An Appeal to the Reformed Baptist Network of Churches to Call Upon the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA) to Repent

The Reformed Baptist Network is comprised of 36 churches. Approximately 15 of those churches left the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America (ARBCA) in recent years.
Gordon Taylor was the ARBCA Coordinator from 2008-2014. He left. He is now the Coordinator for the Reformed Baptist Network (RBN).
Chris Marley and Miller Valley Baptist Church are part of the RBN. They left ARBCA when Tom Chantry and Christ Reformed Baptist Church were admitted into ARBCA in 2016 even though the ARBCA Administrative Council knew Tom Chantry had been under a nine-month investigation for the physical and sexual abuse of children and about to be arrested.
Chris came on staff at MVBC in 2009. He became the senior pastor in 2011. He did not know about Tom Chantry’s past physical and sexual abuse of children in the church. Once he learned of it, he reported to law enforcement and provided evidence he recovered. Chris has done an admirable job standing up to ARBCA and testifying in court at the Chantry trials.
There are issues, however, will some of the pastors and churches in the Reformed Baptist Network. I wrote to them about my concerns.
From: Brent Detwiler <>
Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 2:38 PM
To: Steve Woodman (; Wayne Brandow (; Dave Johnston (; Rich Kilian (; Bob Kieselowsky (; Roy Morris (; Dewain Arndt (; Jim Adams (; Jon Patton (; Jeff Larkin (; Ben Boeshaar (; Dave Cox (; Mike Woody (; Jeffrey Smith (; Scott Day (; Caison Jones (; Ryan Parsons (; Luke Peterson (; Trace Foote (; Jamie Howell (; Bob Selph (; Curt Arend (; Chris Hatton (; Jason Webb (; Chad Bennett (; Jeff Johnson (; Stu Johnson (; Gary Hendrix (; Stephen Byrd (; Bob Prentice (; Michael Lopes (; Paul Gordon (; Mark Chanski (; Kevin Filcik (; Rick Kirsten (; Aaron Vonk (; Ted Christman (; Keith Maddy (; Mark Redfern (; Chris J. Marley (; Steven Graham (; Andrew Guidara (; Martin Hoffman (; Steve Watson (; Nick Kennicott (; Jeff Porter (; Jarvis Singleton (; Ernest Mitchell (; Douglas Van Dorn (; Robert Elliott (; Ryan Devine (; Dave Hendrickx (; Paul Thomas (
Subject: An Appeal to Study Evidence & Call Upon Own Members & ARBCA to Repent
Dear Brothers,
I am grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ for the Reformed Baptist Network and Reformed Baptist churches in general. ARBCA is a grotesque misrepresentation.
I have attached my “Ten-Part Series on the Abuse of Children by “Pastor” Tom Chantry & Its Cover-Up by the Association of Reformed Baptist Churches of America From 2000-2018” for your convenience.
And today I posted six articles based upon newly discovered evidence of a highly incriminating nature. I ask that you read them. They are important in further establishing the guilt of ARBCA officials including Tedd Tripp and Bob Selph. I’m sure that comes as a disappointment knowing they are part of your network.
Don Lindblad’s Recently Discovered Review of Informal Council Investigation for Chairman Earl Blackburn Proves Intentional Cover-Up of Tom Chantry’s Crimes by Marcus “Mike” McKnight, Tedd Tripp andRich Jensen
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 11:19AM
Newly Discovered Letter from Tom Chantry in 2000 Documents Widespread Knowledge in ARBCA of Accusations Against Him for Repeatedly Abusing Children & So Was Talk About Prosecuting Him
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:02PM
New Evidence Shows Miller Valley Baptist Church Secretary Told ARBCA Investigators in 2000 that Tom Chantry Would “Take People’s Children & Hurt Them Without Cause & Enjoy Doing It.”
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:25PM
Former Members of Providence Reformed Baptist Church Ask Probing Questions, Lay Out 16 Things ARBCA Must Confess, & Expose Pastor Tom Lyon for Covering Up Tom Chantry’s Crimes
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 12:42PM
ARBCA Seminary President Jim Renihan Fraudulently Promotes Faculty of Impressive Professors That Never Taught in His School. Westminster Seminary California Removes Renihan As Visiting Professor.
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 1:24PM
Will Tom Ascol & Founders Ministries Sever Ties With ARBCA & Remove Fred Malone & Tom Hicks from Ministry Team for Covering Up Tom Chantry's Crimes
Friday, June 7, 2019 at 2:16PM
I have often written Tedd and Bob but they have refused to respond, repent, acknowledge any wrongdoing, or contact the victims and their families whom they abandoned. At the Chantry trials, the families were asking me why neither of them were present to provide support. They all feel a deep sense of betrayal by these men. Bob was their former pastor. Tedd is a counselor with a worldwide ministry.
In addition, both of these men knowingly broke the law along with others like Marcus “Mike” McKnight, Rich Jensen, Earl Blackburn, David Dysktra, Steve Martin, and Don Lindblad. They intentionally covered up his crimes in an attempt to “give Tom his life back.”
