Mike Bullmore Strains Out Gnats While Swallowing Camels (Matt. 23:24). Fellow-Elder Says the Aroma of Hell Is on My Work.

This is Mike Bullmore’s biography. He is one of the 77 national leaders I originally appealed to regarding C.J. Mahaney in 2013. He has been provided thousands of pages of hard evidence proving the conspiracy to cover up sexual abuse and much more.
Senior Pastor, CrossWay Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin
Instructors - Charles Simeon Trust
Mike serves as Senior Pastor of CrossWay Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin. Mike earned a diploma in Bible and Theology at Moody Bible Institute and a BA in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College. He then earned an MDiv and ThM from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS), followed by a PhD in Rhetorical History and Criticism from Northwestern University. Prior to leading the launch of CrossWay Community Church in 1998, Mike served for 15 years as an Associate Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Theology, as well as chairman of the Practical Theology Department at TEDS. He also serves on the council of The Gospel Coalition.
Mike is one of the few national leaders who continues to be a staunch supporter of C.J. Mahaney, Jeff Purswell, the Pastors College, and Sovereign Grace Churches. This is my correspondence with him since February 2021. As will be apparent he is determined to strain out gnats but swallows camels in his hypocrisy. My reasonable appeals and offers to help him learn the truth are rebuffed. So too my invitation to correct any errors in what I’ve written. I’ve added notes in brackets [ ].
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, February 24, 2021 9:56 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Cc: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Subject: RE: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
Hello Mike,
Todd [Wilhelm] forwarded me the emails below.
I’d like to talk with you by phone. Jeff [Purswell] is welcome to join us. In that conversation, I’d like to discuss the testimony of victims and witnesses regarding a conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. I’d also welcome your correction about anything I’ve written you believe is errant based on your interaction with C.J., Jeff, Gary [Ricucci], et al. In addition, I’d welcome questions from you.
Since the original lawsuit was filed in October 2012, I’ve interacted with at least a score of victims or their parents in CLC [Covenant Life Church] and SGC [Sovereign Grace Churches]. This includes victims from the lawsuit and beyond the lawsuit. I’ve also worked with detectives, prosecutors, and investigators. For instance, in the criminal case against Nathaniel Morales. He was sentenced to 40 years and operated in CLC and beyond.
Therefore, I am offering to converse because it would serve you well. No one is more informed or knowledgeable about these matters. Please discuss this offer with your elders and let me know what you decide. They too are welcome to join our conversation.
I am also happy to address the issue of honoraria amounts in SGC and payments to PC teachers though that is of secondary concern [see here for backstory].
Mike wrote back to me, refusing to interact. I appeal to his elders at Crossway Community Church in Bristol, Wisconsin.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 5:41 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church; David Daghfal david.daghfal@cwc.church; Jim Dunn jim.dunn@cwc.church; Ryan Fultz Ryan.Fultz@cwc.church; Mark Gunderson mark.gunderson@cwc.church; Chuck Heinrich chuck.heinrich@cwc.church; Bruce Hoffmire Bruce.Hoffmire@cwc.church; Josh Mathews josh.mathews@cwc.church; Steve Moore steve.moore@cwc.church; Bill Nye bill.nye@cwc.church; Jeff Trimark jeff.trimark@cwc.church; Brett Wendle brett.wendle@cwc.church
Cc: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
[Note to CrossWay Elders. I have copied you because I am not confident Mike brought my appeal to him to your attention as requested. You also have a responsibility to call Mike to account. He is a reflection of you and your leadership. You can read my story and see my resume at this link. My Story - Resume - (squarespace.com)]
I am grieved but not surprised by your refusal to interact. You say, “I am not interested in engaging with you on these matters.” Why is that Mike? You are like Sovereign Grace Churches in their adamant refusal to do an independent investigation. Why do they refuse? Because they are guilty. Why do you refuse to interact? Because you cannot possibility defend their evil.
Like them, your support of C.J. and Jeff cannot stand up to scrutiny or examination; therefore you must refuse engagement with me. Here is another sincere offer. Let me set it up for you to talk with Rachael Denhollander or some of the victims and witnesses that Mark Prater, C.J., Jeff, and Bob have called liars. Are you interested in their firsthand accounts? Are you interested in talking to Rachael? The elders should require this of you.
Mike, the conspiracy to cover up the sexual abuse of children by C.J. has been repeatedly proven. For instance, in the Nate Morales trial. The prosecutors told us they could have arrested Grant Layman (C.J.’s brother-in-law) in the courtroom after he confessed to a criminal conspiracy that C.J. headed.
The only defense against such proofs is to slander the victims and cover up the abusers’ crimes including the use of a “hush” fund in the case of Randy Stewart who was an associate pastor. His young son was repeatedly sodomized by the senior pastor’s older son in OH. C.J. covered it up and relocated the pastor, Jason Reyes, to another SG church in MD and then in NJ. No one was told. You can read about it at Hush Fund Set Up by Top SGM Leaders to Meet the Demands of a SGM Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused.
