson’s Facebook page that, “Suffice it to say, I have found much of the evidence quite compelling that certain leaders within SGM knew about and sought to cover-up the sexual abuse of children.” Instead, you said, “Keep in mind Brent that many of us do not have first or even second hand knowledge of CJ’s guilt or innocence.” That was not true.
You also wrote that C.J. “may be truly innocent of every one of the many charges that have been made against him.” I responded the next day. Here is an excerpt. It turns out you were guilty of “pure spin” which is doubly bad since you glory in the Mortification of Spin and so designate your website.
Todd Pruitt from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals Calls for C.J. Mahaney’s Removal from Together for the Gospel
Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 4:37 PM
Brent Detwiler
Unfortunately, Pruitt also makes a point with which I strongly disagree. He says, “[C.J.] may be an honorable man who is truly innocent of every one of the many charges that have been made against him.” I charitably assume Pruitt has not read the thousands of pages of evidence against C.J. from the past six years demonstrating the charges are true.
He must also be unaware that C.J. did great harm to his home church when he fled in anger never to return. Nor that his divided an entire movement. Forty churches left Sovereign Grace Ministries including Covenant Life Church. So did hundreds of leaders and half the people [approximately 12,000]. If he knows this than his comment is pure spin and must be mortified!
C.J. is not above reproach nor of good reputation because of long standing patterns of serious sin that have harmed thousands. Covering up the sexual abuse of children is but one example of his sin and deceit.
Todd, the evidence of C.J.’s guilt is ubiquitous. I can think of no one in recent church history against whom more compelling evidence has been justly compiled and presented. Despite this, compromised leaders like your friend Carl Trueman, declared C.J. fit for ministry, above reproach, and a model for others to follow. This was in total disregard of the facts and the unambiguous teaching of Scripture on what it means to be above reproach. You are not much different. Here is more of what you have said.
Do No Harm
Posted On Wednesday, April 13, 2016 By Todd Pruitt On 1517
But the actual guilt or innocence of CJ Mahaney was never the point of my post. At no point do I try to render a judgment on CJ Mahaney, Covenant Life Church, or Sovereign Grace Ministries. … My opinion that CJ Mahaney should not have been included in this year’s T4G has nothing to do with whether or not he is actually guilty of the charges that have been made against him. I never once have called for the elders of the church Mahaney pastors to remove him from his position.
Todd, you have deceitfully hidden behind the claim that you had no first-hand or even second-hand knowledge of C.J.’s guilt in any sense and therefore took a morally neutral stance. That was untrue and cowardly. C.J.’s guilt is well established in countless respects as is the guilt of the elders in his church who have propped him up. You should have asked for his removal, but like Carl and the organizers of T4G, you have also propped C.J. up.
Todd, I’ve taken the time to write and provide you feedback in hopes that you will yet be helped. I admit to exasperation, however. From what I have observed in your interactions with me and others, you sinfully react to probing questions, honest feedback and necessary correction with contempt, insolence and pugnacity. You don’t listen. You demonstrate no humility. Then you attack and your attacks often include false allegations that are slanderous. Moreover, you will lie in order to cover up your own sin and the sins of those you favor.
Needless to say, this must come to an end. I hope you will quickly repent.
I never heard back from Pruitt. That is typical of those who are guilty. He could not answer my questions unless he was willing to acknowledge his lying, deceit and arrogance. This is a well-worn path for Pruitt. For example, I recently wrote An Open Letter to Todd Pruitt Regarding His Unfounded Attacks on Wayne Grudem & Bruce Ware in which I expose his creation of a false narrative that he disgracefully uses to slander and accuse these men.
I am also working on a post regarding his outrageous behavior on The Wartburg Watch blog where he makes wild accusations and bullies those asking him questions about Carl Trueman’s vindication of C.J. Mahaney as “fit to be a minister of the gospel” and “a model for others to follow” in July 2011. In addition, I am working on an article that exposes Pruitt for covering up the lying, deceit and bullying of a nationally known leader who is his friend.
I am glad Pruitt called for Mahaney’s removal from Together for the Gospel this past April. I’ve written about that here and here. Nevertheless, he is not a man that should be trusted.
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I recently wrote an update on our personal circumstances. Would you please read it here and consider a gift or donation? The work I do is not fun or easy but it is necessary. In the coming weeks and months, I’ll be covering some stories of national importance. I need your help to make that possible. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you.