Of course, Chad Bennett is one of your network pastors at Grace Fellowship Church in Hazleton, PA. So is Jamie Howell at Grace Baptist Church in Taylors, South Carolina. Tedd is a member of Chad’s church and Bob is an “urban missionary” accountable to Jamie’s church.
I have interacted with both men in the past. I’ve been especially disappointed by Chad’s refusal to hold Tedd accountable. In fact, Tedd just preached at the church on March 24. This ought not to be. Tedd is in open sin of a very serious nature. The same is true of Bob. Neither man is trustworthy or above reproach.
Further, there is now new evidence Jaime knew about the allegations of child abuse against Chantry in 2000 when he was on the Administrative Council and its recording secretary. Jaime told me in the past, he and the AC had no such knowledge. I don’t believe him. This deserves further investigation.
Lastly, I had the following exchange on Twitter with Paul Gordon from Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Pine Bush, New York. He was justifying Walt Chantry to Todd Wilhelm. I hope you will help him. He needs to be adjusted. He does not represent you well. These are the relevant excerpts. I’ve added a few notes.
Todd Wilhelm @ThouArtTheMan
[Sinclair] Ferguson dedicates [his 2016] book [The Whole Christ] to Walter Chantry, a man who covered up his son Tom’s abuse of children.
2:27 AM - 26 May 2019
Paul Gordon @Gordonsflash
It is cruel to vilify family members for choosing to believe the lies and minimizations of a loved one. They are also victims of Tom’s crimes.
5:19 PM - 26 May 2019
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
@Gordonsflash you are speaking out of abject ignorance. Study evidence before defending [the] guilty. Walt Chantry knew Tom was child abuser in 2000. Had all the evidence. Walt intentionally covered up crimes & destroyed evidence. He also despised [the] victims. Read Part 2: Walt Chantry, Miller Valley Elders, & ARBCA Officials Knew Tom Chantry Was a Child Abuser Even Before the 2000 Investigation Began
10:28 AM - 27 May 2019
Paul Gordon @Gordonsflash
There are many things I dislike about Walt but loving and defending a son whose lies he believed is not one of them.
5:39 PM - 26 May 2019
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
Wilhelm is right. Walt was in a panic. He knew Tom committed crimes. Therefore, did everything possible to prevent those crimes from being reported. Selph, McKnight, Tripp, & Jensen did the same under pressure from Walt. Read Part 8: The Illegal Cover-Up of Tom Chantry’s Crimes by Marcus “Mike” McKnight III (Prominent Lawyer), Tedd Tripp (Renowned Child Expert), Richard Jensen (Former Homicide Detective), & Bob Selph (the ARBCA Coordinator)
10:36 AM - 27 May 2019
Paul Gordon @Gordonsflash
I have no need to study this case Brent. If you have mastered the evidence than you should present it before publicly alleging Walt committed a crime. You can have your suspicions but you have to do more than that to be credible in your reports.
6:55 PM - 27 May 2019
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
I have publicly presented the evidence! You just haven’t read it! You are so ignorant. It has been repeatedly documented by me, others, and the prosecutor that Walt knew all about the crimes committed by his son.
7:27 PM - 27 May 2019
Paul Gordon @Gordonsflash
I honestly tried Brent to read the whole of the article you linked me to but I couldn’t. It was filled with inaccuracies, misrepresentations, internal contradictions and just plain meanness. At this point I will have nothing more to say to you.
7:03 PM - 27 May 2019
Brent Detwiler @BrentDetwiler
Really? Point them out! You can’t. Just fake attempt to discredit. Walt had Nov 21, 2000 letter from elders telling him [that] Tom was guilty of child abuse & could be prosecuted. Walt also had letters from 4 parents & one victim documenting the abuse & [the top secret] sealed IC [Informal Council] report about sadism.
7:36 PM - 27 May 2019
Lastly, I leave you with this earnest appeal. ARBCA needs to be held accountable by the Reformed Baptist Network. You should write a letter outlining their corruption, past and present, and call them to repentance. The article, Between Convictions: Tom Chantry and ARBCA by Lori Ann Grover will be most helpful in that regard.
If ARBCA as a whole refuses to repent, you should sever all ties with the association and make it publicly known like Dr. Al Mohler did with C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches, Inc. You should also sever ties with men like Earl Blackburn, David Dykstra, Steve Martin, John Giarrizzo, Don Lindblad, Tom Lyon, Fred Malone, Al Huber, Brandon Smith, Steve Marquedant, Bob Curley, Jason Walter, Rob Cosby, Dale Crawford, and many others who have been integral to the cover-up. They should be treated like “you would a pagan or a tax collector” (Matt. 18:17). That means no Christian fellowship and an on-going appeal for repentance.
Reformed Baptists of bygone days have taken far more courageous steps in obeying and applying the teaching of Scripture in the face of corruption and compromise. I hope you will imitate their example. In turn, I hope every other Reformed Baptist network, ministry, seminary and blogger follows your example. Jesus would be pleased. So would Spurgeon.