C.J. did a similar thing with a pastor in VA [Frank Ecelbarger]. He relocated him to another state [Florida]. He also covered up the crimes committed by Charlie Llewellyn in CLC. You can read about it at The Conspiracy Surrounding Plaintiff Grace Goe at Covenant Life Church. I could go on and on. These are not disputable matters. The same with John Loftness. Read John Loftness in Focus – Former Chairman of the SGM Board & Alleged Sexual Sadist. Three victims have testified against him. And yet you choose ignorance over evidence.
I think of Assistant State’s Attorney Jessica Hall words at the first Nate Morales trial. She used the word “church” to describe the cover-up but in context she was speaking of C.J. and the CLC pastors. I was in the courtroom.
“The church covered it up. The church protected Mr. Morales. … The church would cover up for Mr. Morales. … The church would protect a man who molested children. … The church did nothing. … They ignored the fact that heinous crimes had been committed.”
These statements were all proven. Read my article C.J. Mahaney, Covenant Life Church & the Conspiracy to Cover-up the Sexual Abuse of Children. In response, C.J. put out his most reprehensible of lies.
“Let me be clear about this: I have never conspired to protect a child predator, and I also deny all the claims made against me in the civil suit.” -- C.J. Mahaney
Mike, in your support of C.J. and SGC you are approving of evil and have joined with them in condemning victims of sexual abuse throughout SGC. You should not be teaching in the Pastors College or preaching at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville [see here]. Rather, you should be calling for an independent investigation and follow the example of Al Mohler. Read The Inside Story: Al Mohler Severed All Personal Ties With C.J. Mahaney & Sovereign Grace Churches Because Mahaney Deceived Him Into Believing An “Independent Investigation” of Abuse Was Done. You are called to expose the deeds of darkness, not embrace them (Eph 5:11).
Matt B. Redmond is correct.
“What kind of hard heart goes and preaches in the pulpit of the accused and seeks no audience with the accusers?” (What Kind of Hard Heart?, June 1, 2013)
Regarding honoraria. I set guidelines for speakers at our conferences. For instance, R.C. Sproul spoke for the first time at our Pastors & Wives Conference in April 2006. He was supposed to receive $1,000 for his message but behind our backs C.J. had his secretary, Nora Earles, get him a check for $2,000. This was unauthorized. We corrected C.J. It was one of the ways he “endeared” national leaders to himself. He still does as you well know.
Regarding payment to teachers in the PC. This quote comes from an article written in 2006.
An Overview of the Pastors’ College
Sovereign Grace Ministries, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Guest Teachers. The PC schedules guest lecturers far in advance. Schedules often change, and so they remain flexible. Honoraria range from $2000 to 2500 for professors of Wayne Grudem’s caliber, including all expenses paid. … They really take care of these guys, putting them up in a nice hotel with a gift basket in their room. They send flowers to the wife (the wives do not normally come). If the wife comes, the visiting professor will generally pay for her ticket himself. The instructor will fly in Monday night, teach all day Tues, Wed, Thurs and half the day on Friday. They will usually take him out to nice dinner and a ballgame at Camden Yards one evening, or for some sightseeing in DC. He will then fly home Friday afternoon.
In your case, Beverly is with you so you can spend the week with your daughter and son-in-law, Edgar, who is in the Pastor College. I have little doubt her plane fare was covered in your case. Moreover, you teach for 24 hours or less during the week. That is three days of work which effectively comes to around $1,000 per day.
Todd Wilhelm wrote you the following.
“I have been told that guest preachers at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville receive ae honorarium of $1,000 - $2,000. Could you please confirm this? I also discovered that 15 years ago guest teachers at the “Pastor’s College” received $2,500 for the week. I would imagine this fee is now $5,000 as a minimum. Could you please confirm this?”
You responded,
“The amounts you’ve ventured for both preaching and teaching are considerably beyond what is being paid. What I am paid is well within appropriate standards. Your information, wherever you got it from, is unreliable.”
I’d estimate you were paid $1,000 from C.J. for the weekend visit which included your honorarium for preaching. I’d estimate you were paid $3,000 from Jeff for the short week of teaching in the PC.
I’d challenge your statement that your pay for the PC “is well within appropriate standards.” Here’s why. It is an unaccredited school. It is not a bonafide college. It does not award degrees. It is a tiny Bible school with ten students.
You are teaching a group smaller than most small groups in a local church. It’s not like you’re guest teaching for a full week at TEDS [Trinity Evangelical Divinity School], Southern [Baptist Theological Seminary], or Westminster [Theological Seminary] with a full classroom of men working toward an M.Div. You can’t compare “appropriate standards” in those institutions to the PC.
And of course, the cash payments from C.J. and Jeff don’t include other benefits like gifts, incidentals, entertainment, etc. Bottom line, teaching in the Pastors College is like an all-expenses paid vacation where you return home with a lot more cash in your pocket than when you arrived. It is a plush arrangement and one of the main reasons men are willing to teach in it. It is lucrative. It is fun. It is easy. And the students idolize you while Jeff extols you like he did in your introduction to the class.
But these are lesser concerns. Far greater is my concern that you continue to defend, promote, and advance a group of men who did great injury to Covenant Life Church, divided Sovereign Grace Ministries (aka Sovereign Grace Churches), stumbled thousands in their faith, brought great reproach to the gospel, and conspired to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children. It is unconscionable. Please turn from your evil ways.
I have forwarded this correspondence to Rachael Denhollander and victims. I’ve copied Todd Wilhelm.
None of this mattered to Bullmore. He was focused on defending himself and discrediting me. He was not interested in “the truth about larger issues” because I was “so careless with the truth about small things.” This is how abusive pastors operate. They look for ways to discredit you and then use it as a basis to reject your input or correction.
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 9:46 AM
To: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Cc: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
You are operating with significant misinformation and proceeding as if it is true. I received exactly $2,000 for teaching at the PC this year, the exact same amount I receive every year, not the $3000 you are imagining (or the $5000 Todd speculates). I received $400 for preaching at SGCL, not the $1000 you are imagining. We did receive a gift basket of snacks the value of which I would estimate at somewhere between $25 and $30. There were no other gifts. Bev and I went out for dinner with Jeff and Julie one night which they graciously paid for. Most of our evening meals were taken with my daughter and son-in-law and I made it a clear point that Sovereign Grace not pay for meals beyond my own. There was no plane ticket purchased by Sovereign Grace for Bev. There was no added expense incurred by Sovereign Grace due to Bev’s being there apart from her part in the dinner I’ve already mentioned. I’ve never been to Camden Yards or any other sporting venue in connection with teaching at the PC. Your characterization of teaching at the Pastor’s College being like an “all expenses paid vacation” is really quite ridiculous. Maybe that’s how you saw it when you taught but I take my responsibility of the work of teaching at the PC very seriously.
I recognize these are secondary matters compared to the larger issue you raise but something is clearly indicated by your processing of this issue of payment. How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues when you are so careless with the truth about small things? That carelessness is on display, for example, in the errant speculation of the opening paragraph of your email when you make an assertion about my reason for not wanting to engage with you. The actual reason is much more direct and simple. It is wrong of you to assign motives in the absence of evidence. This is how falseness spreads and God has something to say about bearing false witness. Since you have forwarded our correspondence to others please make sure to forward the corrections to your misinformation I’ve supplied here. I’ve copied Todd on this so no need to let him know how unreliable your information was.
Brent, I want to say it again, I bear no ill will toward you whatsoever. But what you have done here is wrong and it should be redressed.
Bullmore has been a radical defender of Mahaney. He has repeatedly born false witness by defending him and Sovereign Grace Churches but of course I am the one who is in the wrong. He wants redress for supposed wrongs suffered. Yikes. Instead, I set the record straight. At no point does Bullmore express any concerns for the victims or the cover-up of their abuse. He is only concerned about himself.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 10:03 AM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Cc: Todd Wilhelm tlwdxb@protonmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
You are majoring on minors. “My processing of this issue of payment” is based on historical facts and precedent. I was not “operating with significant misinformation and proceeding as if it is true.” My projections were reasonable and in keeping with past data. Men like you were paid $2,500 for teaching in the PC in 2006. That was 15 years ago. You also told Todd “there was a small uptick several years back.” There is nothing like… Men like R.C. Sproul were paid honoraria of $2,000 [for one message].
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 10:08 AM
To: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
Please read my second paragraph again. You apparently missed a connection there.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 10:10 AM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
Sorry. I sent the below [above email] by accident. Didn’t even realize it. It was a rough draft. I’ll be back to you.
Bullmore is supremely arrogant. He tells me not to respond to his self-justification and unjust condemnation. I send an initial response to him and copy his pastors and elders.
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Friday, February 26, 2021 10:12 AM
To: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
No need. Please save yourself the time. I’d ask you to not email me anymore.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2021 10:38 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Cc: David Daghfal david.daghfal@cwc.church; Jim Dunn jim.dunn@cwc.church; Ryan Fultz Ryan.Fultz@cwc.church; Mark Gunderson mark.gunderson@cwc.church; Chuck Heinrich chuck.heinrich@cwc.church; Bruce Hoffmire Bruce.Hoffmire@cwc.church; Josh Mathews josh.mathews@cwc.church; Steve Moore steve.moore@cwc.church; Bill Nye bill.nye@cwc.church; Jeff Trimark jeff.trimark@cwc.church; Brett Wendle brett.wendle@cwc.church
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
There were so many sinful judgements and careless statements in your initial response to me yesterday. And yet when I expressed my intent to answer, you responded with arrogance and condescension. “No need. Please save yourself the time.” You placed yourself above feedback and correction.
But worse, you asked I not email you anymore. You were cutting me off. That is lording and authoritarianism. You should have invited my response and correction like I have always invited your response and correction.
Mike, you are Sovereign Grace in action and attitude. Abusive, proud, demeaning, and unaccountable. I have copied your elders in hope they will correct you.
I will consider your words further and return to you with a response. Whatever specks in my eye, I hope you will get help to remove the logs in your eyes. The biggest log is your defense and promotion of a man, men, and ministry who have done great evil in the sight of God.
I have copied Todd and blind copied Rachael and one victim all our interaction.
The next day I wrote to Mike asking why he would not talk with me. I was not tracking with his reason and wanted to consider whether I sinned against him.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 1:26 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Subject: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Importance: High
Hello Mike,
In the paragraph below you say, “The actual reason is much more direct and simple.” And yet, you don’t tell me what the actual reason is for not engaging me. I could really use your help. Why won’t you talk to me about the larger issues surrounding SGC? I don’t want to err regarding your motives. I want to know the “direct and simple” reason why you won’t talk to me. I’d sure appreciate a response.
“How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues when you are so careless with the truth about small things? That carelessness is on display, for example, in the errant speculation of the opening paragraph of your email when you make an assertion about my reason for not wanting to engage with you. The actual reason is much more direct and simple. It is wrong of you to assign motives in the absence of evidence.”
Later in the day, I wrote to ask his forgiveness for speculating on his motive. That is, he did not respond because he could not possibly defend them with evidence.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 3:05 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Please forgive me for this statement: “Why do you refuse to interact? Because you cannot possibility defend their evil.” I don’t know the reason you refuse to interact. This private statement was speculative and therefore wrong. I regret making it. Thanks for your correction.
I did not hear back from Mike. I wrote again and copied the pastors and elders. This was in depth response written with a sincere desire to help him. One of his elders responded and said, “the aroma of hell” was on it.
Todd Wilhelm tweeted out a funny photo about it. “Smell from Hell. Unholy Prank Spray.”
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 6:53 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Cc: David Daghfal david.daghfal@cwc.church; Jim Dunn jim.dunn@cwc.church; Ryan Fultz Ryan.Fultz@cwc.church; Mark Gunderson mark.gunderson@cwc.church; Chuck Heinrich chuck.heinrich@cwc.church; Bruce Hoffmire Bruce.Hoffmire@cwc.church; Josh Mathews josh.mathews@cwc.church; Steve Moore steve.moore@cwc.church; Bill Nye bill.nye@cwc.church; Jeff Trimark jeff.trimark@cwc.church; Brett Wendle brett.wendle@cwc.church
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Hi Mike,
I want to help you. That is why I’m writing.
You wrote,
“How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues when you are so careless with the truth about small things?”
I want to address the “small things” that render me untrustworthy “about larger issues” in your judgement. Here is what I wrote about the small things.
“I’d estimate you were paid $1,000 from C.J. for the weekend visit which included your honorarium for preaching. I’d estimate you were paid $3,000 from Jeff for the short week of teaching in the PC.”
In response, you wrote,
“You are operating with significant misinformation and proceeding as if it is true. I received exactly $2,000 for teaching at the PC this year, the exact same amount I receive every year, not the $3000 you are imagining (or the $5000 Todd speculates). … I received $400 for preaching at SGCL, not the $1000 you are imagining.”
I didn’t “imagine” anything. My projections were reasonable and in keeping with past data. Men like you were paid $2,500 for teaching in the PC in 2006. That was 15 years ago. It is a matter of record. You also told Todd Wilhelm “there was a small uptick several years back.”
Furthermore, it is reasonable to assume payments to well-known outside teachers like yourself were increased by $500 over 15 years. That’s an increase of $33.00 or 1.3% a year. I was not “operating with significant misinformation.”
You also say, “I received $400 for preaching at SGCL, not the $1000 you are imagining.” As a matter of fact, C.J. paid $1,000 honorarium to outside celebrity preachers at Covenant Life Church before fleeing to start Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville in 2011.
In addition, you misrepresent what I wrote. I said, “I’d estimate you were paid $1,000 from C.J. for the weekend visit which included your honorarium for preaching.” I didn’t say you were paid a $1,000 honorarium. That was intentional. This too was based on knowledge not “imagining.”
When leaders come in for a weekend visit they do more than preaching on Sunday. They often meet with the pastors or Care Group leaders and often do seminars or outreaches. For this they are paid more. You were there for the weekend. It turns out you spent the extra time with your wife, daughter and son-in-law. That is not typical. My estimate was based upon precedent.
You also wrote,
“Your characterization of teaching at the Pastor’s College being like an ‘all expenses paid vacation’ is really quite ridiculous. Maybe that’s how you saw it when you taught but I take my responsibility of the work of teaching at the PC very seriously.”
Here is what I wrote.
“And of course, the cash payments from C.J. and Jeff don’t include other benefits like gifts, incidentals, entertainment, etc. Bottom line, teaching in the Pastors College is like an all-expenses paid vacation where you return home with a lot more cash in your pocket than when you arrived. It is a plush arrangement and one of the main reasons men are willing to teach in it. It is lucrative. It is fun. It is easy. And the students idolize you while Jeff extols you like he did in your introduction to the class.”
Your mockery is noted: “Your characterization…is really quite ridiculous.” So is your put down: “Maybe that’s how you saw it when you taught.” And finally your comparison: “But I take my responsibility of the work of teaching at the PC very seriously.”
Mike, it was a great joy to teach in the Pastors College. It was a “plush arrangement.” Gift basket, meals, airfare, nice motel, transportation, etc. were all covered. It was also fun. Lots of fun. And it was “easy” once my outlines were fully developed after years of refinement. And since you are wondering, I took my teaching at the PC “very seriously,” like you, not unlike you, as you imply.
There is one dissimilarity between us. It was not “lucrative.” I did not receive payment for teaching in the PC.
You wrote,
“I recognize these are secondary matters compared to the larger issue you raise but something is clearly indicated by your processing of this issue of payment. How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues when you are so careless with the truth about small things?”
This is wrong. “You are so careless with the truth about small things” meaning my “processing of this issue of payment.“ But the process involved reasonable estimates of $1,000 for a weekend visit and $3,000 for teaching at the Pastors College. These estimates were based on known figures from the past and projected increases over 15 years. There was nothing “clearly indicated” or “so careless” about my figures.
But you go further in your condemnation. “How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues.” That is about the systematic [systemic] corruption surrounding C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Ministries that I have carefully documented since July 2011 including the conspiracy to commit and cover up the sexual abuse of children.
Here’s how I can be trusted. Read my evidentiary writings. The truth is plain and the facts undeniable. For instance, here is the first article I sent you in 2013.
An Appeal to 77 National Leaders Regarding C.J. Mahaney
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 at 5:38PM
And since then I have sent you thousands of pages of evidence.
100 Articles from 2012-2018 on the Conspiracy to Commit & Cover Up the Sexual Abuse of Children in Sovereign Grace Ministries
Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 11:05AM
Oh Mike, my writings are grounded in documentation justly presented in meticulous detail. That is manifestly evident to all who read them.
That was true with The Documents in July 2011. As a result, 40 churches, 100 pastors, 12,000 members left back then. And that is true regarding my coverage of sexual abuse. That is why pastors, churches, and people continue to leave.
Mike, your guilt in defending and promoting C.J. and Sovereign Grace Churches is greater than any other outside leader. Though you never joined, you’ve been involved with Sovereign Grace for 20 years. You personally knew most of the top leaders and pastors and are well aware the vast majority left Sovereign Grace. You could call Dave Harvey, Joshua Harris, Paul Buckley, Phil Sasser, Mark Mullery, Craig Cabaniss, Robin Boisvert and many others to learn of their experience with C.J. and his surrogates like Mickey Connolly. You could also talk to victims, their families, Rachael Denhollander, Al Mohler, and myself.
Mike, your lesser to greater argument is baseless; but even if it were true, no one in their right mind would mindlessly dismiss my entire body of work as untrustworthy. Each article should be judged on its own merits.
Let me illustrate. Speaking of your $2,000 payment for teaching in the Pastors College, you said, “What I am paid is well within appropriate standards.” That is a careless statement. You are applying a payment standard to the PC that is false. No one is paid $2,000 for teaching ten students for 3½ days in a ten-month Bible school that awards no degrees. You are untrustworthy in a small thing.
Therefore, using your logic, what you preached at Sovereign Grace Church of Louisville on justification (a greater thing) should be rejected as untrustworthy.
Similarly, Jeff told the church in his introduction of you that he led the Pastors College in 1998.
“After I began leading the Pastors College in 1998, Mike was the first instructor I invited to teach.”
That is a careless statement. An untrue statement. I led the PC in 1998-1999. I had Jeff teach seven courses that academic year. Would you like to see the catalog? And of course, there were other outside teachers before you like Jerry Bridges, David Powlison, and Wayne Grudem.
Therefore, using your logic, since Jeff is wrong about his personal history, maybe he is wrong about Christ’s history. Maybe Jesus didn’t rise from the dead. How can we trust his scholarship when we can’t trust his narrative? I think the Pastors College should be shut down! Of course, I’m being facetious.
Mike, you are straining out gnats and swallowing a camel! You dismiss 11 years (from 2010 to date) of careful research and painstaking writing because my estimates were “so careless.” And yet this work catalogs and exposes the most serious of sin by men who were my close friends.
For over a decade (from 2000-2011), we formally addressed issues with C.J. in private. Finally, I was forced to go public with The Documents. We were too patient. Too kind. Too forgiving. Too cowardly. Those were our faults.
Further, you dismiss me because I sinfully judged you. For this I hope you will forgive me. I also hope you will tell me why you won’t engage me. I want to understand your motive. And lastly, I hope you will respond to God with input from your elders. Your sin against me does not compare to your sin against Christ.
Here’s what I wrote you. I have not heard back.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 1:26 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Subject: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Importance: High
Hello Mike,
In the paragraph below you say, “The actual reason is much more direct and simple.” And yet, you don’t tell me what the actual reason is for not engaging me. I could really use your help. Why won’t you talk to me about the larger issues surrounding SGC? I don’t want to err regarding your motives. I want to know the “direct and simple” reason why you won’t talk to me. I’d sure appreciate a response.
“How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues when you are so careless with the truth about small things? That carelessness is on display, for example, in the errant speculation of the opening paragraph of your email when you make an assertion about my reason for not wanting to engage with you. The actual reason is much more direct and simple. It is wrong of you to assign motives in the absence of evidence.”
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2021 3:05 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Please forgive me for this statement: “Why do you refuse to interact? Because you cannot possibility defend their evil.” I don’t know the reason you refuse to interact. This private statement was speculative and therefore wrong. I regret making it. Thanks for your correction.
I have also written you about “sinful judgements and careless statements” but most seriously about your “abusive, proud, demeaning, and unaccountable” “action and attitude.”
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2021 10:38 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Cc: David Daghfal david.daghfal@cwc.church; Jim Dunn jim.dunn@cwc.church; Ryan Fultz Ryan.Fultz@cwc.church; Mark Gunderson mark.gunderson@cwc.church; Chuck Heinrich chuck.heinrich@cwc.church; Bruce Hoffmire Bruce.Hoffmire@cwc.church; Josh Mathews josh.mathews@cwc.church; Steve Moore steve.moore@cwc.church; Bill Nye bill.nye@cwc.church; Jeff Trimark jeff.trimark@cwc.church; Brett Wendle brett.wendle@cwc.church
Subject: RE: Your support of C.J. Mahaney/Sovereign Grace Churches
There were so many sinful judgements and careless statements in your initial response to me yesterday. And yet when I expressed my intent to answer, you responded with arrogance and condescension. “No need. Please save yourself the time.” You placed yourself above feedback and correction.
But worse, you asked I not email you anymore. You were cutting me off. That is lording and authoritarianism. You should have invited my response and correction like I have always invited your response and correction.
Mike, you are Sovereign Grace in action and attitude. Abusive, proud, demeaning, and unaccountable. I have copied your elders in hope they will correct you.
I will consider your words further and return to you with a response. Whatever specks in my eye, I hope you will get help to remove the logs in your eyes. The biggest log is your defense and promotion of a man, men and ministry who have done great evil in the sight of God.
I have copied Todd and blind copied Rachael [Denhollander] and one victim [Heather Thompson Bryant] all our interaction.
Moreover, I am familiar with your underhanded ways. For example, your letter to C.J. in January 2005 about my motives and message at Celebration Orlando on “Seven Reasons for Advocating the Gift of Tongues.”
In that message, I gave seven reasons from Scripture for the widespread experience of tongues then and therefore now. I also addressed cessationists’ arguments that tongues (and other gifts) ceased with the death of the apostles or completion of the canon. You charged my “thought and attitude” was no “small mistake.”
Yet, you did not come to me as Scripture commands. You went to C.J. You went to Jeff. Thankfully, C.J. forwarded me the letter and asked for my feedback. I was able to correct your misrepresentations. Here is some of what you said.
“I found myself frequently thinking that some of the points Brent was making were not sound or internally consistent. … I was somewhat troubled by what I perceived as a somewhat sarcastic, perhaps even a bit self-righteous tone both in the content and the actual tone of voice in comments at both the beginning of the message and the end. … The mistake here is pretty clear and I don’t think it is a small mistake. It’s a mistake of both thought and attitude. … When I first heard that--both the words and the tone of voice--my first thought was, “Whoa, what’s behind that?”… Apart from the tone issue, the error here is one of false polarization. … If it is of value could you forward a copy to Jeff. (He’s aware of it--we had a good talk earlier today during which I mentioned this to him.)”
Of course, you were bringing to bear upon my message your interpretive biases and theological presuppositions. But worse, you did not represent my exegetical arguments to C.J. in an accurate manner. You twisted them and misunderstood them.
You did the same with my comments about cessationists. I would gladly have heard you and debated you from Scripture. We had a relationship. You could have come to me or written me (or us). Instead, you operated behind my back.
Tragically, there is no longer a significant charismatic dimension in Sovereign Grace. The gifts have been quenched. The fire has gone out. A hermeneutic of doubt and minimalization has been introduced. Pleasing cessationists like John MacArthur has replaced pleasing the charismatic Christ.
But here is the real question! Everything above is irrelevant by comparison. How can you be trusted about larger things like lording, corruption, and sexual abuse in SGC, when you dismiss them because of smaller things like estimates on your payments and a sinful judgement. For that the Lord will surely hold you to account. You stumble over pebbles but not over boulders.
You are doing what C.J. and SGM have done from the beginning. Discredit by all means the messenger in order to discredit the message. For example, the week before I sent out The Documents, C.J., Jeff, and Dave Harvey were telling me how incredibly beneficial they were to them. The next day, they publicly dammed me as a gossip and slanderer for those very documents. It was hideous. Tens of thousands of people saw through their treachery as the documents went viral.
You seek to expose foibles to discredit me while you ignore crimes committed by C.J., John, and Gary.
C.J. was a mandatory reporter. He repeatedly broke the law. I believe John Loftness is a sexual sadist based upon the testimony of three witnesses.
This is hypocrisy of the worst kind. In all our interaction, you never once showed any concern for the wellbeing of victims in SGC and never once expressed any concern for the evil done by abusers and co-conspirators in SGC.
You defend, promote, and advance men who are guilty of crimes and abuses.
At this point I am accidentally included on a response by Chuck Heinrich. He is one of the elders at Crossway Community Church. His attitude is much like Bullmore’s though he goes a step further. My efforts to help them are hellish. For their “health and ministry well being” he suggests I be blocked.
He is a worthless elder in terms of godly leadership in this matter. He too has no interest in the truth. His pride goes before his fall. The Lord exposes his words and attitude. I write him.
From: Chuck Heinrich chuck.heinrich@cwc.church
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 3Reason:13 AM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church; abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Cc: David Daghfal david.daghfal@cwc.church; Jim Dunn jim.dunn@cwc.church; Ryan Fultz Ryan.Fultz@cwc.church; Mark Gunderson mark.gunderson@cwc.church; Bruce Hoffmire Bruce.Hoffmire@cwc.church; Josh Mathews josh.mathews@cwc.church; Steve Moore steve.moore@cwc.church; Bill Nye bill.nye@cwc.church; Jeff Trimark jeff.trimark@cwc.church; Brett Wendle brett.wendle@cwc.church
Subject: Re: What Is the Actual for Not Talking?
Hi guys.
This is a huge distraction, to say the least, that has the aroma of hell on it. For our health and ministry well being should we all set up our emails to block Brent’s future emails?
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 2:49 PM
To: Chuck Heinrich chuck.heinrich@cwc.church
Cc: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church; David Daghfal david.daghfal@cwc.church; Jim Dunn jim.dunn@cwc.church; Ryan Fultz Ryan.Fultz@cwc.church; Mark Gunderson mark.gunderson@cwc.church; Bruce Hoffmire Bruce.Hoffmire@cwc.church; Josh Mathews josh.mathews@cwc.church; Steve Moore steve.moore@cwc.church; Bill Nye bill.nye@cwc.church; Jeff Trimark jeff.trimark@cwc.church; Brett Wendle brett.wendle@cwc.church
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Hi Chuck,
Please don’t view this matter as a “huge distraction.” It is a kind providence from the Lord. He has graciously made you aware of the serious and long term issues with C.J. and SGC. He is reaching out to you.
Your “health and ministry well-being” are why I have written you. First for Mike, then you the elders, and also the church. Defending and promoting those who have done great evil results in God’s discipline and opposition.
The truth about which I’ve written does not have “the aroma of hell on it.” It has the approbation of heaven on it. Not because I am righteous but because the things about which I have written are true and just.
If you want to read something with “the aroma of hell on it,” read the Second Amended Complaint; that is, the 3rd edition of the lawsuit against C.J. and SGC with 10 victims & 1 sibling of a victim as plaintiffs. The crimes committed against them were hellish. So was the cover up of those crimes. Here is a link to the lawsuit. second+amended+sgm+lawsuit.pdf (sqspcdn.com)
You are welcome to block me. I’ve done my part before the Lord and in obedience to Scripture (Matt. 18:15-17; 1 Tim. 5:19-21). Mike needs to be reproved but it appears that won’t be coming from the eldership if you are representative of the others. My efforts smell like hell to you. I’d submit that is a careless word.
I don’t intend to email you again about this matter. I do hope to receive an [email] from the elders that you corrected Mike and he responded in humility. Further, that you have instructed him to withdraw his support from C.J. Mahaney, Jeff Purswell, and Sovereign Grace Churches until they embrace an independent investigation. That is what Ravi Zacharias International Ministries did. That is what J.D. Greear is doing at The Summit Church in NC. Others have and are doing the same. I hope you follow their example.
May the fragrance of heaven rest upon you in his mercy and kindness.
As you might imagine I never heard from Chuck or the elders. No one repents. Their support for SGM continues. Mike goes unconfronted. They do not call for an independent investigation.
At this point, Bullmore writes but only to forgive me.
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 3:13 PM
To: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Thank you for this apology. I forgive you.
From: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Sent: Wednesday, March 3, 2021 3:14 PM
To: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Thanks for forgiving my sin.
The next day, Mike writes to ask my forgiveness for two lesser issues. One “inadvertent” and “careless.” The other for a “sinful edge.” There is no asking of forgiveness for his main charge.
“I recognize these are secondary matters compared to the larger issue you raise [i.e., the sexual abuse of children and its cover-up] but something is clearly indicated by your processing of this issue of payment. How can you be trusted with the truth about larger issues when you are so careless with the truth about small things?”
There is also a denial of lording and a request not to email him again.
From: Mike Bullmore mike.bullmore@cwc.church
Sent: Thursday, March 4, 2021 7:58 AM
To: Brent Detwiler abrentdetwiler@gmail.com
Subject: RE: What Is the Actual Reason for Not Talking?
Now it’s my turn to apologize and ask for your forgiveness. I inadvertently confused your language with Todd’s when I used the word “imagining.” I thought I remembered you using that word but it was Todd who did. That was careless of me. Please forgive me for that and for what it implied about you. I also want to ask your forgiveness for my statement “Maybe that’s how you saw it when you taught but I take my responsibility of the work of teaching at the PC very seriously.” There was a sinful edge to that for which I am sorry. I did find myself genuinely surprised that you would say what you said about teaching at the PC being like an all-expenses paid vacation. That seemed to me to be a serious misrepresentation. But it was wrong of me to use your words against you the way I did. Please forgive me for that.
I would like this to be my last email to you and I would ask you again to kindly not email me further. There is no “lording” in my heart in that at all. Just a simple request.
I have continued to send Mike incontrovertible evidence over the past 20 months. Here are a few of the articles I’ve sent him.
UPDATED: Hush Fund Used by Top Sovereign Grace Leaders to Meet the Demands of a Sovereign Grace Pastor Whose Son Was Sexually Abused
Saturday, April 10, 2021 at 8:13PM
The Conspiracy to Cover Up the Sexual Abuse of Children Under C.J. Mahaney Grows as Shannon Truesdale Comes Forward to Tell Story of Abuse by Her Father & Sister
Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 12:18PM
The Lars Liebeler “Independent” Investigation of Sexual Abuse at Covenant Life Church Finally Exposed as Utterly Corrupt Based on Never Seen Before Transcripts. C.J. Mahaney’s Claim of Vindication Another Great Deception.
Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 2:02PM
Never Released Before Correspondence with Olivia Llewellyn Provides Additional Evidence of Abuse by Her Parents & Its Cover-Up by C.J. Mahaney & Joshua Harris
Friday, June 4, 2021 at 4:49PM
Mahaney Indoctrinates Followers with Bogus Belief The Documents Were a “Slander Storm” from Satan Designed to Devour Him Like a Prowling Lion
Saturday, April 15, 2023 at 7:32PM
The Sexual Assault of Teenage Girl by Executive Pastor’s Son at Sovereign Grace Church of Marlton, NJ
Friday, August 25, 2023 at 3:33PM
No one with integrity who has read the evidence could possibly defend or support C.J. and SGC. The same absence of integrity is present in those who refuse to study the evidence and choose to support C.J. and SGC in ignorance.
Finally, in all the correspondence above, Mike Bullmore shows absolutely no concern for the victims of sexual abuse, no interest in the truth about the cover-up, and no willingness to pursue justice by calling for an independent investigation. Rather he is singularly concerned for how he feels misrepresented. That is called narcissism.
Moreover, his purpose is to disparage me as false witness in order to dismiss my extensive work over the last 12 years which is based on personal records (e.g. thousands of emails), eye witness testimony (e.g. court transcripts), primary source material (e.g. police reports), audio recordings of “closed” meetings, personal interviews with victims, etc.
In this way he is employing the same tactic used by C.J. Mahaney and Sovereign Grace Churches since I sent out The Documents in July 2011. Go after gnats. Swallow camels. Jesus pronounced a woe of judgement upon such hypocritical leaders who major on minors. I think I smell the aroma of hell.
Matthew 23:23-24 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you tithe mint and dill and cumin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faithfulness. These you ought to have done, without neglecting the others. You blind guides, straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel!
Mike is concerned about honorarium amounts in the Pastors College. He is not concerned about sexual abuse in Sovereign Grace Churches.